No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?


Feb 15, 2017
Golden △
i honestly wonder why the aliens ain’t just end us by now. I’m sure we provide nothing of merit to the greater universal powers that be. We can’t even travel at light speed :pachaha: .

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
i honestly wonder why the aliens ain’t just end us by now. I’m sure we provide nothing of merit to the greater universal powers that be. We can’t even travel at light speed :pachaha: .

We got AI generated PAWGs now. I think its safe to say we have the upper hand. :banderas:


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
South Ful Co.
Holy crap, just ran into this thread which absolutely buries him. I focused on the educational background because it's so indisputable that he faked it and that alone destroys his claims. But it turns out to be easy to prove that he faked his work history and job titles too and has been associated with numerous frauds.

Yea.. this doesn’t look good
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
I’ve got the ships.

JetBlue still holding a Breh down...



Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Full interview

OP update OP

Cliff notes:

1) UFOs are real
2) Aliens Exist
3) It is unlikely aliens are from another planet but rather from another dimension. They may be from earth situated at the same spatial location as earth but in another dimension, so the UFO is unlikely to have travelled in outer space to get here.
4) Behavior analysis shows that some of their actions have been malevolent, do not think they are peaceful because they are more advanced
5) Humans have died at the hands of these aliens
6) one craft is as big as a football field
7) the U.S govt is giving this tech to American weapons manufacturers for free & then America will buy it back making those companies get a huge profit.
8) Other countries have spaceships too & there’s a secret arms race going on based on alien tech
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
/Cliff notes:

1) UFOs are real
2) Aliens Exist
3) It is unlikely aliens are from another planet but rather from another dimension. They may be from earth situated at the same spatial location as earth but in another dimension, so the UFO is unlikely to have travelled in outer space to get here.
4) Behavior analysis shows that some of their actions have been malevolent, do not think they are peaceful because they are more advanced
5) Humans have died at the hands of these aliens
6) one craft is as big as a football field
7) the U.S govt is giving this tech to American weapons manufacturers for free & then America will buy it back making those companies get a huge profit.
8) Other countries have spaceships too & there’s a secret arms race going on based on alien tech

Imagine believing all the above shyt was true, and claiming to have definitive evidence of it, but not being willing to give any real details or expose any actual evidence because "the government might bring charges" if the government wouldn't have far bigger shyt to worry about at that point.

Supposedly this guy testified before Congress and gave them classified documents proving it, yet Congress has just continued typical business as usual since then with no sign of an existential crisis?

Imagine claiming that nations all over the world have been finding these crashed UFOs for almost 100 years, full-on arms race going on for decades, thousands of scientists in the USA alone and god knows how many engineers, techs, and bureaucrats, even private corporations being put into the loop too, and yet PERFECT operational security has been maintained the entire time. Not a single world leader, during or after his service, has even once had a change of heart, or thought that his nation would benefit strategically, or even just went crazy/old and lost his filter. Not a single scientist who could expose ACTUAL evidence has once decided he was fed up and needed to do it, or set up a dead drop upon his death.

Like seriously.....NONE of these guys want to expose the evidence even after they die? With all the constant government leaks we get from nations all over the world and scandals deeply embarrassing to leaders or threatening to national security, this is the one thing that has perfect operational security? We get Putin's personal medical reports but we can't break the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who know about UFOs?

Also, suggesting the USA or any other nation has been reverse engineering tech that warps spacetime or travels between dimensions is ridiculous.


Apr 30, 2012
If they come out and start saying the visitors are most likely violent, then you know they're lying. Bc they could have destroyed us already if they wanted.

There's a reason they seem to hover around military base areas.

But I've also heard that we have technology that looks like theirs, such as the tic tac thing. Bc we've tried to copy them.

This "whistle blower" has permission to discuss everything he said on tv and certain things he could not discuss. He said that. Therefore, he's probably not to be trusted IMO.

If they disclose something to us, then there's a million other things they aren't telling us.


May 24, 2022
Imagine believing all the above shyt was true, and claiming to have definitive evidence of it, but not being willing to give any real details or expose any actual evidence because "the government might bring charges" if the government wouldn't have far bigger shyt to worry about at that point.

Supposedly this guy testified before Congress and gave them classified documents proving it, yet Congress has just continued typical business as usual since then with no sign of an existential crisis?

