Can it be verses from the last decade spat by classic artists?
But seriously, "classic" is the most abused word on music forums. I don't even need a "classic" verse, just post me a verse from Kendrick that makes me say "wow, this dude can't be fukked with on the mic, his lyricism is top tier". Kendrick is great at painting pictures over the course of a whole song/album. That makes him a great songwriter in my eyes but individually his verses ain't the lyrical superiority dudes claiming it to be. I need to see that verse with lines that made you go "damn, rewind that back

Hov's verse on this...
Would meet the top tier lyricists standard

I didn't wanna cite this verse cuz it would open a can of worms but...
WHOEVER WROTE THIS VERSE FOR OL' BOY is a fukking problem. Kendrick has way more substance than most of his peers in subject matter but he ain't spitting like this on average...
Also the 2nd verse on here by Lupe
Just an example of some high caliber verses that got acclaim within the past 5-6 years.