Nipsey Hussle August 15 1985-March 31 2019


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
Thank you for explaining. I’m a she though.

I apologize for that.

Yeah, honestly I wish more guys were into this. Women in general just tend to be more open minded. I think men in general tend to look at you like you're crazy when you mention the stars and the way it's marketed in newspapers and magazines has put a bad spin on it. l got into it because some chicks I was cool with suggested I get a reading. It really changed my life.

hella off topic, but erm, could u send me some links to this in my inbox? shyt sounds interesting

Def will when I get home.


Oct 22, 2014
I'm not in the mindset of parading. that stuff doesn't move me, plus I'm not even from there..

This whole situation has effected my virtue in a bad way. I feel indifferent when people bring up fukk shyt like harming the shooters family
After being down at the memorial this week, he was a king in South LA. There were people who couldn't even make it to the parking lot where they were letting everyone take pictures because they were overwhelmed with grief.
May 30, 2012
Sound sound sound
You not being sincere with this question
Drake fans just trying to find ways to shyt on kendrick

I see you :stopitslime:


No I’m asking a serious question...

Nipsey seems to have touched all walks of life, and a lot of seems like organic grassroots just coming up in the city this a common thing for LA rappers? ...Kendrick doesn’t seem to have anywhere near the kind of backstory that nipsey is...I’m just curious how the city treats all their stars


Oct 17, 2015
You know what I was not going to say anything but after what Baron Davis remarks on Nipsey and 2pac, y'all emotional ass nikkas are causing more division in our community pitting 2 Black Men against Each Other, I seen it in this thread, you emotional nikkas not knowing you doing the Devil Work and we don't need emotional nikkas in our struggle, y'all weak, Nipsey wasn't a weak nikka and 2pac wasn't a weak nikka

So because of y'all weak sensitive ass nikkas who started this whole Nipsey and 2pac in this thread we got this shyt going around instead of paying homage to 2 Young Great Black Men.

Tupac was 25 when he died (Yah Bless The Dead) he never got to see his dream of starting a Black Political Party

Nipsey (Yah Bless The Dead) got to mature and gain wisdom to start to did what he done in the community at the age of 33

Both made an impact, but you sensitive ass nikkas need to quit, because you are not keeping his legacy alive
couldnt say it any better


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
Nip and I have the same North & South Node placement and it's a very dark placement. The crazy shyt is on Sunday afternoon (before I knew he even passed) I reached out to someone I knew who was into astrology who did my chart before how to overcome the south node in scorpio because it's one of the hardest. I think that's why his death is hitting me so hard.

Nip had his South node in Scorpio and the North Node in Taurus, which he mastered. Taurus is stable, money bringing, emotionally calm, luxury and he embodied that. The south node is dark, psychic traumatic energy. Basically your life path is all about escaping your south node (your past life...what you're used to doing and how you normally have behaved over many lifetimes). Your north node is what you're here to try to this case is was the embodiment of Taurus. It doesn't matter what your sun sign is...the north node is what you're supposed to try to master this lifetime.

Scorpio south node brings alot of enemies, drama, sexual deviancy, deciet, betrayal, vengeance ect. It's one of the hardest ones to overcome, but he was doing it. When I found out he died so violently it hit me very hard on a spiritual level because I've been fighting the same demons and my life has been pushing me to change to someone more responsible and opportunistic...but it's a battle. I wasn't even going to mention anything about the astrology here because I know how nikkas on this site are...but that shyt is real. That's why I'm having trouble getting over this because it's deeper than what people think. I can tell he was working and trying his best to fight and shake alot of shyt that the south node energy carried.

I don't know if that's what the person was referring to, but that's one thing personally that was revealed to me.

I have south node in scorpio.......what makes it harder for me is that I'm also a scorpio rising (which is the mask I wear to the world) along with Pluto conjunct my ascendant. I have heavy scorpio influences despite having a taurus north node and it's definitely been a struggle to have a stable life.


