No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Wait...are you religious? I'll get to the other stuff later. But if you are religious then that explains your...ultamist stance on this. Religious folk arent comfortable with "Grey area" or no answer lol

I love how you just made an absolute statement about all religious people while claiming that religious people are the ones who deal in absolutes.

Check out any of my discussions of the Old Testament, or Biblical inerrancy, or the mechanisms of evolution, to see how perfectly comfortable I am with grey areas.

Thelonious Napz

All Star
Mar 15, 2014
So it was about 13 years ago. Im from nyc but at the time i was going to school in south carolina
My grandfather was celebrating his 70th birthday party in north carolina in a town right by the border of sc/nc
So i had my sister who lives down near columbia pick me up and take me to the party and back. It was us my niece and my nephew.
The trip is about an half hour-45 minutes from my school. And it was on a sunday so i had to be back early for class monday morning

On the way back on the highway, we spot this massive ship with bright lights basically chilling in the sky overhead. It flashed for like 20-30 seconds. Everyone in the car saw it.From there ,there was a weird series of events. We all of a sudden found ourselves on a completely different highway with no recollection of how we got there. The trip from my school to the party was about 45 minutes.

we left the party at 11 something o clock, we didnt get back to columbia till 4 something in the morning. Have no idea where that time went
George Clinton spoke on an experience he and Bootsy had on their way to Canada. It's very similar to yours. :ohhh:

I time stamped it for you.

Did any of the things he described sound similar to your expierence?


May 24, 2022
Shellenberger saying "I've heard these rumours too" tells us absolutely nothing other than that Grusch's sources aren't imaginary friends. And no one was running with that claim. So yeah, it adds nothing.

He's a clout chaser who runs up every trend. He didn't push this one until it became the popular thing to do.

Do you think anyone is breaking the law and disclosing classified info to fukking Michael Shellenberger, or that we should trust anyone who would do that? And if he doesn't have classified info, then he doesn't have anything, right?
I mean maybe so... That doesn't discount that we should take these claims seriously enough that we have Congress investigate them and find out what these people are apparently reporting on. It's not just 1 person, it's apparently multiple. I just don't understand how ANYONE would have an issue with taking this seriously enough that we start to ask some question from these guys who are coming out.

I mean Shellenberger did more than just do a TV interview and say "Yupp I heard the same thing!". He wrote a pretty in depth article filling some of the holes that the Debrief article ran, and put more information out there. Now whether you believe what he's being told, that's on you. But THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH INVESTIGATING THESE STORIES. There are far too many coming out from intelligence officials within the community to just ignore altogether.

According to Ross Coulthart, David has already given the closed door Congressmen/women specific items to review.

Do I think that certain people with clearances tell journalists things that are Secret/Top Secret and to keep them anonymous for one reason or another? Uhhh yeah, every day I do. Also his argument is CLEARLY stated in the tweet... "If there's nothing there, you should have no objection to Congress taking a look"

That really should be the stance

If they find something.. dope! If they don't find something..... now we can move on

I just don't understand how this is a hard concept

I think the issue is that...these arguments assume everyone is a silly person for even acknowledging the possibility based upon the context of the situation and the claims by the sources.

These premises literally rely on everyone involved being dumber than the skeptic. Everytime. Everyone is a liar , everyone is too dense to notice things that apparently the skeptic can. Everyone is assumed to be an alien freak believer if we acknowledge the possibility of every person not being insane or a liar. And finally all of this is predicated on the concept that the idea of such a thing occuring ('alien' activity) is way too far fetched for them. But it though?

Thats the core of all this I think, how far fetched is this really?

Just a fun brain excercise, over 400 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone. And lets say each solar system has 9 planets each like many planets is that in our solar system alone?

Now factor in that there are trillions of galaxies in the observeable universe that pre-dates ours by thousands or billions of years...

To me, its not that far fetched that a couple civilizations out there perhaps figured some things out.
This is pretty much it.

