No Homo But HAVE Y'all Ever Had A Dude Hit On You? Coli Men

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
These fakkits are getting bold these days.

Sometimes they pretend to be cool straight nikkas then say some :dame: shyt outta left field

It's a big reason I'm not friendly with dudes I don't know anymore.

If I don't know u, don't even fukkin speak to me :ufdup:


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
I actually forgot about the second and last time a homosexual hit on me.
A young Sgt got transferred to my division for a temporary assignment. Big buff brolic brotha...but a little too "Refined" if you know what I my suspicions were already alerted...Indicator #1.
(Imagine the face of that gay son from "Empire" [Jussie Smollett] but on Terry Crews body.)
So out of an entire wing of feds and military, he gravitates to me somehow?? Indicator #2 something was strange...I'm not a friendly or approachable person so people don't just friend me up out of a whole floor of people.
Indicator #3: His whole affect changed when around females...the voice changed, the intonation changed, the lisp showed out...
Thats when I knew that dude was matter how brolic he tried to show and be.
This motherfukker kept trying to find a way to hang out with me, showing up at events on post I attended...showing up at a car show I was at with my cousin...showed up at a hockey game I had tickets to (free for military at the time) and tried to sit near me and a chick I was fukking with at the time, tried to sit next to me in staff meetings, all kinds of shyt.
Now, where I worked at the time, there is a secret elevator that only keyed security staff have access to. It leads down to a little bunker area that then leads out to the back of a warehouse section on post for fast exits.
Now, I always had females down there because it was locked down from monitoring and you could do what you want without getting busted. If anyone did come in there from either side you heard the elevator coming or someone unlocking the access gate and then the door from the you had a good minute to get your clothes back up and look like nothin was going on.

But back to the final creepy event that happened...
I decided to take my lunchbreak in the bunker room and I let my LTC know I'd be down there for lunch chilling...She said kewl, so I was on my way for a nice nap. Thought I'd go hit the bathroom first so I didn't get woken up by my bladder. What I didn't know is gay boy must have been filing paperwork in my LTC side office and overheard me letting her know I'd be down there.

So I get out the bathroom, ready for a nice 1.5 hour nap...happy and ready for them ZZZs...put in my key for the secret elevator, punch in the code and head on down to the bunker. Elevator opens up and who the fukk do I see?
fukkin gay boy...

I give him the "Sup" nod and walk past him and ask him if he needs the room cause I had plans for it for lunch.
He cops an attitude outta nowhere and starts gettin weird talking about how I have been ignoring and avoiding him and how that isn't cool.
I said whoa got me crossed up bruh.
I tried to explain to him that I'm not gay or bisexual or bicurious or any of that shyt. I got nothing against you if that's what you wanna do, but I'm old school...I like women. This brolic freak gonna get in front of the exit door on some bouncer type shyt.

So now I'm wondering if I'm about to get prison raped and if I'm gonna have to knife this fool (couldn't carry firearms in the building but knives were ok at the time) and deal with the UCMJ consequences. The only choices were to go through him...or backpedal into the elevator, which would have been an even smaller area to have to fight in.
So I said "I don't have time for this shyt man, one side" and pushed my way past him while getting grip on my knife. If he grabbed me, it was gonna be over for one of us.

Thankfully, he didn't try to stop me or grab me up...and I unlocked the exit door and exit gate without issue and got the fukk outta there.
I learned that day what females go through on a daily basis and it really opened up my eyes to what that predatory fear feels like. I ain't built for that kinda shyt. I can promise you I'd be in jail right now if that motherfukker had tried something.
Thankfully his temporary assignment was up at the end of that month and he got sent back to his originating post.
Life got back to normal...but i'll never forget that feeling of absolute fear that I was about to get raped.
That was truly....scary.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
I actually forgot about the second and last time a homosexual hit on me.
A young Sgt got transferred to my division for a temporary assignment. Big buff brolic brotha...but a little too "Refined" if you know what I my suspicions were already alerted...Indicator #1.
(Imagine the face of that gay son from "Empire" [Jussie Smollett] but on Terry Crews body.)
So out of an entire wing of feds and military, he gravitates to me somehow?? Indicator #2 something was strange...I'm not a friendly or approachable person so people don't just friend me up out of a whole floor of people.
Indicator #3: His whole affect changed when around females...the voice changed, the intonation changed, the lisp showed out...
Thats when I knew that dude was matter how brolic he tried to show and be.
This motherfukker kept trying to find a way to hang out with me, showing up at events on post I attended...showing up at a car show I was at with my cousin...showed up at a hockey game I had tickets to (free for military at the time) and tried to sit near me and a chick I was fukking with at the time, tried to sit next to me in staff meetings, all kinds of shyt.
Now, where I worked at the time, there is a secret elevator that only keyed security staff have access to. It leads down to a little bunker area that then leads out to the back of a warehouse section on post for fast exits.
Now, I always had females down there because it was locked down from monitoring and you could do what you want without getting busted. If anyone did come in there from either side you heard the elevator coming or someone unlocking the access gate and then the door from the you had a good minute to get your clothes back up and look like nothin was going on.

But back to the final creepy event that happened...
I decided to take my lunchbreak in the bunker room and I let my LTC know I'd be down there for lunch chilling...She said kewl, so I was on my way for a nice nap. Thought I'd go hit the bathroom first so I didn't get woken up by my bladder. What I didn't know is gay boy must have been filing paperwork in my LTC side office and overheard me letting her know I'd be down there.

So I get out the bathroom, ready for a nice 1.5 hour nap...happy and ready for them ZZZs...put in my key for the secret elevator, punch in the code and head on down to the bunker. Elevator opens up and who the fukk do I see?
fukkin gay boy...

I give him the "Sup" nod and walk past him and ask him if he needs the room cause I had plans for it for lunch.
He cops an attitude outta nowhere and starts gettin weird talking about how I have been ignoring and avoiding him and how that isn't cool.
I said whoa got me crossed up bruh.
I tried to explain to him that I'm not gay or bisexual or bicurious or any of that shyt. I got nothing against you if that's what you wanna do, but I'm old school...I like women. This brolic freak gonna get in front of the exit door on some bouncer type shyt.

So now I'm wondering if I'm about to get prison raped and if I'm gonna have to knife this fool (couldn't carry firearms in the building but knives were ok at the time) and deal with the UCMJ consequences. The only choices were to go through him...or backpedal into the elevator, which would have been an even smaller area to have to fight in.
So I said "I don't have time for this shyt man, one side" and pushed my way past him while getting grip on my knife. If he grabbed me, it was gonna be over for one of us.

Thankfully, he didn't try to stop me or grab me up...and I unlocked the exit door and exit gate without issue and got the fukk outta there.
I learned that day what females go through on a daily basis and it really opened up my eyes to what that predatory fear feels like. I ain't built for that kinda shyt. I can promise you I'd be in jail right now if that motherfukker had tried something.
Thankfully his temporary assignment was up at the end of that month and he got sent back to his originating post.
Life got back to normal...but i'll never forget that feeling of absolute fear that I was about to get raped.
That was truly....scary.

Wow, I felt the tension from here :lupe:

He probably noticed where your hand was and remembered that muscles don't stop a knife in ya neck :wow:

Allah was gonna guide that blade :ohlawd:

I'm glad you kept your booty breh :wow:


I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
Yea talked about one on here at chick-fil-a and him drawing a smiley face on my cup :dame: on the way back from Miami a few gay dudes with they homegirls on the plane was talking bout me but my homie girl had to check the gay dudes that I wasn’t on dat booty bandit wave :dame: