Nipsey on Fatherhood
Wish U could find Havoc from Mob sleep book list from Scratch Magazine back in the say.
"Behold the Pale White Horse" was on it among others.
I'm not sure Im try to rack my bain with google image sesrch but it might be the Kanye West Cover 2004 or the Timbaland July 2005 you know which issue was that? I have most of them and can look it up.
I'm not sure Im try to rack my bain with google image sesrch but it might be the Kanye West Cover 2004 or the Timbaland July 2005 cover.
I remember the book "All you need to know about the music business" by Donald S. Passman was on there. Havoc mentioned it was a useful book because it was informative and discussed gettting health insurance for artist etc.