It's like anyone who is open to investigating these findings are suddenly irrational. Is anyone in this thread even saying "THESE ARE FOR SURE ALIENS!".. I feel like the overwhelming majority are: "Wow this chit is interesting and crazy! Congress and others need to look more into this"

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I think the issue is that...these arguments assume everyone is a silly person for even acknowledging the possibility based upon the context of the situation and the claims by the sources.

These premises literally rely on everyone involved being dumber than the skeptic. Everytime.

This is a logical fallacy that adds nothing to the discussion in every argument where it is used.

"If you debate me on this subject, you're just an arrogant a$$hole who always thinks he's right!"

Why not just debate the subject on its own merits rather than summer insecure generalizations?

Everyone is a liar , everyone is too dense to notice things that apparently the skeptic can. Everyone is assumed to be an alien freak believer if we acknowledge the possibility of every person not being insane or a liar. And finally all of this is predicated on the concept that the idea of such a thing occuring ('alien' activity) is way too far fetched for them. But it though?

Thats the core of all this I think, how far fetched is this really?

Just a fun brain excercise, over 400 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone. And lets say each solar system has 9 planets each like many planets is that in our galaxy alone?

Now factor in that there are trillions of galaxies in the observeable universe that pre-dates ours by thousands or billions of years...

To me, its not that far fetched that a couple civilizations out there perhaps figured some things out.

This assumes the skepticism is based solely on the technological difficulties, and not also on the lack of meaningful evidence, lack of signal transmissions in space, logical contradictions, clear alignment of sightings with human activity (flying saucer sightings getting big when humans started putting stuff in the sky, crash recovery starting when experimental craft started crashing, little gray men after Hollywood started showing little gray men, drone UAP sightings exploding after our enemies started building drones), and fact that there are plausible alternate explanations for everything we've seen so far which are a lot more likely.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Everyone is assumed to be an alien freak believer if we acknowledge the possibility of every person not being insane or a liar.

Do you realize that people don't have to be insane or liars, but just subject to the universal human tendency to jump to conclusions too easily and see what one wants to see rather than what's really there?

And finally all of this is predicated on the concept that the idea of such a thing occuring ('alien' activity) is way too far fetched for them. But it though?

Thats the core of all this I think, how far fetched is this really?

Just a fun brain excercise, over 400 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone. And lets say each solar system has 9 planets each like many planets is that in our galaxy alone?

Now factor in that there are trillions of galaxies in the observeable universe that pre-dates ours by thousands or billions of years...

To me, its not that far fetched that a couple civilizations out there perhaps figured some things out.

There's an important statistical omission here. You're saying "there are hundreds of billions of trillions of potential civilizations out there, so maybe a couple figured out how to visit someone else."

You ignore that even if a couple figured it out, why would they visit Earth iwhen they have at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 other options? Even if 1,000 civilizations figured out how to visit another solar system, and they each visited a million solar systems (which one would think would take tens of millions of years) there would still be less than 0.000000000001% chance that we would be one of the solar systems visited.

Far more likely is to assume that in the very, very unlikely event solar system travel within a meaningful time frame is possible, then once two civilizations find each other, it's followed by thousands of years of figuring each other out followed by tens of thousands of years of dealing with the repercussions. The idea of every spacefaring civ juggling thousands of relationships while continuing to devote intense resources to create thousands more seems unlikely. More likely is that they destroy each other, burn out, or go isolationist. And even if some DID go the ultra-explorer route.... little chance they find us among all the other potentials.

This is before we even get to the part where creating and using the kind of impossible technology were discussing would require so much energy even if it were possible, you'd basically have to start eating suns on the regular.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Did someone say there was? I haven't seen anyone say, "DON'T INVESTIGATE!" I'm just letting you know ahead of time what they're pretty obviously not going to find.

Do I think that certain people with clearances tell journalists things that are Secret/Top Secret and to keep them anonymous for one reason or another? Uhhh yeah, every day I do.

