Dude was raw-dogging multiple pornstars while claiming "I'm not mentally ready to play yet

" on some Ben Simmons shyt. While Ingram was playing like an MVP and the vets CJ/Nance were killing themselves playing through serious injuries trying to will us to a play-in/off spot. The wheels fell off months ago man; you think Griffin gave him a $250 million contract just to dump it and him the second it kicks in??? The kind of shyt this dude must be doing that DOESN'T get reported/leaked by a psycho escort on twitter clearly driving everyone in the organization up the wall.
You acting like a 5th seed and going out in the first round is something to die for is also telling; 4 years and 2 playoff wins. Against a team missing its best player (Booker). That Zion was available for NONE of. That's nothing but a complete failure. The one time Zion was actually available to play in May during his entire career???? Dude was the fattest and most useless player in the bubble; like statistically the worst player across every team there. While almost certainly spending every bit of time from the initial shutdown till then flying out his hentai fueled fantasy harem of thots night in night out instead of being in the gym with his teammates. It's BEEN over breh