Smooth sailing from here on out...
Your making things up again. Maynor isn't one of the best backup PG's. the guy shoots under 41 percent so far in his career and hasn't scored more than five points a game.
Harden's FG% went up from 43 to 49% this season. His volume numbers didn't just go up because he had more opportunity post Green. His efficiency went up because he improved as a player. Plus he only shot less than two more attempts a game. His efficiency is what made the difference this season. Your overreacting to one season by saying he was the right pick over Evans.
Thabo is fine as a role player, but he's offensively inept so he's nothing to shout about. Same for Collison. Perkins is vastly overpaid.
They did hit on Westbrook, but your point that he was only rising on the internet is another inconclusive one. The Knicks or Clips would have probably taken him if he dropped.
Again, your hiding behind hyperbole and curse words and I'm not the one. Try facts.
This team landed two HOF talents with top five picks because they stunk for a few years where there was great drafts. Not because of their GM's forsight.
Maynor is a good solid role player, numbers aren't everything especially when talking about a guy who plays 15 minutes a game. IMO Harden was the right pick over Evans because Harden is a more versatile player. Thabo is fine as a role player, because he plays a role, he isn't out there for offense. Same for Collison. Perkins is vastly overpaid, but most NBA bigs are.