The King of Fighters
there wasnt enough girls in The Ladies Room to even justify having that sub-forum anyway. The Locker Room here is what The Ladies Room basically was, general discussion.
Welcome to the Coli tho.
This is technically true for the most part. It never should've been called the Ladies Room in the first place considering the main topic of the site itself was a male dominated genre. The Locker Room does seem more appropriate and is at least uni-sexual in title. Or perhaps it should've been called The Watercooler or the Barbershop since those are places that general discussion are usually held at. True enough, the latter is a more male oriented discussion center, but women are still welcome there.
I think the same should apply here. No need in this place or site in general should be an anti-woman zone. Let us not turn this place into a gay bar fellas. If ya gonna throw some hate at women, at least make it a lil less overt or even-sided with the hate. I can and do hate everyone equally really; white, black, asian, hispanic, old people, young people, children none of ya'll muhfukkas get special hating passes from me.