I think theres a lot of deflection and misunderstanding wit this thread topic....
Educated lame is a phrase you really wont hear in real life. Its a manosphere/online black gender wars term that refers to a subset of Black men who are typically studious, educated, high earning but lacking in the general swag and style of stereotypical black men (especially in comparisons to the "Rays-rays and pookies", which is another manosphere term). Its not necessarily focusing on a "Black Peculiarity"

against education, but more or less focusing that within our culture, "swag" and "style" hold ALOT of weight in the dating world.
And the issue is that typically, Black Men who do tend to be well educated and in fields like STEM are generally not going to have the "swag" on the level of other Black Men. Not to say that we are all awkward c00ns who have no social skills but IN GENERAL, careers in STEM generally mean youre gonna be hard at work studying or collaborating with cacs and asians and therefore cannot invest as much time in developing those soft skills.
(*BTW theres also the uncomfortable conversation that IN GENERAL ONCE AGAIN, Blacks who tend to be high earners in STEM later in life were not raised around a huge number of Black folks...they typically come from middle class mixed neighborhoods

So to bring it all full circle, I think what OP means is that, Black folks are one of the few cultures where Swag holds more weight in assessing compatibility than say your educated background/earning potential. And on some level I agree with that.
I would also say that Latin Cultures also put a huge premium on "swag" and "machismo" too.
And even some subsets of White Culture. During some of my childhood, I grew up in Kentucky and youd be surprised at the amount of gorgeous white women who chose to marry some Duck Dynasty looking Cac who makes 45k (or less) working at the local Plant instead of some professional cac from Louisville or Lexington. But those are the men who display masculinity in their culture.
But as far as Black folks go, I think we have to understand that we largely have no significant cultural ties to one another (not via language, religion, tribe, shared culture) and are historically mired in Poverty. Those circumstances create hyper masculinity and as a side effect, Women grow up conditioned to those traits and dont understand that there are other types of men other than that.

thats my 2 cents