Not everything that glitters is GOLD: The Official 49ers 2013 Season Thread


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
49ers aren't winning the Super Bowl, we aint getting back til at least 2015-2016 maybe

I think our odds are pretty good actually. Most of the powerhouse teams from last year are down in some way or another, all we got to do is secure a top 3 seed on the NFC and we should be fine.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
I moved my player analysis to the regular season page, I put spoilers on it as not to take up too much space. I did QB, RB, FB and WR. more coming up.

Colin Kaepernick - A

I can't say enough good things about this kid. I remember some of us groaning a bit picking this kid as a 2nd rounder in the 2011 draft. I thought he was a gamer but felt that it would take 3 or 4 years on the bench before he was ready. Yet he showed last year that he is ready now. Jim Harbaugh took a risk in starting this kid over Alex Smith after he got that concussion and came back, but that is now a distant memory. Kap has all the tools needed to be an elite QB. He has a rocket arm and excellent accuracy. The only concern I have is that he needs to reign in some of his short passes, but that is a minor quibble. He has near elite speed as a scrambler, but the one thing that impresses me most about him is his discipline. I like how in the Falcons game in the NFC championship that he had enough confidence in his throwing ability to not force a scramble and get minimal yardage from a quick Falcons defense. Furthermore he slides, avoiding unnecessary hits. I think this kid has what it takes to win us another ring or two, minimum. I think in the next 2 or 3 years he will be a top 5 QB. He is arguably the most dangerous QB in the L, now, because of his balance. Who has it better than us?

Colt McCoy - C+

I think we have upgraded at backup with this pickup. Colt has never really gotten a fair shake and if he can learn and improve under Harbaugh, he can be a reliable backup should Kap get hurt or we use him in garbage time. Dude is accurate and has a decent arm. Unfortunately McCoy will be a career backup but better to be a backup in a good team than a bad one.

Scott Tolzien - C-

People were raving about this guy a couple of years ago but dude is slipping down the depth chart, and I think this guy ends up getting cut. That being said, he knows the offense very well and will give us good looks as a scout team QB. So worst case he will be a leader of the practice squad.

B.J. Daniels - C-

I think that this kid will beat out Scott Tolzien as the 3rd QB. I think he has more physical gifts despite his shorter stature and he could be a true read-option QB. The question is how quick of a learner is he, because he is competing against what is essentially a veteran QB in Scott Tolzien. I think that kid has good upside so I'll keep him as a C-.

Synopsis: QB is not an issue for us. Should Kap get hurt (knock on wood). Colt is a backup with starting experience and the ability to run our offense. Plus Harbaugh likes to use young hungry kids, assuring us that we stay fresh at the position for years.


Frank Gore - A-

Frank Gore is 30 years old. For running backs in the NFL, this is the equivalent of having a foot in the grave and one on the banana peel. Despite this the past year has been something of a return to form for Gore. He was clearly worked extremely hard to stay healthy (relatively) this past season, apparently dropping a few pounds and increasing the intensity of his workout regimen (which is saying something, because 49er workouts are notoriously tough). Other things helping him in this regard are being protected by one of the best O-Lines in the NFL as well as an elite Fullback in Bruce Miller. Frank Gore is still a very effective runner, he runs like a textbook runningback, he runs with a low center of gravity, patiently waits for holes, and make the most out of every step. He is also a great blocker and a capable receiver out the backfield. I think his big play ability is diminished, but the 49ers offense is built on moving chains and we have no shortage of playmakers. Frank Gore, imo, is the best runningback in 49ers history and him winning a ring will cement that. In my lifetime I have seen the likes of Wendell Tyler, Roger Craig and Garrison Hearst, and am aware of history makers like Hugh McElhenny. Frank Gore is separating himself as an all-time great. I think he has another season or two left as part of a one-two punch,

Kendall Hunter -

B- - How lucky were we to grab this kid in the 4th round of the 2011 draft. I think his play style is similar to Frank Gore, the problem is that I don't think he is as good a blocker or receiver out the backfield as Frank. But he is a speedy back that can go either inside or outside and could be the starter moving forward. We missed his production last year to do a torn ACL, but I expect him to be back better than ever for 2013. This kid has a bright future ahead of him and he shows how good our front office is. I did have to dock him because, word on the street is that he will not be ready to play at the start of the season.

LaMichael James - B+

I believe that he could be our starting runningback after Frank Gore. His football speed is blazing fast and anytime he has the football in his hands, he is a homerun threat. People compare him to Darren Sproles, but I think James is far more versatile, and he can also be an everydown back,though that won't be necessary in our offense. This kid is a star in the making and I am excited to see him get more snaps this year. I feel bad for the defensive coordinators who have to gameplan against his speed. Worse yet should we get this kid in open field where his speed and elusiveness are even more apparent. Word on the street is James has also added 10lbs of muscle to his frame, which is huge for a guy like him especially if he keeps his speed. Watch out for this guy.

