Maybe short, asian Rastafarians in sunglasses and a silver Mystery MachineDominican Rastas...
Me no Black
Maybe short, asian Rastafarians in sunglasses and a silver Mystery MachineDominican Rastas...
Me no Black
See how easy it it to post links and quotes… except mines are actually from the grown ass adults that were there, and yours are from “professional debunkers” who were never there.
My nikka, you’re saying it was a bus full of potsmoking rastas that they saw land their bus, get out, interact with the kids, etc…
Or was it “mass hysteria” that the other debunkers said before the kids were even interviewed as adults?
I also saw your Rastafarian in one of the drawings @Rahkim. I guess they’re short with pale skin and huge black eyes too
Peace bruhNo, mine were from the actual kids themselves at the time.
I don't think you understand what "mass hysteria" is. It isn't hallucinations. It's seeing one thing and being convinced you've seen something else. It is a VERY common phenomena.
Do you believe the Delhi Monkey Man was real too?
The Monkey Man Panic: 20 Years Later | Skeptical Inquirer
Twenty years ago this month—this week, in fact—the capital of India was gripped in a panic. Early reports claimed that some mysterious monkey-like creature ...skepticalinquirer.org
If the aliens had pale skin, then why did the vast majority of kids initially describe them as Black guys?
And of course rastas have huge black eyes at a distance.
That's the literal rasta who was giving a concert nearby that week. Black, with long hair, and big black eyes.
At 700 feet I doubt the kids had the slighest idea how big the people they were looking at were, especially since they were standing in long grass. Some of them said they were short but others said thin and tall, and most didn't mention size so it would suggest normal.
Explain the middle east metallic orb picked up by the MQ9.
The director of AARO couldn't explain an obvious Orb with controlled flight.
This was 12 days ago.
I believe it's extraterrestrial.
Seems like you like to debunk.
Prove me wrong.
You don’t seem to
“Where is the classified evidence “
“Where are the leaks “
This is about a whistleblower wanting transparency and oversight of rouge projects, (which seem to be projects on extraterrestrial life and provided them proof such projects exist), telling the American people and those representing them the truth, and using the program that congress instilled to do so.
At least, that’s what I got from it. He was never going to leak anything, he’s going by what he can and cannot legally do or say.
Even if a leak happens, your mind is made up and you wouldn’t believe it regardless
I'm hoping that this Whistleblower Protection Act allows people with information to more easily go through the processes of getting the information to people who need to know.All this back and forth.
The government has admitted UFO/UAP exists. People are risking their lives/reputation for disclosure.
Let’s focus on that.
It’s something happening. Might be humans, might not doesn’t matter. shyt is happening regardless of what side you’re on.
Foreal bruh, just stop quoting me.
You literally sent me a link to people trying to discredit what these kids actually saw.. again
This wasn’t even the only School sighting either
But how about this @Dafunkdoc_Unlimited go watch the documentary Moment of Contact and debunk it.
If you want the entire story as told by the UFOlogists, you have a great source. The 2022 documentary Moment of Contact interviews a number of the people who were involved, and presents it as a true case of alien visitation. It also offers a stark example of how these stories grow and change enormously over the years. Original eyewitnesses tend to add story elements, often bridging their own recollections to those of others; new people intrigued at the prospect of some notoriety always "come forward" and claim to have been there; and imaginative authors always, always, always add no end of creative enhancements that, over time, blend in and come to be accepted as part of the standard narrative. The inevitable result is a story full of incredible events, all supported by amazingly trustworthy eyewitnesses, all inexplicable as anything Earthly. Such a tapestry offers fertile soil for any documentary filmmaker. One thing such filmmakers hope you never do is go back and read the original newspaper accounts, because what you tend to discover is that almost nothing particularly interesting happened — until later years festooned the facts with embellishments.
You presented a story that was debunked by actual journalism, the Brazilian media, and the Brazilian Gov't. who investigated the claims and determined what happened based on eyewitness testimony.
Just because the story was in a documentary doesn't make it 'true'.
The craziest part would be if their "cover up" story was true, then the Brazilian government, military, police, hospital, AND media would have to be involved. Not just the powerful, but regular soldiers and reporters would know the truth. Even random neighbors would have been part of the cover up.
How would that even work? They're talking like the USA program has the greatest operational security in history, but in Brazil they're supposedly mobilizing the whole military at a moment's notice and then claiming they didn't, mobilizing the police and firefighters and letting them all know, holding aliens in a regular hospital so the hospital employees all know too, in the movie all sorts of regular people claim they were told "the truth" by authorities so secrecy was totally ignored.... and yet everyone actually involved in military, police, firefighting, media, and the family of the main guy say there were no aliens?
If you'd actually read the link, you'd see that already happened....
Brazil's Roswell: The Varginha UFO
This story of alien visitation in Brazil from 1996 claims to be the most convincing proof we have.skeptoid.com
Believe what you want, but the stories you're presenting as evidence don't stand up to scrutiny.
I'm still waiting on the question - how far off the ground do you think the orb is, how far from the camera, and how fast is the camera moving/panning?
The question is extremely important, because from the video alone, you can't actually prove the "orb" is moving at all.
Strangely, the burden of proof keeps getting shifted away from the people making extraordinary claims. So I'm trying to put it back where it belongs. If you believe that object is extraterrestrial, then tell me - how far away is it and how much is the camera moving?
This is an interesting story, mostly because they were apparently 10-12 feet away from whatever they saw. But it wasn't just the girls.This is the funniest part.
The alien sighting by the teenage girls that launched the whole episode was described as brown, dirty, skinny, unsteady, hairless, with limited clothing, didn't talk, looked sick, red eyes, crouching in the dirt next to the wall.
Here are the recreations from Moment of Contact and others based on the girls' description:
Now, here is the mentally ill man who lived in that EXACT home closest to where the girls saw the creature, who couldn't speak, was very skinny, often wore limited clothing, crouched all time, and played in the dirt by walls.
Luiz Antônio de Paula, known as "Mudinho"
It's literally the exact dude.
There had been heavy rains recently, so he probably got muddy which explains "brown" and "oily". The second two girls didn't see him until the first girl screamed and claimed she saw the devil, so that's how they got caught up in the hysteria. They never said it was an alien at first, they said they saw a devil, the alien shyt got added by other people later.
A história oficial do ET de Varginha
Investigação do Exército conclui que um morador da cidade foi confundido com um ser de outro planeta e documentos explicam a movimentação anormal de militares na regiãoistoe-com-br.translate.goog
What are the chances that someone who looked and acted EXACTLY like the alien in question would be living in the house next door to the sighting?