Nothing is sadder than a tall nikka in a customer service job. you're suppose to be a warrior


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
God bred big dudes and tall dudes to be warrior's. It's sad when u see a big dude that's like 6'7 serving fukking coffee or bagging groceries. U know how outta place u fukking look? God made u to be the protectors of the community, not pushing carts.

I notice alotta tall nikkas are docile because of white supremacy, always trying to be non threatening. Man if I had that height I'd be a beast...walking into people on purpose. Staring ppl down, what the fukk is the point of being big if u don't physically impose your will on your opponent.

Seen this one big nikka roller blading wearing shorts on hertel Ave...trying to seem non threatening. That nikka should be a soldier, protecting the neighborhood from scumbags, that's what I was thinking.

U know how emasculating it must be to be a 6 ft plus black
im like 6'4 and I was working at retail over the summer.. shyt is the worst. having short ass fat cacs telling you to open up cases and shyt for them with an attitude

shyt deadass had me heated during every shift

If you not in college or going to college. Save up some money and get into one of these 3 month coding academies. At least if you taking orders, which is the nature of most institutions, you can at least enjoy a nice paying income.

The Oracle

Apr 18, 2015
the world
Man I swear to god, if I could be Calvin Johnson size for one day and get a no jail'll read news articles about some black man breaking multiple people jaws

I'll fukk anybody that look at me wrong...I'd take their whole face off

I'll go into stores and just take shyt...dear u to say something

them bullies must have really done a number on you :therethere:


Boosie the GOAT
Jun 23, 2014
God bred big dudes and tall dudes to be warrior's. It's sad when u see a big dude that's like 6'7 serving fukking coffee or bagging groceries. U know how outta place u fukking look? God made u to be the protectors of the community, not pushing carts.

I notice alotta tall nikkas are docile because of white supremacy, always trying to be non threatening. Man if I had that height I'd be a beast...walking into people on purpose. Staring ppl down, what the fukk is the point of being big if u don't physically impose your will on your opponent.

Seen this one big nikka roller blading wearing shorts on hertel Ave...trying to seem non threatening. That nikka should be a soldier, protecting the neighborhood from scumbags, that's what I was thinking.

U know how emasculating it must be to be a 6 ft plus black men and take orders from a short white guy, I don't like taking orders from nobody...but i have a big man's anger level inside me. Like if you're a tall nikka u need to get angry, become a ruler. I shouldn't see some big Tracy McGrady looking nikka making brownies at the coffee's a waste of size, which is a blessing

You must have got your ass whooped alot your whole life lol


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Man its a sad site when u see some big 6'4 nikka behind the register with a Santa Claus hat on.......I be like "god damn, that's some sad shyt man" nikkas in the front of the store greeting customers n shyt for 9.16 an hour...looking like a big idiot with reindeer antlers on their fukking head .....Dude will have a full beard and diesel, with a smile on his face, afraid to offend white customers. Then they gotta speak in a soft and gentle voice because their normal voice will turn them into King Kong in cacs eyes....that's a sad position to be in...if you're a big nikka, you're supposed to be dominant, a warrior man....these retail spots be having a nikka built like d wade grabbing carts in the snow.

that's emasculation 101, that's why u gotta have your economic game tight....when I go into these retail spots, brothers be hating on me sometimes, because I walk with confidence and I don't kiss cacs asses, I don't acknowledge nobody nikkas hate on me from the sideline...nikka ain't my fukking fault I choose to grind while YOU choose to play video games and jerk off all day nikka.

arabs and indians stay hating on a brother at Walmart...When I get my first real bag, I'ma cop a couple of gold chains and just pretend to shop, just to stunt on those dudes...i digress man, U got a nikka that hit the gym everyday, FOR WHAT? hes working at target explaining to some old ass senile white lady the difference between the megatron and optimus prime in the toy section....with thoughts of committing a murder suicide all because his lazy ass didn't wanna hustle....

and wanna know what? good, GOOD! happy ...I don't feel that survivors guilt shyt anymore....I used to be like that, now I'm thinking to myself "that's what that nikka get" why? because i was once him and I deserved my fate also for being a punk motherfukker, but used my failures to fuel my fire. I was working at this ol p*ssy ass print shop in Cheektowaga. Instead of firing me, they did the passive aggressive thing, they basically forced me to quit by cutting my hours until I finally stopped showing up...they think they disenfranchised another negro, but little do they know...I got world class talent and Im an entrepreneur to boot ...I don't need yo fukking job pink man...I created my own fukking job. I hated that job anyway, those peons made every sec of my life miserable.

