Ya in african studies they talk about how the berber gave the arabs the blues. I hate how the arabs show their empire on graphs like they just swarmed africa, but all african muslims know the real story, the arabs didn't go dominate north africa and then trickle down into west africa and south europe. They spent 100 years trying to dominate berbers and berbers gave them the bizness. eventually the arabs were on some
"take my daughter pls we are brothers" type shyt, and then the berbers realized that islam was a civilized culture that would benefit them. after that upper class business started, trades etc. once the berbers got 'enlightened' they started conquering their neighbors and spreading islam, south europe and west africa.
cacs dont like that very much, so they try to tie berbers to them, when berbers are very much africans, they are just lightskin because of their diet. just like bushmen are lightskin with asian looking eyes, they evolved that way because they live in an orange desert. windy desert = asian like eyes. its all evolution on why they look the way they do, not conquest. western blacks no longer look like east african blacks because of the same thing, the jungle and extreme heat changed their features to what it is today, in fact, the west/central bantu look is the last feature, yet we try to use that as a marker for all of what is africa, its stupid. berbers are native, they dont have to look like us to prove it.