No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?


May 24, 2022
Breh, come on now. :comeon: This is Leslie Kean's wikipedia:

I don't see the "REALLY well respected" history of journalism in there. It looks like her career has mostly focused on UFOs and trying to prove the afterlife is real. I'm reading the reviews for her book about the afterlife, and it says she believes that "Mediums" are really talking to dead people and has sections on "ectoplasm". Some of the reviewers say she seems particularly gullible and not at all objective. So....yeah, she's exactly the kind of person who would come out with a story like this.

Blumenthal is more respected, having been a journalist with the New York Times from 1964 to 2007. But he just seems like a normal staff reporter, not some giant of the field. His biography is rather thin - at 82 years old, he has published 3 books in his life and 2 of them were about UFOs.

Furthermore, this blurb from him is on the front of Leslie's afterlife book:

"Astounding! With her usual scientific precision and insatiable curiosity, Leslie Kean is our Orpheus, descending into the Netherworld to grapple with the most ancient of mysteries and return with inspiring evidence -- death shall have no dominion." —Ralph Blumenthal, investigative

So the people this guy found to believe his UFO story are the same people who believe that spiritual mediums are talking to the dead and aren't just creative con artists. :francis:

Death threats from who? :skip:

This man isn't getting any serious death threats, please. Imagine thinking we've reversed-engineered alien technology and kept it secret for 60 years, but the government's "secrecy" mechanism is reduced to making ineffective death threats against some random.
Uhhh you do realize that one of the big reasons that UFO's and UAP's are no longer fringe conspiracy theories and stories to laugh at and are being looked at by both Congress, NASA, the FAA (I've legit had pilots on frequency while I work state they see things in the sky because of the decreased stigma and stories) DoD, Military, etc and a large part because of that 2017 article that took it seriously in the New York Times which she co-authored

She has instant credibility on this subject, that's not even debatable.

I'm just going based off what they journalists talked about in their discussion on the story they had with "The Debrief" (I didn't listen to it, just something that had been highlighted on Twitter".

Uhhhh brah.... people have received Death Threats for FAAAARRRRRRR less than someone going to Congress and attempting to out a program/people in a "Black" program that OTHERS HAVE CORROBORATED.


I have some questions about this guys information, and am not going to just jump into believing everything that is being reported.. but there's some actual stuff that should be looked into and I'm not gonna wave my hand and dismiss it


May 19, 2013
May they come and cleanse the planet.

They probably roll through and look at us like:

“Look at these stupid inferior beings. So dumb and primal. They’re actually arguing about gender and mutilating their reproductive organs. Haha! Look at those little cute missiles. Let’s come back in 50 years and see if they’ve progressed. If not, we may have to intervene.”
Im more afraid of humanity than aliens, let them rock
They need to hurry up and take my ass home cause I don't belong here :smh:
Gon be alot of flower bringing when the Aliens laugh yall asses out for believing in a God breh :youngsabo:

Brehs pay attention to the posts above. These are the people who would sell you and your family for the aliens to eat. Take NOTE

yall ain't know?


yeah the fallen angels have been plotting since their fall

Aliens been here but the governments of the world doesn't want to let people know because they want that technology for black market projects and implementations.

Can you imagine if they release that their are multiple alien species monitoring Earth. They would have to have a response about religion technology and where they are from.

These officials don't want that shyt out to the public.
Aliens been here but the governments of the world doesn't want to let people know because they want that technology for black market projects and implementations.

Can you imagine if they release that their are multiple alien species monitoring Earth. They would have to have a response about religion technology and where they are from.

These officials don't want that shyt out to the public.

Geneisis 6

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm just gonna be the counter to some of your points (cause they are good ones, and ones that I have questions about as well).. According to the article, there have been multiple people who have cooraberted his story to Congress, they are just not coming out using their real names either because they are still part of the government or for whatever reason (Jonathan Grey in the story is someone who is using a "fake" name and not his real one who also is saying the same things)

Corroborated his story meaning gave first-hand accounts and actual evidence, or corroborated by saying they'd heard similar 2nd hand/3rd hand claims just like him? Because it wouldn't really be surprising if someone was feeding these stories to more than one person.

I'm really not seeing any indication that Congress feels they've had any of these claims proven to them at all.

