ninja assassin was my first bluray purchase ever and still the greatest ninja movie i've ever seenbut they had nothing to do with that anyway.....they did however have there hands in bound and v for vendetta so i give them hella credit for those...nvr saw speed racer but i heard a mixture of good and bad things about it so imma just go ahead and download it now and check it out
To be fair, Speed Racer (the cartoon) had zero plot, it was batshyt anime, that really revolved around the car being a multi-tool on wheels. Like Night Rider except while one was a tv show you could get accustomed to, Speed Racer was a movie that relied heavily on visual bukkake. They should've toned down the CG and went for a more homebrew feel. Roger Allam however, is a brilliant actor, he's just too fukking G for the film.