Michael Shellenberger isn't a journalist, he's an activist/influencer who tries to manipulate public opinion for right-wing causes.


May 24, 2022
Did someone say there was? I haven't seen anyone say, "DON'T INVESTIGATE!" I'm just letting you know ahead of time what they're pretty obviously not going to find.

Michael Shellenberger isn't a journalist, he's an activist/influencer who tries to manipulate public opinion for right-wing causes.
He's a journalist.. whether a good one based on his opionions is up for debate, but he is one. Nothing you state can change that, not even sure why you're trying

You have zero clue what they are going to find, especially since you're not even privy to any of the information/evidence that was presented...... that's the entire point of an investigation. Why do I even need to state this, you're a smart guy now


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
South Ful Co.
But again, the people in the "whistleblower complaint" are well under 1% of the people who would be involved in such a program, and there still hasn't been the slightest indication that they have submitted any evidence of actual involvement with offworld craft outside of their own kooky theories.

David Grusch has supposedly spoken to all of these people, and knows what they know, and when he was asked for evidence the craft they had examined were alien, what did he say? "Well, their isotope signature is unusual. Well, there's a surprising amount of heavy metal in the sample." That's it! Is that possible for Earth-made craft? "Well, yeah, it's possible, but it would take a lot of work and why would anyone go to that work?"

If these things look so human that the only way they differ is in isotope signatures and trace metal amounts, and both of those are easily possible to create on Earth....then it was probably created on Earth. Grusch is claiming complete alien craft and complete alien bodies both dead and alive, but when asked whether he's seen direct evidence of such things, or whether the people he's spoken to have direct evidence, what actual evidence did he say they had?

Yet literally thousands of people are privy to such information, and have been for decades. So why is it that proven fraudsters like Bob Lazar dominate the conversation, and the actual thousands and thousands of real scientists who were really involved haven't had anything relevant to say for 80 years?
Where/when and by who has Bob Lazar been proven to be a fraudster?

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
Plus, he has the mannerisms of a MLM con man. I don't think he fully believes everything he's saying. He's probably heard some stories of some shyt, and talked to some people who had even wilder stories, was given some documents that back up parts of their background story but nothing specific to aliens, became a true believe, and is now trying to "force out" the story by bluffing.
this is exactly what I thought after seeing his interview too. gonna need to see real tangible proof, not some clout chaser popping off.


May 24, 2022
this is exactly what I thought after seeing his interview too. gonna need to see real tangible proof, not some clout chaser popping off.
I mean you won't.. at least not with this issue and that's because of the "Classified" documentation that it's labeled under. You are a regular citizen, you will not see classified documents until they are declassified.

Now these people could be like Snowden and just release this information and go on the run... but after changing certain laws they are able to better take advantage of the Whistleblower Act and to disperse their information LEGALLY to Congress, the IC IG, and others. I'm really not seeing what this guy has to gain from this... he rose pretty fast in his positions, was obviously thought of highly by his bosses and those around him.

I'm having a hard time understand why he would lie about this "for clout". It would be much more likely he was fed incorrect information rather than he was doing it "for clout" cause it that was the case, all the other dozen people who came forward to either Congress or the IC IG complaint are also doing it for clout.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Watching another documentary that I think is an interesting watch

Most of it is talking about the technology, not really about aliens. Great documentary


Just finished, this was a very well done documentary. No supernatural bs, just basic facts with documentation of proof, scientific studies, credible sources, etc.

Basically the documentary is saying that we, the people, are being held back by the powers that be from advancing as a civilization by the military industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, politicians, media (paid off or backed by what’s listed above) and we are close to the extinction of the planet because of it.

Scientifically broke down that we already had the tech that we’ve seen in some of these UFO’s, we have the tech for clean renewable energy, but powers at be have threatened, silenced, or killed some of those inventors of this tech that we already had as humans.

It claims that other beings of intelligence are already here and the technology that the government/military is covering up is because they do not want the system to change and the power to shift.
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