These dudes are f*cking trash brehs. No way to side step around it. You can't drop one megatron bomb in the first 'Matrix' and follow that with nothing but complete and uttter wackness. And I don't want to hear sh*t about 'V For Vendetta" or "Cloud Craptus" them sh*ts is nothing special too. Who in the f*ck keeps green lighting all these dudes and dudettes projects

They can't even make nothing decent for Netflix. And they let you do whatever the f*ck you want if you have a name
Even garbage azz M. Knight Shyamalan had 'Unbreakable' and 'Signs'.. The Wachowskis don't even have these in their arsenal. Props to that sista that penned the original Matrix

Hope she got her money. I don't even wanna jump to some conspiracy sh*t but these dudes are f*ckin' garbage man. Their sh*t is not consistent at all. And with every release everybody is wondering can they catch that Matrix magic again

and a sorely disappointed once the movie drops. We can't even get a decent storyline much less any magic.
The W Brothers/Sisters