First off, don't ever lump my black ass into what these white folks do. In fact, you're making arguments that are better meant for places like storm front and alike
Black folks already know what's up from jump when it comes to propaganda, unfair media treatment, insane justification for unlawful murder... You're preaching to the choir.
However, to say, here of all places, that we simply don't care shows me that you don't know just how different Americans really are from one another. You're lumping EVERYONE together with idiotic war mongoring nationalistic retards. If you're going to criticize, from the outside looking in, be fair about it.
And trust me, I know what US is capable of, in and outside of its borders. It always boils down to "self interest", and that never has nor will ever include me for obvious reasons.
So if people are here, expressing that they don't want to see a war, take it at that, because America is too diverse to box everyone in with the loud, mouth breathing armchair patriots.
In conclusion, yes mafukka, there are Americans that do care and don't want to see this escalate into war.