We have documentation of it working
Your pc don’t come with documentation of every potential device you may hook to it
This is a dumb and dare I say “disingenuous” argument
PCs are designed to work with off the shelf components. This is a proprietary game console not specifically designed to work with off the shelf components that the manufacturer doesn't specify. They used to sell "cooling fans" that "worked" with an Xbox 360 and come to find out they caused the console to overheat. They used to sell Switch docks that worked with the Nintendo Switch, come to find out they burned out the console.
Just because something is possible to do doesn't make it a good idea to do. So if Microsoft doesn't suggest it's an acceptable idea to plug up some adapter to your console and use it in a way they didn't account for in their design and never intended then no that's not a disingenuous argument in the least.
Sony designed the PS5 to take internal drives and they give you guidelines and say have at it staying inside those. Do you know the power draw of that adapter and it's effects on that port and the system? What about the draw of a drive not designed to work with an Xbox coupled with that adapter?
No you're just running your mouth on an argument you clearly lost a while ago because it's all you got and even now you won't admit you're wrong but you never do anyway so it's to be expected.