Not having a twitter, fb, instagram account appreciation thread

Alexander Wiggin

All Star
May 29, 2012
Paris Saint-Germain
There's two problems that come along with not having facebook.

1. Even if you don't have a facebook, you still can be in it. You go to a meeting with old friends, go to a wedding or an anniversary, if someone takes group pics theres 90 % of chance you'll end up on face. And if you don't have a facebook, people can post pictures of you without you knowing it. So having a facebook is good for checking what's being posted about you or said.
Nowdays it's hard not to be on face except if you refuses to be taken in any pictures

2. If you don't have facebook, a lot of people will think you have something to hide, a psycho alert can ring. If you don't want to expose your private life, just put the right confidentiality settings, don't accept friends that you don't know in person/or don't feel and don't feed the face, that's it. You can also desactivate your face from time to timeate

Me personnaly, I didn't accept friend request from any of my brother and sisters, only some cousins that's it. And my collegue from work to. If they have something to send me, they have my email.

I never put a status about where I am at the current time or that type of shyt.

Facebook is only great for 3 things, getting in touch with people more easily, and trade pictures especially holidays pictures when you take a lot of photos with strangers who met abroad and know the tastes of a girl you want to bag more easily

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
There's two problems that come along with not having facebook.

1. Even if you don't have a facebook, you still can be in it. You go to a meeting with old friends, go to a wedding or an anniversary, if someone takes group pics theres 90 % of chance you'll end up on face. And if you don't have a facebook, people can post pictures of you without you knowing it. So having a facebook is good for checking what's being posted about you or said.
Nowdays it's hard not to be on face except if you refuses to be taken in any pictures

2. If you don't have facebook, a lot of people will think you have something to hide, a psycho alert can ring. If you don't want to expose your private life, just put the right confidentiality settings, don't accept friends that you don't know in person/or don't feel and don't feed the face, that's it. You can also desactivate your face from time to timeate

Me personnaly, I didn't accept friend request from any of my brother and sisters, only some cousins that's it. And my collegue from work to. If they have something to send me, they have my email.

I never put a status about where I am at the current time or that type of shyt.

Facebook is only great for 3 things, getting in touch with people more easily, and trade pictures especially holidays pictures when you take a lot of photos with strangers who met abroad and know the tastes of a girl you want to bag more easily


There are NO problems with not having a facebook acct.

Who cares about pics someone puts up. If you dumb enough to get photographed, it is what it is. But the point of the photos is so someone can hover over theie face and go to their page. People attention will quickly go away when they realize you dont have an acct.

Ice Water

Jun 5, 2012
I don't have any of them. I don't mind them, to each his own. I do look at people like :childplease: You aint gotta post every lil detail on facebook. That just seem like a weird level of arrogance to me. This crap is supposed to bring people together lol. All I see is my wife spyin on everyone in the family on hers lol. She don't post ish on hers but stay in everybody bidness. Ish causes mad static.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
There's two problems that come along with not having facebook.

1. Even if you don't have a facebook, you still can be in it. You go to a meeting with old friends, go to a wedding or an anniversary, if someone takes group pics theres 90 % of chance you'll end up on face. And if you don't have a facebook, people can post pictures of you without you knowing it. So having a facebook is good for checking what's being posted about you or said.
Nowdays it's hard not to be on face except if you refuses to be taken in any pictures

2. If you don't have facebook, a lot of people will think you have something to hide, a psycho alert can ring. If you don't want to expose your private life, just put the right confidentiality settings, don't accept friends that you don't know in person/or don't feel and don't feed the face, that's it. You can also desactivate your face from time to timeate

Me personnaly, I didn't accept friend request from any of my brother and sisters, only some cousins that's it. And my collegue from work to. If they have something to send me, they have my email.

I never put a status about where I am at the current time or that type of shyt.

Facebook is only great for 3 things, getting in touch with people more easily, and trade pictures especially holidays pictures when you take a lot of photos with strangers who met abroad and know the tastes of a girl you want to bag more easily


Even with confidentiality settings, someone has your picture and your name. They can find your last known address in about 5 minutes. Do you, but I like the fact I can google image my name and nothing comes up but dead white guys.

Facebook is only great for 3 things, getting in touch with people more easily, and trade pictures especially holidays pictures when you take a lot of photos with strangers who met abroad and know the tastes of a girl you want to bag more easily

If I'm taking pictures with strangers after that picture they will most likely remain strangers. Lol You mean to tell me you have "friends" on your facebook just because you took a picture with them 4 years ago in Vatican City?


That's it. They are STRANGERS! People you will likely never see again. I have those same exact pictures and I like the fact I can look at them and take me back to that particular moment. I often wonder what those people are up to now, but that's it. I don't actually want to find out. And people without Facebook are weird?


Ol Lonely a$$ Can't Hardly Wait, It's all about the memories a$$ nggas on the coli.


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
People take this social networking thing too seriously. I have all 3, and have never encountered any problems or drama. Remember YOU post what YOU WANT. Nobody is forcing you to posts personal or private information. I hate when people say "fb/twitter causes drama". No what YOU posts causes drama. People expose themselves, and these are the same people who would do it with/without social media.

I use fb to keep in contact with family & friends who I don't keep in contact with on a daily basis. I only update my status with comments that are made to spark discussion or to have people laugh.

Twitter I use for entertainment/news updates. Crucial once basketball season starts up again.

Instagram is cool, cause I only follow people I personally know. Nothing wrong with looking at funny photos or my female friends dressing up nicely :whoo:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
People take this social networking thing too seriously. I have all 3, and have never encountered any problems or drama. Remember YOU post what YOU WANT. Nobody is forcing you to posts personal or private information. I hate when people say "fb/twitter causes drama". No what YOU posts causes drama. People expose themselves, and these are the same people who would do it with/without social media.

I use fb to keep in contact with family & friends who I don't keep in contact with on a daily basis. I only update my status with comments that are made to spark discussion or to have people laugh.

Twitter I use for entertainment/news updates. Crucial once basketball season starts up again.

Instagram is cool, cause I only follow people I personally know. Nothing wrong with looking at funny photos or my female friends dressing up nicely :whoo:

My nikka summed it up perfectly... :youngsabo:


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC
for those of you talking about you used to eat off myspace its probably and age thing Im sure the young bucks are eating off instagram/facebook/twitter/tumblr etc even more so

can you imagine having a cellphone with a cam when you were in high school like the punks do now?

also get off my lawn


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
Its all about how you use them...

I have all 3... I just don't use them everyday.

I haven't posted on FB in months, Twitter is entertaining.. most of the time I just lurk. I used Instagram strickly for the filters and easy posting.

I go days without using them and I'm cool...

But if we having a happy hour or getting together to go hoop. I can just jump on FB send out a group email and be through with it... I don't like calling and sitting on the phone with people either so they suit my needs

If you don't have many friends in real life, I could see how using these would be a waste of time though


May 1, 2012
I dont have none of that shyt either

dont care what the weather is like where you live
dont care that your baby is crying and youre stressed
dont care that you took your dog out to take a shyt this morning
dont care that you went to the gym today
dont care where you "checked in" to have dinner
dont care that you're about to spark a blunt

shyt aint for me...I get the point for some people who want to keep in contact with classmates, family who moved or whatever but to me, call me or arrange a date and time for us to chill and catch up...the small details, I dont need em