No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Skeptics are just as bad as believers in these situations.

One side says: We don't have enough evidence to conclude aliens exist.

The other says: This dude says he heard from a guy that used to work for a guy that was married to the secretary of a guy who overheard his superior talking about a blurry photo that proves aliens exist.​
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus

One side says: We don't have enough evidence to conclude aliens exist.

The other says: This dude says he heard from a guy that used to work for a guy that was married to the secretary of a guy who overheard his superior talking about a blurry photo that proves aliens exist.​

What will convince you if/when they show photos or documentation of interdimensional craft?

Will you know how to confirm its authenticity?

You think they'll have field trips to come and touch it and do your own experiments?

I understand the healthy skepticism. BUT

Also, allow the evidence to be presented.

These programs are layered in dozens of layers of obfuscation...of course information comes out in random ways.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Where/when and by who has Bob Lazar been proven to be a fraudster?

Just for starters, his educational background was looked into and every single source was a lie.

Lazar claims to have advanced degrees from MIT and Caltech. In reality, he was a poor student in high school who attended a junior college for a while but left without a degree.

There is zero chance that someone with that poor an educational background would get into Caltech and MIT. There is zero chance that he could get degrees from Caltech and MIT without showing up in the yearbooks, registries, and not being remembered by a single professor or student there. Plus he can't name anything he did there except teachers who never taught there and a major that didn't exist. And his timeline for school/work is full of contractions and impossibilities.

It's not just that his school fabrications make him a proven liar. It's also that they make it clear he never could have gotten a job doing that shyt, and never would have understood the work. Others have pointed that out as well - he doesn't talk about science like a scientist and makes numerous errors.

Here's a copy-paste summarising the evidence against him there:

r/ufou/SignalsIntelligence • Jun 14 '21

Believing Bob Lazar - Part One - Educational Background​

August 1976 - Graduates High School:

According to Stanton Friedman, RL graduated from W. Tresper Clarke High School in Westbury Long Island, New York. His class standing was number 261 out of a class of 369. Further, according to Friedman, this would put RL in the bottom third of his class and entry into Cal Tech or MIT generally requires the student be in the top 10% of the class.

1976: Claims to have attended Los Angeles Pierce College.

This has been confirmed by Stanton Friedman. After RL stated that one of his professors at Cal Tech was named “Duxler”, Friedman located a William Duxler, a Math and Physics professor at Pierce College, who was able to determine that RL had taken at least one of his courses in the late 1970’s. Duxler said he never taught at Cal Tech.

For those who are curious, here is the video of Lazar claiming that he had a professor Duxler at Cal Tech, and a professor Hohsfield at MIT. There is no Hohsfield at MIT, but there was one at Lazar’s high school that was a Technical and Vocational teacher there teaching electronics.

A commenter from Quora on experience of being a graduate student at MIT:

When you attend a university as a graduate student, you leave many artifacts of your time there. You have an office. Someone from your department has to assign you that office. In his capacity, he would have worked in a lab, on many nights slept in that lab, like one of my roommates did who was a postdoc at MIT. You have cohort-mates. You have a dean. You have a thesis or dissertation advisor. You have mentors. You have a student ID. You use the library, and get to know librarians and security guards. You teach—depending on the institution on your own or under a professor as a TA—so you have students. You might play intramural sports or join other clubs. You have friends. I can go on.
Then there's research and publishing. He would have co-written academic papers. I think all of this is magnified at a place like MIT. These places attract the best lecturers and professors. And students, which Lazar was not. Your memories are very bright because the experiences are unforgettable. MIT labs are interesting places, with cutting edge research and development. Lazar would have rubbed elbows with a lot of very well known people.

1978 - Degree from Pacifica University:

Lazar claims a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Electronic Technology, from Pacifica University (correspondence university), according to RL’s Pre-Sentence Report for his pandering conviction (Case 94922). Pacifica was shut down in 1978 by the State of California for selling degrees.

“1977 or 78” - Attends Cal State Northridge:

Claims to have attended Cal State University, Northridge, “for a short time for some classes”, then on to CalTech. (14)
“The Big T” is the student yearbook for CalTech. At the Millikan Library at CalTech, every page of every issue of “The Big T” from the year 1977 through 1982 was checked. There is no photo or mention of RL anywhere in any of the activities, highly improbable were he a student there. Checking by George Knapp (1) and Stanton Friedman with the administration revealed no records of RL’s attendance.

July 27, 1980 - Marries Carol Strong:

RL married Carol Nadine Strong in Woodland Hills, California.
The certificate list’s RL’s occupation as “Electronics Engineer” and his highest school grade completed as 12.

1982 - Graduates with Masters Degree from Cal Tech:

At the Millikan Library at CalTech, every page of every issue of “The Big T” from the year 1977 through 1982 was checked. There is no photo or mention of RL anywhere in any of the activities, highly improbable were he a student there. Checking by George Knapp (1) and Stanton Friedman with the administration revealed no records of RL’s attendance.

1985 - Graduates with Masters Degree from MIT.