As for the director of AARO, I had seen a video breakdown where he had stated that he doesn't quite have the "highest level of access" (I believe this is the difference of Title 10 vs Title 50) and was part of Mr Grusch's complaint was that people like him and AARO were being kept out of the loop, thus the whistleblower complaint. Now in that statement from AARO they worded it to make it sound like they haven't even talked to this guy yet... now I wanna know if that's the case and why?

This guy did go in front of congress, AND OTHERS AS WELL, and provided classified information but were apparently unable to give Congress everything because the info they had was classified to a level that Congressmen/women wouldn't be able to have access to it.

I think the biggest red flag to me is the DOD giving him access to talk about this. Nothing he stated is apparently deemed "classified information" by the DOD... now that could be because they just aren't aware of these programs, or maybe he has friends in high places who have wanted this to also come to light, or they believe this is so full of BS they let him talk

But we still don't have the slightest information about what he gave Congress. And no one in Congress is moving like their world has suddenly been transformed. People are talking like, "They can't tell the public cause it would cause mass hysteria", but Congress is made up of a lot of normal-ass members of the public so why haven't they gotten hysterical? You can't tell me that MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Gohmert would be calm...hell, would you even trust The Squad with a secret like that?

Either way the guy himself, so far, seems to be the perfect type of guy to make these claims, and seems very credible from his credentials to those around him..... the question is, was he just fed a bunch of BS by multiple people or taken for a ride by those in high places. I would like to know more, and from all indications Congress will discuss this more, which is a big W

I think it could very easily be a mix of:

1) The USA has a top-secret program to recover and reverse-engineer enemy craft, both manned and drones. It has to be absolute top secret because it could involve things like recovering Russian/Chinese/etc. craft and refusing to turn them back over, recovering craft from international waters or even other nation's territory without authorization, and maybe even recovering dead (or live!) pilots secretly. Because of the extremely sensitive nature of this program, it is kept top secret and people in one part of the program know very little about what people in the other part of the program are doing.

2) In that compartmentalized secrecy, some people are given things like a strange piece or metal or an unusual technology that of our rivals has developed, which doesn't match anything we have. They are not given any context about where the object/technology came from. Most researchers would just assume it's enemy tech, but a small % of individuals come to believe they're actually working on alien tech.

3) Those small # who are working on this vehicle capture and/or reverse engineering program and can prove it give Grusch their somewhat lame but very provable stories of analyzing materials/tech unlike what we have. And then other randoms who are either crazy or trolling come to him with an alien body story, which he believes without the evidence because the other guys have that evidence. Or maybe they don't even go to him, maybe other people have just TOLD him that they've heard stories like that, and he's putting it out there because he believes it and wants to flesh it out.

At this point, I think that is the most likely sequence of events.
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Apr 30, 2012
And I'm telling you that the people who authorized the program WANT them to find something. So how does it help "maintain the program" to say they're not getting anywhere?

Programs produce at times multiple projects im not sure of the specifics of the program but I do know that you have to ask specific questions to get the correct answer and rarely do people ask the correct questions. Sometimes they don’t really care just checking a block off their political agenda/talking points.

It’s also a reason a lot of programs are compartmententalized. It’s the same think I have to deal with at work. Climate and Equity directives.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Mick West is asking good questions:

Grusch was directly asked what his evidence is, and he answers....unusual isotope mixes. Unusual alloys. "Sophisticated" craft. Things that can easily be made here, but usually aren't. THAT is your first go-to when asked what your evidence for aliens is?

In other parts of the interview he says we have whole craft. He claims we have bodies. Why not say it uses technology unknown to mankind? Why not say it breaks the known laws of physics? Why not say there are lifeforms unlike anything on Earth? If we really have whole craft and bodies, then why do we need to look at "unusual isotope concentrations" to prove they're "alien" in origin, especially considering that unusual isotope concentrations doesn't prove that at all?

And isn't it really fukking odd that these are alien craft by creatures that can travel across the universe, but their technology is just "sophisicated"? He doesn't even voice how it differs from ours in any fundamental way. If the technology in an alien vehicle looks anything like Earth technology, then it is. There is zero chance that an entirely different alien civilizations with different bodies and history just happens to engineer shyt exactly like we do.

