North Carolina Excellence Thread

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk listing wack spots. If you think spots like Dandelion Market, Good Food, Block & Grinder is good then I question any opinion you got on a restaurant patna. Most of the spots you listed is average at best but the fukked up thing is they all over priced tho. Block & Grinder aint shyt as far as burger boutique spots go and they still got the nerve to tax like they do. Bruh I been to most of the spots you listed and probably every spot in the Uptown or Morehead area cuz I stay around there and they are all dead. Just went to Nikkos on South Blvd the other day after my neighbor told me it was good and it wasn't even close patna. It's not like the spots are cheap and they still suck, they out her taxing and the product is sorry. Not even about to get into the wack service you get.

And yeah I do have a personal problem with Charlotte. To keep that shyt a buck I got gassed up about this place by other people and moved here thinking it was going to be some shyt that I quickly realized it wasn't. And some 9-5 folks eating here on some middle management type shyt, but nikkas ain't owning shyt or running a damn thing round this bytch patna. nikkas like you acting like its all good for Black folks here and its really not. Like I said in that earlier post 12 just kill nikkas up here like its nothing and nobody does shyt about it. nikkas get screwed over politically left and right and no one does shyt about it. And its hella poor nikkas here. I own a house in between Tuck and Freedom and I see it every day. There is no real nice all Black area here and nikkas dont even get money in the hood here. I'm eating up here but I can't take it, soon as my house done I'm out. And yall nikkas boosting up Charlotte need to tell the whole story, this place ok of you a corporate drone with a family who goes to church every Sunday and is in bed by 10 pm and is cool seeing whitey with his foot on yo ass, but if you anything but that type of person you will hate this place.
Those spots arent overpriced to me. I get decent service. IDK. If u hate Charlotte that much then leave, it's nothing. I like it and am offering my opinion on it. You can offer yours and let people decide what they want. But saying my opinion is wrong or I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't agree with you is corny/weak. Mite be shocking to you but different people have different opinions/perspectives than you and that doesn't make em wrong :yeshrug:

What do you want out of a city and where do you plan on moving? What city have you lived in or visited that you actually liked?


Mar 17, 2015
~919..Go Tarheelz..~



Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Those spots arent overpriced to me. I get decent service. IDK. If u hate Charlotte that much then leave, it's nothing. I like it and am offering my opinion on it. You can offer yours and let people decide what they want. But saying my opinion is wrong or I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't agree with you is corny/weak. Mite be shocking to you but different people have different opinions/perspectives than you and that doesn't make em wrong :yeshrug:

What do you want out of a city and where do you plan on moving? What city have you lived in or visited that you actually liked?

Nah those spots are over priced because the food isn't good. Just because the ambiance is nice and trendy dont make the food good. And I was born and raised in Atlanta, lived in Maryland for a few years and lived in LA for just over a year. And I own a house in Lake County Indiana about 30 minutes outside Chicago so I'm up in the Chi at least once a month. Outside of that my family spread out some of everywhere so I've spent a decent amount of time in damn near every major city, and charlotte is the worst by far. And I am leaving this bytch, like I said soon as I'm done with this house I'm leaving. Probably going to Chicago. I'm a hustler and even tho the money here is decent I need to be around fellow like minded people to network with and it's just not here.​

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Wait a minute

At Jamil.... I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree.

Pumping shyt up? I think I stated what it is accordingly.... All I ever stated is what it is..... after most of the so called MAJOR cities in the US and again thats after your NYC, LA, Philly, Chi..... and so on and so on..... it is one of the top cities to live in.

Now if you hate it here, I respect that but I dont know anyone one here that hates it and I know so many people not from here that are dying to get here.

The whole "blacks not running shyt" I dont know how solid that case is cuz in the end, what are we really talking about or comparing it too? I know a lot of blacks that respectfully run some nice businesses here but what is the scale to compare it too? And lets be real if this is a MAJOR scale.... lets not act like like in EVERY major city blacks are running shyt on a EPIC level. What blacks are running shyt on a major level in say LA, NY, Vegas, MIA, and etc that aint Magic Johnson, or an athlete or celebrity?

Crime? Every other week someone black gets killed? What news are you watching breh? nikkas (cops or thugs) aint killing folk like that here bruh, thats a stretch.... I remember the worse we had here was them home invasions but even that shyt aint on the scale it was say like 5 years ago (and hell I was a victim of an home invasion).

I'm not from here myself.... I got family in so many places... My grandparents on my bio dad side stay in Newark, NJ, my aunt her daughter stays in Richmond, VA, my steppops fam is from Philly and I have 2 step brothers up there one in South the other in North Philly (my ex live in West, and one of my brothers up there used to live in ATL hated it so much he moved back), I got aunt in Huntsville, Al (talk about racism and all the shyt said about Charlotte, my cuz could tell you all about that.... went to school with open KKK children and teachers who are members), got a cousin who was in Kentucky and fukking hated it now lives in Tampa, my boy that in another thread I talked about who works for ESPN and also independently wrestles couldnt wait to get the fukk out of Conn just to come to Charlotte to live....

I could go on..... there are good stories and bad..... but at the end of the day.... Charlotte by far is not a horrible city, nothing is being ignored, and there is something for pretty much everyone and even if not... nothing is like insanely far out of reach. I guess what I'm getting at is I travel(ed) A LOT (my mom works for the airlines so not trynna stunt/brag but I fly for free so just want to state I aint one of these closed minded cats that never ever left my zip code).

Whenever niccas like to ask, "what's there to do down here" my response is "what do you want to do, what do you enjoy?"

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk

Nah those spots are over priced because the food isn't good. Just because the ambiance is nice and trendy dont make the food good. And I was born and raised in Atlanta, lived in Maryland for a few years and lived in LA for just over a year. And I own a house in Lake County Indiana about 30 minutes outside Chicago so I'm up in the Chi at least once a month. Outside of that my family spread out some of everywhere so I've spent a decent amount of time in damn near every major city, and charlotte is the worst by far. And I am leaving this bytch, like I said soon as I'm done with this house I'm leaving. Probably going to Chicago. I'm a hustler and even tho the money here is decent I need to be around fellow like minded people to network with and it's just not here.​
:manny: God bless

Theres people who like Charlotte... you dont... dont be an a$$hole and say your opinion is more right than anyone else's


Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city
Well see there you go.... Wilmington. :ufdup:

:bryan: but yes... Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, and the Triad area are prolly the BEST spot to live.... Not to completely shyt on the other cities cuz there are some nice other towns too

Thats what I do love about NC, is the options this state gives for the shyt you can see and do unlike a bunch of other states.

Cuz lets be real after NY and Cali, maybe Tx, what other states haves nice multiple cities and towns that people want to visit or live?

Yes, PA has Philly for example...... but lets be really no one is really checking for Pittsburgh and I have never heard no one be like "yo breh Harrisburg is POPPIN!! Yo my G, lets go to Scranton!"

Same can be said about Illinois and Georgia..... Outside of Chicago or Atl could niccas really rock with Edwardsville, Ill or Macon, Georgia like that?:francis:

Most people that come to the Triad and Charlotte are really pleasantly surprised how it really it. Hell living in Charlotte it now to the point where on a day by day bases you meet more people from out of the state here than native Charlotte people

And I'm not even gonna bring up our NY problem down here.:mjpls:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO











Pours out some liquor for Barber-Scotia College ... :beli:

So much respect in this post!!! These schools are giving so many african americans an education and a great opportunity to do something better with their lives