Now tell me Black men being emasculated is a conspiracy and all in my head..


May 1, 2012
What weak trolling shyt? Why is it not a legitimate question to ask why you all are so obsessed with this gay shyt? Most of us agree that men shouldn't be wearing skirts, I've literally said that in ever thread concerning the topic, but it's you nikkaz in here MAD AS fukk about something that has nothing to do with you. We don't have to stay out of any threads, this is a discussion board, if you don't like the fact that not everybody is going to agree with you then go cry in a corner you punk bytch :camby:
I'm not crying about anything I'm simply calling a fakkit a fakkit. You asked me a questioned and I answered your bytchass. You wanted to know how you're defending the agenda to effeminization black men and I just told how you're doing it. You run your fakkitass in hear trying to deflect and derail the conversation. The only person who's obsessed is you. No, "why do you care" is not a legitimate question. Why do you care why we care? Go tend to your boyfriend you DL son of a bytch.


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Black people gotta look out for Numero Uno... but most of yall would rather be like this nikka.

Life made easy.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Shaming tactics :banderas:

You deserve to be shamed. Every single thread by you revolves around your hate for females and your fear of getting cooties from gays or being turned gay by emasculation, you're weak :mjpls:


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
I'm not crying about anything I'm simply calling a fakkit a fakkit. You asked me a questioned and I answered your bytchass. You wanted to know how you're defending the agenda to effeminization black men and I just told how you're doing it. You run your fakkitass in hear trying to deflect and derail the conversation. The only person who's obsessed is you. No, "why do you care" is not a legitimate question. Why do you care why we care? Go tend to your boyfriend you DL son of a bytch.

Wow, good one. Look at you mad as fukk and you have nothing to argue except that I'm gay. Well thought out response :heh:


Sep 14, 2013
You deserve to be shamed. Every single thread by you revolves around your hate for females and your fear of getting cooties from gays or being turned gay by emasculation, you're weak :mjpls:
Nope. :umad:

one. I hate Black feminist because they are anti-black men.

two. I don't agree with Black men being portrayed as feminine.

Of course you would have a problem with me because your a fakkit. :mjlol:


May 1, 2012
Wow, good one. Look at you mad as fukk and you have nothing to argue except that I'm gay. Well thought out response :heh:
You could never make me mad ya ankle grabbing b*stard. Obviously you want some attention though so let me give your limp wristed ass some.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Nope. :umad:

one. I hate Black feminist because they are anti-black men.

two. I don't agree with Black men being portrayed as feminine.

Of course you would have a problem with me because your a fakkit. :mjlol:

That's a lot of concern for other men.


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
This nikka spewed some long ass diatribe and is arguing about some whole other topic. shyt is not about being gay or being compelled to suck dikk or grown ass men losing their masculinity because they see a picture. Way to stay on topic here. You're talking about pattern interrupt... masculinity isn't just a social construct it is also a biological one. You wanna talk about pattern interrupts and shyt, keep pretending to know what the fukk you're talking about. We're talking about certain images that are being associated with the black man and their portrayl in the media, and one of these portrayls is a feminine one. If you're gay you're gay and that's fine... but these are supposedly straight men eating the cheese and down to put these images out there knowing the whole world is watching them. You got damn near most black cats in hollywood c00ning out here fukking with dresses at some point in their careers but that's ok. Grown ass men's masculinity is firmly rooted in place and not going to change... yet for some reason you think that this can't affect developing minds? You nikkaz are funny with your laissez-faire attitudes and would literally defend anything without thinking for yourselves. If you wanna go defend scumbags and scumbag shyt... go become a criminal defense attorney. I'm convince some of you play devils advocate just because. Obviously a lot of us are not THAT influenced we're not wearing skirts... yet you have dudes with large audiences who are being influenced and subsequently influencing others... namely children.

honestly I don't give a fukk about your opposing viewpoint and give two hits about polarizing nikkaz who wanna go along to get along. That's weak to me, the only thing that's all in people's heads is the thought that things like this aren't really happening... that's a fukking dream for suckers. If anything an opposing viewpoint is healthy and will bring about constructive conclusions. Cats like you are a dime a dozen because you're scared of the possibility that dudes like me are saying is true bc that would mean that things just aren't hunky dory and it would involve an actual resistance/fight.

and stop bringing up the whole images are gonna transform straight adults to gay argument... arguing on the basis of a premise that's completely false.

nikka why are you acting like the media is supposed to portray black men in a certain light? It's all in your head that Hollywood and the Jews that control it are supposed to do what you think is right. Then for you to go on to defend the social construct of masculinity that was given to you by the slave owners who brought you here as a template for the behavior all men must follow to validate their sense of self shows me most nikkas are still owned. The black males masculinity in the western world today follows the same guidelines of slavery. Don't cry when your wife and children are ripped out of your grasp or ****** you'll be whipped good. Showing any signs of overwhelming joy or moving your body in any other way I tell you to will get you killed. You stay strong and you work and you don't give a damn about anything other than what you're told to.