Glenn Campbell checked the following sources at the Institute Archives at MIT (See reference 14): Student directories between 1978 and 1990, Faculty/Staff phone directories between 1978 and 1990, MIT Degree List between 1979 and 1980, and the 1989 MIT Alumni/ae Register. There was no listing of RL in any of these documents. (16) Stanton Friedman has also checked with the MIT Registrar’s office and the Alumni office and has found no evidence of attendance. Friedman reports RL is not on the 1982 commencement list.

Friedman adds this:

The notion that the government wiped his CIVILIAN records clean is absurd. I checked with the Legal Counsel at MIT — no way to wipe all his records clean. The Physics department never heard of him and he is not a member of the American Physical Society.

This constitutes all of Bob’s claimed educational background. No classmates, students, professors, or anyone else associated with MIT or CalTech have come forward to say they knew or studied with Lazar. Lazar has never been able to name a single professor, student, or anyone else associated with these universities who might know him. On the one occasion that he did - linked above - the names that he gave were teachers at his High School and Pierce College.

George Knapp on Lazar’s education claims:

The information about his educational background was in the very first story that aired… I will confide to you this, I don’t believe he went to those schools. I don’t believe Bob Lazar could get a degree from CalTech or MIT for a very simple reason. At American Universities, when you get an undergraduate degree, you have to take all kinds of core courses in subjects that you may not be interested in. Literature, I can’t possibly imagine Bob Lazar sitting through a class in American Lit or reading poetry or something like that. He’d never stand for it. There is no way in hell that he sat through that stuff to get a degree… (Source)

Knapp is clearly a big supporter of Lazar, extremely good friends with him, literally wrote the forward in Lazar’s book, believes all of the claims about working at S4, and did his own research and reporting on his education - and he does not believe he actually went to MIT or CalTech.

All that and much more evidence against him here:

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Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
I know the stigma is still there...and people don't understand and think it's funny.

But this is obviously serious and the cat is out of the bag.

This conversation is going to continue and even more will be unearthed.



Apr 30, 2012
So that makes 2-3 major UFO ppl to say these beings are not from another planet, but from another/alternate dimension of this world.

Can anyone explain that more, or point to a link?


Apr 30, 2012
So he just said he doesn't have clearance to discuss area 51.

So that means everything he's saying he was allowed by the govt to say. That's kinda worrisome

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Where/when and by who has Bob Lazar been proven to be a fraudster?

He was right about that new element too, fraud or not

Which is true

No, he wasn't, breh. There is no stable isotope of muscovium.​

nikka I said he predicted the element, I didn’t say shyt else

And he did

He said Aliens stabilized it.. not that humans did

Brehs, using "but Element 115!" to claim Lazar has credibility is ridiculous. When Lazar made his claims about 115, we were discovering a new element every 2-3 years. Since he said it, we've continued to add on every element from 107 to 118. He could have used any of those numbers, and if he had picked a higher number, you'd be saying "just wait".

In fact, before Lazar ever made that claim, scientists had already predicted a possible "island of stability" near Element 114, which is probably why Lazar chose 115 for his hoax.

But literally nothing we know about the actual Element 115 matches Lazar's claims about 115. His only "prediction" was claiming it exists, which a child could have said, and the rest was ridiculous pseudoscience.

Which aligns with the clear proof that he lied about his educational background and is basically a tinkerer who enjoys science ideas but has no deep knowledge of scientific topics.
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May 24, 2022
Just watched the special.. It basically regurgitated information from the Debrief article, but highlighted certain things that we previously weren't aware of from that article

The 1933 Italy crash was apparently held by the Vatican at some point, and that's how the US was able to verify information on it before we apparently took whatever it was

They highlighted that the Intelligence Community Inspector General DID go over his complaint and did their own investigation that included the information that he gave, and that others came forward and gave and found his findings to be "credible and urgent".. He wanted to go about things the legal and "proper" way, which I respect but it makes sense just in the sense that you get to that level he was by following rules so it makes sense that this is just the type of person he is. Selfishly wish he didn't.

I did find his theory about these "Intelligent beings" not necessarily coming from millions of light years away, like how we would think of space travel right now.. but potentially in some other 4th 5th dimension... I do think there is some validity to this statement, just in the fact that if we ever were to get in touch with intelligent life this would probably be the way. We've been transmitting information in space for what..... 100 years or something? This would be the likely explanation if we were to be visited.

He did say that according to these stories/testimonies/documents that it appeared that these NHI are apparently not always "good" and have done some shady chit that included nuclear weapons silo's that they mentioned a specific example. He kinda didn't wanna dive full into that subject, and just pushed that others in power should investigate that question as he'd be curious as well. He was asked questions on if humans had been killed/hurt by the NHI, he did say he was briefed that they were.

Another thing that he mentioned was the potential "agreement" between NHI and certain governments. I have no idea what to make of that claim lol

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Where/when and by who has Bob Lazar been proven to be a fraudster?

Holy crap, just ran into this thread which absolutely buries him. I focused on the educational background because it's so indisputable that he faked it and that alone destroys his claims. But it turns out to be easy to prove that he faked his work history and job titles too and has been associated with numerous frauds.
