I did, and I stand by it. It's a full circle conclusion to the events in MoS. Also, it allowed for Zod to return in come capacity, while also giving Lex lethal weapon against Superman. It also enhances the future plot of the Kryptonian ship capabilities, which were used to resurrect Superman. Its cyclical storytelling.
The crux of these arguments for why these ideas are good is what COULD happen. Lets stick to what we actually saw and the execution. There was literally not a hint of Zod in Doomsday,were you excited to see the return of his corpse? Can you honestly say that Doomsday didn't look like pure garbage? Was the fight scene great other than Wonder Woman saving it with a cameo? And was Supermans death emotional or a great payoff whatsoever? I agree there is a cycle of mediocre storytelling. This universe fell apart after the first half of MOS and hasn't recovered. More specefically the second Lois Lane was introduced,its been in shambles