Imagine claiming that nations all over the world have been finding these crashed UFOs for almost 100 years, full-on arms race going on for decades, thousands of scientists in the USA alone and god knows how many engineers, techs, and bureaucrats, even private corporations being put into the loop too, and yet PERFECT operational security has been maintained the entire time. Not a single world leader, during or after his service, has even once had a change of heart, or thought that his nation would benefit strategically, or even just went crazy/old and lost his filter. Not a single scientist who could expose ACTUAL evidence has once decided he was fed up and needed to do it, or set up a dead drop upon his death.

Like seriously.....NONE of these guys want to expose the evidence even after they die? With all the constant government leaks we get from nations all over the world and scandals deeply embarrassing to leaders or threatening to national security, this is the one thing that has perfect operational security? We get Putin's personal medical reports but we can't break the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who know about UFOs?

Also, suggesting the USA or any other nation has been reverse engineering tech that warps spacetime or travels between dimensions is ridiculous.
According to him and the people who did the article and interviewed him... he did bring forward information to them. He just didn't do it publicly to regular citizens. I could see why he would do that if that were true. A lot of the claims seem to be a lot crazier than just "we have spacecraft"

Lets just go on the speculation that the US was aware of intelligent beings and these people... now that information is out, are they liable by anyone who was apparently "taken/abducted"? All these stories, can they sue the US government? What about the potential for certain individuals who kept this a secret.. obviously they would have had to do so in various illegal ways, are they going to be punished in some capacity? I feel like those are a lot of questions that people don't really want to open just yet

According to Ross Coulthart, he did have a couple of Congressmen come to him off the record and say they are aware of his claims and have seen the documents/evidence by not just him but others as well but that they aren't going to the ones who push for more transparency for multiple reasons.

If we're to believe this, then they don't have perfect operational security lol... These are the types of rumors we've heard 1000x's and laughed at.
I feel like that would probably be the more likely case from those in power was to discredit anyone who came forward and mock/make fun of them/make them seem crazy.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Imagine believing all the above shyt was true, and claiming to have definitive evidence of it, but not being willing to give any real details or expose any actual evidence because "the government might bring charges" if the government wouldn't have far bigger shyt to worry about at that

He IS willing to give evidence, he said it in the interview but to congress/senate & they somehow release the info.
And what does bigger shyt the U.S has to worry about? This itself is quite big.

Supposedly this guy testified before Congress and gave them classified documents proving it, yet Congress has just continued typical business as usual since then with no sign of an existential crisis?
Ya imagine congress going about its regular business during an existential crisis, they would never do that like with Climate Change, an arms race, famine in places in the world, planned recessions etc..

Imagine claiming that nations all over the world have been finding these crashed UFOs for almost 100 years, full-on arms race going on for decades, thousands of scientists in the USA alone and god knows how many engineers, techs, and bureaucrats, even private corporations being put into the loop too, and yet PERFECT operational security has been maintained the entire time. Not a single world leader, during or after his service, has even once had a change of heart, or thought that his nation would benefit strategically, or even just went crazy/old and lost his filter. Not a single scientist who could expose ACTUAL evidence has once decided he was fed up and needed to do it, or set up a dead drop upon his death.

Who knows how many things have had perfect operational security that we don’t know about:
And not a change of heart throughout many administrations or world leaders?
How many different topics can we apply this no change of heart that we know to be true?

War, after WWII pretty much every war was based on lies throughout many administrations, throughout so many administrations we get a constant bow to Israel & never a “change of heart” no matter how Palestinians suffer.
Bow to bankers, the military industrial complex, I mean how many?

And world leaders too, it’s not only the U.S, Britain too & other allies.
Look at the UN Security Council members & the purpose of that body & then look at the list of the top 5 countries that are the worlds biggest arms dealers, see if you see any similarities in the lists.

I mean everything you said how many various numerous things that we know to be true could we apply this to?


May 24, 2022
I'm gonna say the most interesting thing that he said, not really that interesting since we already assumed this actually, was that the DoD has some very interesting videos that they haven't released yet for one reason or another.

We already have the Tic Tack video, the Gimble one, a couple others.. but people have said and this guy highlighted that they actually have a lot more military videos that are clearer/better and more strange but haven't released to the public

I feel like these videos should be something that Congress works harder to declassify or push for more transparency.