Dum Shiny
I'm about to be labeled an "Obama supporter again" (if you haven't noticed that what happens around here when you make any contrary or legal arguments while still supporting the same goal...which is why I barely post...shyt look in this very thread), but I can't agree with your line of thought. There are infinite reasons why someone who is a spy would act contrary to what we would believe. History is riddled with examples of the public catching onto the motivations of individuals until files are declassified like 30 years later. Personally, I don't know is motivations, and I doubt he's a spy but I won't pretend that there's a definitive line of reasoning that makes it entirely improbable. We don't know everything about what he had access to and what his value would be overall. But I doubt he's a spy, but they're just that. I think you're missing the contradiction in you and TUH (especially) him claiming that his character doesn't matter and that people trying to tear down his character are speculating and trying to divert from the main issues, while defending a portion of his character based on the same unsubstantiated conjecture.
I see your point.
Though I will say that I'm not attempting to defend his character, just trying to analyze his actions. Going on that, it's highly (HIGHLY) improbable that he's a Chinese spy, but as you say, there are things that we don't know that could be deeply influencing what he's been doing. But I will say that saying definitively that Snowden's a spy based on what we know is still deeply stupid.