Mick said this 5 days ago and it looks prescient:



All Star
Jun 1, 2012
Aliens been here but the governments of the world doesn't want to let people know because they want that technology for black market projects and implementations.

Can you imagine if they release that their are multiple alien species monitoring Earth. They would have to have a response about religion technology and where they are from.

These officials don't want that shyt out to the public.
Yep, I speculate the following:

Those Chinese balloons from a few months ago were a mix of actual spy tech some old (balloons) some new (alien tech). We lost the race to reverse engineering this so they Gunna tell. They def shot something down the whole press conferences and lack of further detail is sus :francis:


May 24, 2022
Corroborated his story meaning gave first-hand accounts and actual evidence, or corroborated by saying they'd heard similar 2nd hand/3rd hand claims just like him? Because it wouldn't really be surprising if someone was feeding these stories to more than one person.

I'm really not seeing any indication that Congress feels they've had any of these claims proven to them at all.

But we still don't have the slightest information about what he gave Congress. And no one in Congress is moving like their world has suddenly been transformed. People are talking like, "They can't tell the public cause it would cause mass hysteria", but Congress is made up of a lot of normal-ass members of the public so why haven't they gotten hysterical? You can't tell me that MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Gohmert would be calm...hell, would you even trust The Squad with a secret like that?

I think it could very easily be a mix of:

1) The USA has a top-secret program to recover and reverse-engineer enemy craft, both manned and drones. It has to be absolute top secret because it could involve things like recovering Russian/Chinese/etc. craft and refusing to turn them back over, recovering craft from international waters or even other nation's territory without authorization, and maybe even recovering dead (or live!) pilots secretly. Because of the extremely sensitive nature of this program, it is kept top secret and people in one part of the program know very little about what people in the other part of the program are doing.

2) In that compartmentalized secrecy, some people are given things like a strange piece or metal or an unusual technology that of our rivals has developed, which doesn't match anything we have. They are not given any context about where the object/technology came from. Most researchers would just assume it's enemy tech, but a small % of individuals come to believe they're actually working on alien tech.

3) Those small # who are working on this vehicle capture and/or reverse engineering program and can prove it give Grusch their somewhat lame but very provable stories of analyzing materials/tech unlike what we have. And then other randoms who are either crazy or trolling come to him with an alien body story, which he believes without the evidence because the other guys have that evidence. Or maybe they don't even go to him, maybe other people have just TOLD him that they've heard stories like that, and he's putting it out there because he believes it and wants to flesh it out.

At this point, I think that is the most likely sequence of events.
From what has been reported and so far released.. he was in a position to access people who were in direct contact with this program/craft, along with documents. The article didn't specify if the people who had access to these "crafts" spoke in front of Congress, but they did state that people who had were in discussion with this guy and with the IC Inspector General

Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.

“A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered,” Mellon said. “However, it is a delicate matter getting this potentially explosive information into the right hands for validation. This is made harder by the fact that, rightly or wrongly, a number of potential sources do not trust the leadership of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office established by Congress.”

Beginning in 2022, Grusch provided Congress with hours of recorded classified information transcribed into hundreds of pages which included specific data about the materials recovery program. Congress has not been provided with any physical materials related to wreckage or other non-human objects.

Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program. He says the operation was illegally shielded from proper Congressional oversight and that he was targeted and harassed because of his investigation.

Although locations, program names, and other specific data remain classified, the Inspector General and intelligence committee staff were provided with these details. Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General found his complaint “credible and urgent” in July 2022. According to Grusch, a summary was immediately submitted to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines; the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Sometimes I feel like people didn't even read the article....

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
From what has been reported and so far released.. he was in a position to access people who were in direct contact with this program/craft, along with documents. The article didn't specify if the people who had access to these "crafts" spoke in front of Congress, but they did state that people who had were in discussion with this guy and with the IC Inspector General

Sometimes I feel like people didn't even read the article....

Breh, read those quotes again. Not a single one of those quotes said any of those people worked directly with the actual crafts or bodies, it just vaguely states that they were "part of the program" or "had knowledge of the program".

- "Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies,"

- “A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered,”

- "Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program."

- "Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint."

