The 2 people who wrote the article are REALLY well respected journalists. They were the ones who uncovered the 2017 UFO stuff that the Pentagon and DoD finally released and admitted they had a UFO program in place after denying it.
Breh, come on now.

This is Leslie Kean's wikipedia:
I don't see the "REALLY well respected" history of journalism in there. It looks like her career has mostly focused on UFOs and trying to prove the afterlife is real. I'm reading the reviews for her book about the afterlife, and it says she believes that "Mediums" are really talking to dead people and has sections on "ectoplasm". Some of the reviewers say she seems particularly gullible and not at all objective. So....yeah, she's exactly the kind of person who would come out with a story like this.
Blumenthal is more respected, having been a journalist with the New York Times from 1964 to 2007. But he just seems like a normal staff reporter, not some giant of the field. His biography is rather thin - at 82 years old, he has published 3 books in his life and 2 of them were about UFOs.
Furthermore, this blurb from him is on the front of Leslie's afterlife book:
"Astounding! With her usual scientific precision and insatiable curiosity, Leslie Kean is our Orpheus, descending into the Netherworld to grapple with the most ancient of mysteries and return with inspiring evidence -- death shall have no dominion." —Ralph Blumenthal, investigative
So the people this guy found to believe his UFO story are the same people who believe that spiritual mediums are talking to the dead and aren't just creative con artists.
They apparently had the Washington Post and NYT looking over the story and wanting to put it out there, but the journalists stated that David Grusch was being apparently "harrassed" and they were "worried for his safety" which is why they wanted to go public faster.. I'm assuming he was receiving death threats
Death threats from who?
This man isn't getting any serious death threats, please. Imagine thinking we've reversed-engineered alien technology and kept it secret for 60 years, but the government's "secrecy" mechanism is reduced to making ineffective death threats against some random.