Conclusion: do the right thing and find a skill and hustle it, expand it into a business where u can hire people. Stop being lazy man, grab a lawn mower if u have to and start from the dirt and work your way up...because being a slave at one of these jobs is sad, yo hating ass gonna be at KFC coming home smelling like chicken powder,hating on brothas like me.....all jealous n shyt...but just remember, I was once in your position but I made a before u hate me nikka, remember i came to the same fork n the road and choose right.

BONUS: as a black man, economics should be your religion, u should eat, breathe, sleep economics...because if u don't, well...just bend over, drop your pants and get ready for u know what...both literately and figuratively
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Jul 21, 2014
Man its a sad site when u see some big 6'4 nikka behind the register with a Santa Claus hat on


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
Man its a sad site when u see some big 6'4 nikka behind the register with a Santa Claus hat on.......I be like "god damn, that's some sad shyt man" .....Dude will have a full beard and diesel, with a smile on his face, afraid to offend white customers. Then they gotta speak in a soft and gentle voice because their normal voice will turn them into King Kong in cacs eyes....that's a sad position to be in...if you're a big nikka, you're supposed to be dominant, a warrior man....these retail spots be having a nikka built like d wade grabbing carts in the snow.

that's emasculation 101, that's why u gotta have your economic game tight....when I go into these retail spots, brothers be hating on me sometimes, because I walk with confidence and I don't kiss cacs asses, I don't acknowledge nobody nikkas hate on me from the sideline...nikka ain't my fukking fault I choose to grind while YOU choose to play video games and jerk off all day nikka.

arabs and indians stay hating on a brother at Walmart...When I get my first real bag, I'ma cop a couple of gold chains and just pretend to shop, just to stunt on those dudes...i digress man, U got a nikka that hit the gym everyday, FOR WHAT? hes working at target explaining to some old ass senile white lady the difference between the megatron and optimus prime in the toy section....with thoughts of committing a murder suicide all because his lazy ass didn't wanna hustle....

and good, GOOD! happy ...I don't feel that survivors guilt shyt anymore....I used to be like that, now I'm thinking to myself "that's what that nikka get" why? because i was once him and I deserved my fate also for being a punk motherfukker, but used my failures to fuel my fire. I was working at this ol p*ssy ass print shop in Cheektowaga. Instead of firing me, they did the passive aggressive thing, they basically forced me to quit by cutting my hours until I finally stopped showing up...they think they disenfranchised another negro, but little do they know...I got world class talent and Im an entrepreneur to boot ...I don't need yo fukking job pink man...I created my own fukking job. I hated that job anyway, those peons made every sec of my life miserable.

Conclusion: do the right thing and find a skill and hustle it, expand it into a business where u can hire people. Stop being lazy man, grab a lawn mower if u have to and start from the dirt and work your way up...because being a slave at one of these jobs is sad, yo hating ass gonna be at KFC coming home smelling like chicken powder,hating on brothas like me.....all jealous n shyt...but just remember, I was once in your position but I made a before u hate me nikka, remember i came to the same fork n the road and choose right.

BONUS: as a black man, economics should be your religion, u should eat, breathe, sleep economics...because if u don't, well...just bed over, drop your pants and get ready for u know what...both literately and figuratively
The imagery :banderas:


May 7, 2012
I'm not outrageously tall, just 6'3. Being that height playing pick up ball, I'm always the 5, but my post moves and midrange jumper are on point so I'm good with it. But everytime I see a nikka in the grocery store or something that's like 6'8 or taller, I wanna smack that nikka in the face, wasting all that height to work at the T-Mobile kiosk at the mall.
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