We have a program to recover crashed vehicles, obviously. Some people are part of the program. What is the evidence that the crashed vehicles in the program are alien, though? Not one of those statements says the corroborators, "Worked with alien craft" or "Saw or handled alien bodies" or "reverse engineered alien technology". It's all about "knowledge" and "documents" and "information".

Look at the exact 3-step process you just quoted me describing. What part of that theory would the existence of these people be debunking?

Fani Willis fan

I don't give af about DEI
Jan 27, 2016
Brehs pay attention to the posts above. These are the people who would sell you and your family for the aliens to eat. Take NOTE

yeah the fallen angels have been plotting since their fall

Geneisis 6

I would definitely barter you and your family to ETs, just for wasting our time with this dumb post


May 24, 2022
Breh, read those quotes again. Not a single one of those quotes said any of those people worked directly with the actual crafts or bodies, it just vaguely states that they were "part of the program" or "had knowledge of the program".

- "Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies,"

- “A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered,”

- "Grusch’s investigation was centered on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom are directly involved with the program."

- "Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint."

We have a program to recover crashed vehicles, obviously. Some people are part of the program. What is the evidence that the crashed vehicles in the program are alien, though? Not one of those statements says the corroborators, "Worked with alien craft" or "Saw or handled alien bodies" or "reverse engineered alien technology". It's all about "knowledge" and "documents" and "information".

Look at the exact 3-step process you just quoted me describing. What part of that theory would the existence of these people be debunking?
So if I work for a program, which is what the article states, that is involved in Recovery Efforts of these crafts I would think they would have access to ACTUAL RECOVERY OF CRAFTS. Now that is what is pointed out in some of the quotes and idk why you just decided to dismiss it.. come on man you're a good poster

Although locations, program names, and other specific data remain classified, the Inspector General and intelligence committee staff were provided with these details. Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint.
What does this statement tell you? It literally says CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE RECOVERY PROGRAM... I repeat CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE RECOVERY PROGRAM spoke to the IC IG's office to backup his claims in the complaint they issues.

You're asking questions, which we as the American public would just never have access to at this moment.. Now Congress can get involved, which is why this guy went the WhistleBlower Protection Act, to out these issues that he was hearing and getting information on from people who were directly involved with the program (at least according to him and the IC Inspector General)

You're arguing with yourself at this point.. Because I clearly have stated that I'm skeptical but also open to this being more fleshed out. This story is more than a "Aliens are real" story. This is mostly a story about a coverup for a program that certain people say exists, that others aren't aware of who should be (Congress and the public). THAT'S THE STORY IN THE ARTICLE. The 2017 expose was about how the Pentagon was lying about a program involved with UFO's/UAP's.... that's what these authors do

Now this other stuff... I have no idea, and am willing to hear more. We don't even have the full on camera interview. That "Special" is being released on Sunday, and even then the 7 hour interview won't be released until a future date also

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
What I'm most interested in is:

1. Do we have a single firsthand account from someone who has handled/dissected or even seen an unambiguously alien body?

2. Do we have a single firsthand account from someone who has handed/disassembled or even seen an unambiguously alien craft?

3. Do we have a single firsthand account from someone who was unambiguously told by the government that what they were working on was alien?

The issue isn't just that Grusch hasn't done any of these things. It's that we're not even clear anyone he's spoken to has either. How do we know he's not just repeating stuff that the people he's talking to themselves heard, or deduced, but didn't even actually experience themselves? This shyt's been going on for years, and yet we still don't have a single person with actual firsthand information from actual experience, just rumor after rumor through the grapevine.

So if I work for a program, which is what the article states, that is involved in Recovery Efforts of these crafts I would think they would have access to ACTUAL RECOVERY OF CRAFTS. Now that is what is pointed out in some of the quotes and idk why you just decided to dismiss it.. come on man you're a good poster

Why do you think that everyone who worked in the program would be involved in the actual recovery? It would be far more compartmentalized than that, whether it's alien recovery or just regular spy work. In anything top-secret, you limit the exposure to critical information to as few individuals as possible. You need a limited # of people who could potentially leak critical information to other governments.

Even if it was aliens, would they tell every single person in the program that they were working with aliens? Of course not. They'd tell as few people as they possibly could. Which is why I can imagine a situation where some people in the program THINK this is what's happening, they THINK they might be working with alien material despite having never been directly told that and never actually having seen anything ambiguously alien.