If you think the black mans idea of masculinity doesn't already come from a place of massive brainwashing and emasculation then you are a damn fool. You're trying to hold on to a sense of self you never gave yourself. Your ideas of fashion and acceptable behaviors were given to you by the slave owner and when he set you free he made you emulate what to do in order to get a check from his banks and go learn from his universities. You have no idea what being a man means outside of the western breadwinner framework. Yet you cling to this role, given to you centuries ago to keep you disconnected from anything that might resemble the original black mans purpose. You're still looking at suits and heels as proper fashion, both originating in European fashion houses to give you your own reflection. Then you nikkas wanna talk about what the black man is supposed to look like? You'd never walk around wrapped in a cloth like the massai tribe in Kenya because that's too black for you. That's some ole African shyt. Your oppressor owns you and looking at the way all of you desperately cling to maintain the status he told you was appropriate you only want to appear to escape.

Dont ever come at me with your bullshyt about emasculation when you protect the original blueprint meant to steal your black identity the first time around. Your forefathers wore little clothes and robes and skirts and would beat your ass for ever disrespecting the garments. But you wanna give all that to the Greeks and Romans and dismiss it as homosexual. You'd rather be comfortable in Levi's or dress in homage to the tailors of saville row who fitted the elite cacs who tell you what to be and how to be it. Tricking yourself into thinking these ideas were ever yours like there was nothing before it even greater means the agenda is working perfectly. You're just caught up in a delusion that heels or suits or anything else makes it different. FOH


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
You could never make me mad ya ankle grabbing b*stard. Obviously you want some attention though so let me give your limp wristed ass some.

Word? So your only response to us asking why YOU are obsessed with gay shyt is that WE'RE homosexuals. Those reasoning skills :ohlawd:


Sep 14, 2013
nikka why are you acting like the media is supposed to portray black men in a certain light? It's all in your head that Hollywood and the Jews that control it are supposed to do what you think is right. Then for you to go on to defend the social construct of masculinity that was given to you by the slave owners who brought you here as a template for the behavior all men must follow to validate their sense of self shows me most nikkas are still owned. The black males masculinity in the western world today follows the same guidelines of slavery. Don't cry when your wife and children are ripped out of your grasp or ****** you'll be whipped good. Showing any signs of overwhelming joy or moving your body in any other way I tell you to will get you killed. You stay strong and you work and you don't give a damn about anything other than what you're told to.

If you think the black mans idea of masculinity doesn't already come from a place of massive brainwashing and emasculation then you are a damn fool. You're trying to hold on to a sense of self you never gave yourself. Your ideas of fashion and acceptable behaviors were given to you by the slave owner and when he set you free he made you emulate what to do in order to get a check from his banks and go learn from his universities. You have no idea what being a man means outside of the western breadwinner framework. Yet you cling to this role, given to you centuries ago to keep you disconnected from anything that might resemble the original black mans purpose. You're still looking at suits and heels as proper fashion, both originating in European fashion houses to give you your own reflection. Then you nikkas wanna talk about what the black man is supposed to look like? You'd never walk around wrapped in a cloth like the massai tribe in Kenya because that's too black for you. That's some ole African shyt. Your oppressor owns you and looking at the way all of you desperately cling to maintain the status he told you was appropriate you only want to appear to escape.

Dont ever come at me with your bullshyt about emasculation when you protect the original blueprint meant to steal your black identity the first time around. Your forefathers wore little clothes and robes and skirts and would beat your ass for ever disrespecting the garments. But you wanna give all that to the Greeks and Romans and dismiss it as homosexual. You'd rather be comfortable in Levi's or dress in homage to the tailors of saville row who fitted the elite cacs who tell you what to be and how to be it. Tricking yourself into thinking these ideas were ever yours like there was nothing before it even greater means the agenda is working perfectly. You're just caught up in a delusion that heels or suits or anything else makes it different. FOH

So Black men from the motherland, would support men wearing female clothing like the pic below?


So Black men in Africa wouldn't complain if men wearing this were being pushed in the media over there?

You are lost. :dead:


May 1, 2012
Word? So your only response to us asking why YOU are obsessed with gay shyt is that WE'RE homosexuals. Those reasoning skills :ohlawd:
Exactamundo fakkit. I'm not even entertaining those bytchmade smoke screens. Nobody is obsessed, you're just defending your fakkit agenda being pushed without having the courage to do it directly. You're closeted fakkit though so you lacking courage goes without saying.