Now that the dust has settled, can someone explain to me why TFA is considered a good movie when it

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Attack of the Clones is an absolutely terrible movie :heh:

Parts, yes.

Parts of it are much better than anything in TFA.

Dooku and the Separatists > First Order

Jango Fett > Captain Phasma

Anakin and Obi Wan > Rey and Finn

If that movie had one more rewrite it would've been better written as well.

I refuse to give TFA credit for most of the shyt y'all would praise it for.

"I don't like sand" > "Do you have a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?"


May 1, 2012
I think it's worse than the prequels for the simple fact it's so safe and so generic that it's mind numbingly stupid. It's offensive on how bland it is. They didn't even attempt to make a good film. Just a safe, "fun" cash grab to appease the mouth breathers.

No surprise the same posters that adore marvel films like this trash :russ:


Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
I think it's worse than the prequels for the simple fact it's so safe and so generic that it's mind numbingly stupid. It's offensive on how bland it is. They didn't even attempt to make a good film. Just a safe, "fun" cash grab to appease the mouth breathers.

No surprise the same posters that adore marvel films like this trash :russ:
mindless drivel

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Parts, yes.

Parts of it are much better than anything in TFA.

Dooku and the Separatists > First Order

Jango Fett > Captain Phasma

Anakin and Obi Wan > Rey and Finn

If that movie had one more rewrite it would've been better written as well.

I refuse to give TFA credit for most of the shyt y'all would praise it for.

"I don't like sand" > "Do you have a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?"

Just the parts that include dialogue, acting, character, story :heh:

Dooku & the Separtists were half-baked with vague motivations. What was the trade federation set to gain by dealing with Sidius again? Why did Padme assume Dooku was behind the assassination attempt? Dooku "tempting" Obi-Wan was laughable and not built upon either.

Jango Fett at least did things, I'll give you that. He's also a bounty hunter (assassin) that hired another bounty hunter (assassin) to kill Padme, tells BH#2 "don't make a mistake this time" or something, and ends up killing BH#2 with a dart from 300' away. And who could forget the "intense" scene of Slave 1 chasing Obi-Wan in the asteroid field, shooting 2/200 from 50' away

Anakin & Obi-Wan, in the height of their friendship, and Anakin is nothing but an a$$hole to Obi-Wan, while constantly complaining about him and throwing temper tantrums. Their jokes to each other fall flat, and there is nothing here that reflects what was said in the OT. Obi-Wan also gets schooled by an 8 year old.

The romance in AotC is probably the worst in film history. Finn able to flirt without coming across like an MRA pedophile >>>

And then we have such magical moments as Obi-Wan visiting a 50s Diner, and Jar Jar Binks becoming a senator and basically creating the Empire


May 2, 2012
I don't think you understand what ironic means.

BVS wasn't some safe retread. Wether you liked or hated bvs is irrelevant.

The film's and their aims are nothing alike.

BVS attempted to do something different than current comic films and took risks all over. They tried for a home run and missed.

The force awakens didn't try to do anything other than pander to overgrown children by being a safe boring remake.

BVS has literally nothing to do with this film and they're nothing alike. Your just pandering for daps like a child from the Disney stan base on here.

A more appropriate response would be making fun of him if he liked age of ultron which was basically the same film as avengers 1 just remixed.

:mjlol: Further proving the theory that BvS stans didn't even watch that movie.

Took risks? Do something different? All that movie does is soulessly rip off Dark Knight Returns and Death of Superman, and manages to fukk up both.

What "risk" did they take? Introducing the Justice League in a fukking email? :mjlol:

Niqqa You Gay

You fakkit coli nikkas disgust me
Sep 26, 2012
:mjlol: Further proving the theory that BvS stans didn't even watch that movie.

Took risks? Do something different? All that movie does is soulessly rip off Dark Knight Returns and Death of Superman, and manages to fukk up both.

What "risk" did they take? Introducing the Justice League in a fukking email? :mjlol:
It was dark though. Movies based on cartoon men in tights aren't supposed to have any silliness and comedy :troll:
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Dooku & the Separtists were half-baked with vague motivations. What was the trade federation set to gain by dealing with Sidius again? Why did Padme assume Dooku was behind the assassination attempt? Dooku "tempting" Obi-Wan was laughable and not built upon either.