You're asking questions, which we as the American public would just never have access to at this moment.. Now Congress can get involved, which is why this guy went the WhistleBlower Protection Act, to out these issues that he was hearing and getting information on from people who were directly involved with the program (at least according to him and the IC Inspector General)

But he doesn't claim to have questions, he claims to have answers. He claims that he is absolutely certain we are recovering lots of alien ships and lots of bodies, even though he hasn't seen any of them and we don't even have a clear statement that he's spoken to anyone who has directly seen unambiguously alien bodies or craft.

When he was asked directly, the BEST evidence he could give that they were alien was that the isotopes were unusual and the alloys had lots of heavy metals. Not impossible, not unEarthly, just unusual. That implies that messing with pieces of metal might literally be the most direct experience any of his sources ever had with "alien" craft.

Now this other stuff... I have no idea, and am willing to hear more. We don't even have the full on camera interview. That "Special" is being released on Sunday, and even then the 7 hour interview won't be released until a future date also

Supposedly society-changing information, supposedly he could be killed at any moment, and yet they're slow-playing it to milk profits.
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May 24, 2022
Why do you think that everyone who worked in the program would be involved in the actual recovery? It would be far more compartimentalizd in that, whether it's alien recovery or just regular spy work. In anything top-secret, you limit the exposure to as few individuals as possible.

But he doesn't claim to have questions, he claims to have answers. He claims that he is absolutely certain we are recovering lots of alien ships and lots of bodies, even though he hasn't seen any of them and we don't even have a clear statement that he's spoken to anyone who has directly seen unambiguously alien bodies or craft.

When he was asked directly, the BEST evidence he could give that they were alien was that the isotopes were unusual and the alloys had lots of heavy metals. Not impossible, not unEarthly, just unusual. That implies that messing with pieces of metal might literally be the most direct experience any of his sources ever had with "alien" craft.

Supposedly society-changing information, supposedly he could be killed at any moment, and yet they're slow-playing it to milk profits.
His complaint is about a secret recovery program and documents pertaining to actual craft that he stated he has seen (the documents) and has access to them and gave that information to the IC IG who then apparently was able to have his testimony corroborated. I get it... it's good to be skeptical, but you haven't seen the complaint or even his information that he gave to the IC IG who then said his findings were "CREDIBLE AND URGENT" and then that summary sent to various places like the Director of National Intelligence, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence...... obviously whatever they found they decided it was credible enough to put their names on it within the community.

AND THEN the people from the article go to various others within the community and say "Can you put your name on this article about this guy being trustworthy?" and they do.. Multiple people in the article and online have vouched for his credibility.

Again I think it's weird that you're going off a snippet or highlight of a interview THAT HASN'T BEEN FULLY RELEASED YET. They've literally released what like 3-4 minutes so far? I'll hear this guy out, because #1 his credentials obviously scream that we should and those in the know on this subject say he's legit... and also because he has gone through the right channels so far

Obviously there are some red flags that make me roll my eyes and think "Idk this is too much" (which for me is the dead alien bodies).. but I'm willing to hear more of the evidence provided.

From what I've seen online the New York Times is releasing a story on this Sunday. Not sure which direction they intend to go.. Maybe they have information that corroborates this guy, or maybe they will go the other way and show he just flat out got played


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
All these spies, all this tech, all the clout-chasing, backstabbing, selling out, loudmouths, high-stakes espionage, etc.

If we were hiding alien tech best believe other countries would have found out and pushed that info by now. I'm not doubting the existence of aliens, but I am doubting all this other shyt about alien tech and how we got it exclusively.

It's highly unlikely that in a universe the size of trillions of lightyears (or however) that alien tech has landed specifically for the United States of America. Like you know how small New Mexico is compared to the rest of the world? The chances of you dropping something from space and it landing in New Mexico vs anywhere else on the planet is small af.

They also only dropped one copy to probe the entire planet? What are these aliens, inefficient?

How about instead: the advanced tech we got we have because it's been the result of a large collection of engineering and science lessons the entire world and it's numerous cultures have contributed to over the centuries? A lot of modern tech aren't some breakthrough inventions that happen overnight, they've been very incremental and improved on over time.
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