Anthony Dixon - C-

This is a make or break camp for Anthony Dixon. There are simply not enough slots for backs on this team and the only thing keeping him on the roster are his versatility as a special teams player/ fullback. Judging him purely as a runningback, I actually think he is above average. But the problem is that we have 3 guys ahead of him who would be starters on any NFL team, and above average won't cut it. The question is what does the team value more versatility or specialization. The could be the difference between him and ........

Jewel Hampton - D+

A former practice squad guy is getting the chance to make our roster. They say he is a better pure RB than Dixon but it's apparent he lacks Dixon's versatility. That being said, I think he will spend another year on the practice squad should he not make the final roster.

Marcus Lattimore - Inc

I can't give a grade to Marcus Lattimore. On paper he looks to be an elite talent when healthy but who knows. Word on the street is that he is recovering ahead of schedule, but there is no need for us to put this guy on the field this year. As long as he lives in the gym and learns on the field is all we need him to do. I saw this kid in college, and based on what I saw, he was a steal for us. This is a project that will bear incredible fruit under the tutelage of Frank Gore and Tom Rathman. How fortunate we are to have such great potential just sit and grow and be better.

Marquies Gray - D+

I understand this kid is listed as a runningback but he would be more of a general athlete. The one thing the kid has going for him is his considerable size and athleticism relative to that which would make me think he will become a tight end. This guy though would be a special teamer at best in my opinion.

DJ Harper - F

This guy is a scout team/practice squad guy, who is getting a chance because of his prototypical size and build. He apparently runs a 4.34, but does that speed translate to the field? He was a marginal backup in Boise State. That being said Harbaalke sees something in this dude, but our backfield is crowded enough as it is. I mean we dumped Brandon Jacobs just for opening his mouth and he didn't play badly when he did see the field.

Synopsis: We are very strong at the running back position. Frank Gore is a top 10 RB, still and I don't see why we wouldn't be a top rushing team. My only concern is that should Frank Gore and LaMichael James get hurt, the water looks a little murky. Maybe we should throw a free agent in there but it would be in our best interests long term the Jewel Hampton or Dixon become a reliable option at least in the early goings of the season, while Kendall Hunter continues to recover.


Bruce Miller - A-

Wow what we find at the end of the draft is amazing. A 7th round defensive end. We converted him to fullback. This guy can block for us and is good on passing and rushing downs. He is also an underrated catcher out of the backfield, and as he showed us in the the Redskins game back in 2011, he is a sneaky fast athlete. He may have the potential to be our best fullback since Fred Beasley.

Will Tukuafu - D

Will Tukuafu is here for depth purposes and he has been a solid special teams contributor for us over the past 3 years, but I think it is the end of the road for him. Barring an exceptional camp (relative to his role) I think he will be a cut casualty. We don't need more than one fullback and Bruce has proven himself durable, so I expect him to be cut during camp,

Jason Schepler - D

I think this guy will be ultimately be groomed to be our #2 fullback or a blocker used in Jumbo packages. We signed him to a 3 year contract which should allow him to develop and grow. This guy is a pure blocker at 6'2 280 but thats what I would prefer in a backup.

Synopsis: We are one of the few teams in the NFL that still use a fullback. We will be using less I formations but Bruce Miller is a multipurpose player. Hope he doesn't get hurt because the talent level drops sharply, but I'm not overly concerned about that, Bruce is an underrated player that will be our stalwart for years to come.
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May 1, 2012
i want to either go to the cardinal game in AZ or the Tampa bay game in december. hmmmmmmmmmmmm


May 6, 2012

homie tore his ACL before preseason for the 2nd year in a row. tough break for fleming


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
Wide Receivers

Michael Crabtree - B+

Unfortunately Crabs tore his achilles and will be out for most of the regular season. But last year he broke into top 10 WR territory, under the rocket arm of Colin Kapernick, though his chemistry with Alex Smith has improved over the years, Kap's arm helps Crabs make the most of his physical gifts, his big body and very solid hands. Crabs has improved his route running every year and though he doesn't have blazing speed, he is hard to bring down in open space and his long catch radius has him coming down with the ball. Also as a blocker dude is one of the best in the NFL, low key. Can't say much more than that here is to a speedy recovery.

