well if he was how come they stuck a gun deep up as his before shooting him?GADAFI WAS THAT DUDE
well if he was how come they stuck a gun deep up as his before shooting him?GADAFI WAS THAT DUDE
i hope your trollingantisemitism will not be tolerated here, this is your last warning.
Doro Wot and Kitfo for me
You have to be a sick human being for sure. To know that the war has nothing to do with chemical weapons use and dead children yet get up there to guilt people into supporting it.
"I suggest everyone go online at watch these videos of the dying children" [paraphrased] but should they also go online and see videos of dead children being carried away due to his illegal drone orders?
the homie gadafi was right. this aint democracy. this is dictatorship... you can call it or "advertise" it however you want but it is what it is.
Them shyts is fiya.
shyt's pretty funny to me. Hell, we haven't even cleaned up the Agent Orange mess left in Vietnam. I'm sure that'd cost much less than some strike that won't involve boots on the ground and won't escalate(), yet at the same time will be enough to get rid of Assad and clear the way for a free for all.
Honestly, if someone believes Obama that US intervention is solely about children dying from chemical weapons that person is on some tin foil status. I'd put that person right next to the people who believe the US has earthquake causing machines.
You have to be a sick human being for sure. To know that the war has nothing to do with chemical weapons use and dead children yet get up there to guilt people into supporting it.
"I suggest everyone go online at watch these videos of the dying children" [paraphrased] but should they also go online and see videos of dead children being carried away due to his illegal drone orders?
the homie gadafi was right. this aint democracy. this is dictatorship... you can call it or "advertise" it however you want but it is what it is.
Syria in Ruins
The Ruins of Syria.................................................... that have been ruined, from what I'm hearing, from the 2+ year long clusterfuuck ..... https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ancient ruins of syria&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51773540,d.b2I,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Wr0Eol09kqs.O&biw=1120&bih=587&wrapid=tlif137887790247110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5AEwUsImhMPbBZ3jgJAG
Syria obviously has a shytload of historical signficance that goes back a couple thousand years back .. I just read yesterday that a group that speaks Aramaic (the purported language of Jesus) have had to abandon their land cause of violence
antisemitism will not be tolerated here, this is your last warning.
Except that this was set to occur from the jump. The scheduling of these meetings was always going to happen because of the debt ceiling, etc. Everything isn't an elaborate plot.Come on fam, the timing of all of this is hilarious.