Jango Fett at least did things, I'll give you that. He's also a bounty hunter (assassin) that hired another bounty hunter (assassin) to kill Padme, tells BH#2 "don't make a mistake this time" or something, and ends up killing BH#2 with a dart from 300' away. And who could forget the "intense" scene of Slave 1 chasing Obi-Wan in the asteroid field, shooting 2/200 from 50' away

Anakin & Obi-Wan, in the height of their friendship, and Anakin is nothing but an a$$hole to Obi-Wan, while constantly complaining about him and throwing temper tantrums. Their jokes to each other fall flat, and there is nothing here that reflects what was said in the OT. Obi-Wan also gets schooled by an 8 year old.

The romance in AotC is probably the worst in film history. Finn able to flirt without coming across like an MRA pedophile >>>

And then we have such magical moments as Obi-Wan visiting a 50s Diner, and Jar Jar Binks becoming a senator and basically creating the Empire

- The Trade Federation didn't know they were working for Sidious. Dooku convinced them that he would destroy him (as he tells Obi Wan).
- Padme thought it was Dooku....because it was Dooku. She was right. Dooku was working with people who tried offing her in the first movie so how is that a stretch. The Naboo dude even brings up how ridiculous it is that Nute Gunray is still free.
- Fett vs Obi at least we had a space fight.
- ANAKIN /Obi. Yeah teenagers NEVER rebel against their mentors/father figures, especially not when their fathers keep telling them to study and not focus on girls. Where does George get this stuff from :troll:

The romance I agree with. Also the Jar Jar shyt.

The Separatists are half-baked as opposed to the First Order? What was the deal between The First Order and The New Republic? Owyeah it was a novel. The Separatist movement was set up in Episode I, there's literally nothing vague about why they don't like being controlled by the Republic.

Lmao at making fun of the diner scene, can we mention the absolute cantina ripoff from TFA?

This is what I mean, Clones was far from perfect but at least they tried new shyt. I'm not giving TFA props because they had the sense to copy a movie that's better than Episode II.

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
- The Trade Federation didn't know they were working for Sidious. Dooku convinced them that he would destroy him (as he tells Obi Wan).
- Padme thought it was Dooku....because it was Dooku. She was right. Dooku was working with people who tried offing her in the first movie so how is that a stretch. The Naboo dude even brings up how ridiculous it is that Nute Gunray is still free.
- Fett vs Obi at least we had a space fight.
- ANAKIN /Obi. Yeah teenagers NEVER rebel against their mentors/father figures, especially not when their fathers keep telling them to study and not focus on girls. Where does George get this stuff from :troll:

The romance I agree with. Also the Jar Jar shyt.

The Separatists are half-baked as opposed to the First Order? What was the deal between The First Order and The New Republic? Owyeah it was a novel. The Separatist movement was set up in Episode I, there's literally nothing vague about why they don't like being controlled by the Republic.

Lmao at making fun of the diner scene, can we mention the absolute cantina ripoff from TFA?

This is what I mean, Clones was far from perfect but at least they tried new shyt. I'm not giving TFA props because they had the sense to copy a movie that's better than Episode II.

The trade federation were taking orders from Sidius in TPM, and even mentioned/showed his apprentice Darth Maul. Why were they in league with Sidius? What were they gaining by the exciting trade dispute/blockage? Why was Gunray arrested and then randomly appears again in the next movie?

Padme had no reason to tie it all the way back to a new character we haven't seen/heard. And then the Jedi just dismiss it because "it's not in his character". It was just lazy Lucas writing to show that an old Jedi is now a bad guy.

The First Order are remnants of the Empire that want to continue their ideals: fukk up the Jedi, embrace the dark side, kill Luke Skywalker, control the galaxy.

Can we mention the cantina ripoff in AOTC, that includes robot football, prostitutes, a dude selling cigarettes, and a callback to slicing off an arm, even though it makes no sense for the bounty hunter that can change it's face to attack a Jedi instead of just escaping? Oh, and Anakin Skywalker: Space Cop

Tried, and failed at every aspect.


Jul 26, 2014
I actually liked the movie, but anybody saying it isn't a rehash is on bullshyt.

Disney/Lucasfilm basically chose the path of least resistance with this. People hated the prequels, so they did everything they could to make TFA as close to the originals as possible, and it worked.

Reality is, they could've dropped pretty much any flick. As long as it was reminiscent of the OT and satisfied the :flabbynsick: fanboys nostalgia, people would've dikkrode it regardless. The fact that this movie has a 92% on RT says it all :mjlol:

With that being said, it's too early to judge the entire trilogy.

TFA did what it was supposed to do. They got the fanbase back invested after the prequels turned alot of people off (I liked em but a lot of people didn't :manny:) The way the trilogy goes will be determined by ep 8.

If it can be innovative and go in a direction we haven't seen in Star Wars then the trilogy will probably be amazing, but if it's another half baked rehash like TFA then I won't fukk with it.