Anquan Boldin - B

This man is a big part of why the Ravens won the SB against us. He is a tough wily veteran, he is a nasty blocker, he catches contested passes and is a consumate professional. Why the Ravens let him go for so little is beyond me, but something is better than nothing and a 6th rounder if chosen wisely adds depth, so I see the thinking. Anyway he is now our #1 receiver and I think he can do a good job of it. I expect him to get 800-900 yards but his blocking and mentorship to our young corps is invaluable,

Kyle Williams - C

Don't let the grade fool you. Kyle Williams is only a C because I can see him going either way as far as his career is concerned, Now entering his 4th year, and being essentially a #2 receiver since Crabs is out, and it could be a coming out party for him. I thought his snaps went under the radar before he got hurt, but this is why depth is so important. He is not the tallest receiver, but he is very speedy and hard to catch in open space. Let's see.

Mario Manningham - C-

I hope he gets better sometime in the regular season. He is the type of receiver that fills the gap and moves the chains. He is a good target for bubble screens and the like and is a veteran. We are thin at WR without him and he could end up getting cut should he not perform as expected.

AJ Jenkins - D+

I'm not a fan of this guy and I won't hide that. I'm beginning to think that he is smelling like a bust. We wasted a 1st round pick in this guy when there were better receivers out there. This was a 'cute' pick that may end up buried on the depth chart. I thought he made some impressive plays last preseason, but he doesn't seem to be grasping this offense and that alarms me. I wish him the best, but this season is a make or break for him.

Rickardo Lockette - C-

I think this dude could make his way to the 3 or 4 WR spot, tall, athletic and speedy. With the injury to Percy Harvin, I think the Hawks regret letting this dude leave, I think he has potential to be a contributor down the line or a special teams guy at worst.

Kassim Osgood - D

Dude could potentially line up in endzone situations but he hasn't done too much in his career and can't do too much for us now. He might be just a camp body,

Chad Hall - D+

He is just a camp body, but who knows. Apparently he had a good minicamp as well but there is a lot of competition for only a few available spots.

Quinton Patton - C-

We were high on this guy when we drafted him but camp has seemed to put him back down to earth. I expect this guy to make the practice squad. Having watched him a little in college, he is similar in build to Crabtree, but he is very raw and will take a couple of years of coaching up. That being said if done properly this can pay dividends. (Update) I hear he is doing well in practices and is seemingly on track to pass AJ Jenkins in the roster, to be our 4 or 5 WR rookie year could be impressive, we'll see.

Chuck Jacobs - D

This guy has sleerper written all over him. Apparently he had a good minicamp and will be one to watch during training camp. I actually think he may supplant Mario Manningham in time.

Martin Charly - F

This is a camp body most likely

Marlon Moore - D-

I think he is a camp body, but he seems to be a competitor and could surprise some people during the preseason.

Synopsis: With Crabtree out we will be running into this season with no true #1 WR. That being said we have a better QB this time around and I think depthwise we have a lot going for us. I will say this I would like to bring in some viable veterans, I wouldn't mind having Randy Moss, should he want to come back, I would also like to see us bring back Brandon LLoyd, the once talent malcontent receiver has now matured into a solid veteran receiver. But then again, Harbaugh like a lot of youth on the bench and we have it in spades, either way this is not as big a concern to me as it would be for some. We are still a run 1st team and Kap can toss it as good as anyone, we'll be ready.
May 7, 2012
I think our odds are pretty good actually. Most of the powerhouse teams from last year are down in some way or another, all we got to do is secure a top 3 seed on the NFC and we should be fine.

Teamns don't lose the SB then win it the next year, just doesn't happen.

Question marks all over the field for us, we're not winning the Super Bowl.



May 1, 2012
Bay Area.
Don't bet on it.

Need to temper the expectations cause it could be a disappointing year.

While I have fiath in Jimmy, there's a lot of unknowns on this team. What if Gore goes down?

Don't put that into the universe bruh :to: but if he does, I think Hunter and James can hold it down.
May 7, 2012
Don't put that into the universe bruh :to: but if he does, I think Hunter and James can hold it down.

We got no idea what Hunter, Manningham and Williams are bringing to the table with the injuries.

Hard to rely on any of them at this point. Gore hit 30, the dreaded number of falling off RB's


Apr 30, 2012
I really want to go to the Seahawks and Falcons games at the end of the year, but everytime I think about going I have flashbacks of the traffic I had to deal with last time. Had me in my folk's car like :noah:I might gotta get out and walk.....Guess it's all Cal games this season again


Apr 30, 2012
We got no idea what Hunter, Manningham and Williams are bringing to the table with the injuries.

Hard to rely on any of them at this point. Gore hit 30, the dreaded number of falling off RB's
