perfect storm....
1. Detroit was a hot bed at that time for Islamic/Eastern influences
2. He soaked up the lessons of Noble Drew Ali and it gave some weight with many of the blacks that would later follow him
3. He gave an origin story that he was of african descent + middle eastern (again, nothing about his features would have made "black" people see him as non-black, as long as he was of african descent via 1 drop rule....and he told them he was african descent)
according to elijah, Fard said he was african descent
and I said earlier, non-white immigrants, especially ones who were darker/non-east-asian, could blend/travel into afroamerican circles easier + non-white immigrants could understand the struggle of african americans trying to fight against white supremacy
Good info. I guess I had a point to begin with seeing it was a topic worth writing about back then...
but clearly elijah (and even Fard himself) went through some attempts to legitimize Fard by explaining his white appearance by a “mixed race” 1 drop rule background and and even co-signing some type of African origin story created for those who might be against him being “part devil”.
But then again it’s says later that Fard was New Zealand/Pakistani which is more in line with the actual photo of him.
Maybe people in the NOI wanted to believe that FARD was mixed or had an African father so they accepted what Elijah told them
But in hindsight that would also make Fard a liar right?
Either way.....
It’s still strange he was accepted so easily by black Muslims and still respected as a major figure in the NOI history when the opposite isn’t often the case especially back then.
non black people of color didn’t like or accept NOI or its teachings and from what I know of the time and they don’t want to be confused or associated with African Americans or their struggle in USA not during the 1950s-60s or even to this day