Oct 17, 2015
Breh maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think Baron meant it like that. He took it as Pac inspired a generation to strive for the things Nip was able to achieve. I do agree though anybody that’s playing the two off each other should be ignored as bullshyt. It’s not a pissing contest, brehs gotta learn the lesson in they deaths instead of glorifying them.
I think @Waterproof was talkin nikkas in here(the coli and abroad), not on Baron, then again I could be wrong to

edit: nvm I was wrong lol
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Wacky D

May 10, 2012
You know what I was not going to say anything but after what Baron Davis remarks on Nipsey and 2pac, y'all emotional ass nikkas are causing more division in our community pitting 2 Black Men against Each Other, I seen it in this thread, you emotional nikkas not knowing you doing the Devil Work and we don't need emotional nikkas in our struggle, y'all weak, Nipsey wasn't a weak nikka and 2pac wasn't a weak nikka

So because of y'all weak sensitive ass nikkas who started this whole Nipsey and 2pac in this thread we got this shyt going around instead of paying homage to 2 Young Great Black Men.

Tupac was 25 when he died (Yah Bless The Dead) he never got to see his dream of starting a Black Political Party

Nipsey (Yah Bless The Dead) got to mature and gain wisdom to start to did what he done in the community at the age of 33

Both made an impact, but you sensitive ass nikkas need to quit, because you are not keeping his legacy alive


baron needs to get on the twitter & clarify his statement. I don't think he meant for it to come out the way he did. it kind of gives off the idea that 2pac just ran his mouth & did nothing.
and less than a day later, people have run with it, and made it into some ole competition type chit.

I know for a fact that pac was putting a lot of work in. he was visiting the prisons and juvi halls all the way up here in philly. even kept in touch with my cousin. so nah, im not trying to hear none of that chit about the idea of pac being all talk.


The Truth
Mar 27, 2014
Where can I look to find more about these nodes? I just looked mines up and it’s Scorpio North and Taurus South
Damn that’s interesting, I know my North Node is Aries. I should learn that South Node tho. :ohhh:

Your north node is not your sun sign. Like, i'm an Aquarius..that's my sign. Your north node is not your actual sign, it's your life destiny. It's the traits your supposed to develop to balance your karma and become a higher being. Go look up your natal chart here Free Astrology Birth Chart Report

Put your bday and where your were born...if you have the time that's even better. Your north or Ascending node is at the bottom with next to a little symbol that looks like a pair of headphones. That's your north node. Once you find that out, the south node is already accounted for because it's the exact opposite. You have to study the south node to understand your past mistakes and all the habits that will lead to your downfall...especially if you haven't grown out of them...they will destroy you. Your north node is who you have to strive to be even if it's the total opposite of how you are now. That's what's going to lead to a better life for you and everyone around you.

Like I said, Nipsey mastered his north node of Taurus by taking responsibility, creating financial security for all those around him and creating peace and beauty in his world. The thing about your south node is if you don't fully balance it, it will smite you out at the most unsuspecting times because it is your past literally coming back to get you. That's exactly what happened to him in this world and on the spiritual level. I was telling everyone around me Sunday all day...yo...look at your north and south node. Had no idea why it was on my mind so heavy. When I got the news Nip died, I already was sad...then when I looked at his chart I broke down because I knew his battle. I know how hard it is to have the karmic weight of being responsible for your people and being hunted down by the dark deeds of your past.

This morning I cried again and I've been feeling like a bytch, but I can't help it. I never cry and I'm taking this more heavily than I ever believed I would for an entertainer. I liked him when he was alive, but he's the last person I would've ever thought I'd be breaking down for. It's just when you realize how harsh destiny and life can be...he really was doing his best and someone still ran him down. That's why I know I'm not doing anywhere enough of what I'm supposed to be doing and the reality of it all is setting in. I just thank the Most High for allowing me to see a man in my favorite genre of music be a real know that you can do it. Not just be what you want to be, but take the life you were given and turn it into something excellent. From a spiritual level, I'll always have a deep respect and love for this man that I'll never be able to explain. Deeper than rap more than music. That's why I wish more artists would show responsibility because they really are examples and avatars for everyone who's watching. It's deep.



I Am A God
May 1, 2012
I hate that I slept on Nipsey while he was alive. Both musically and as a person. Between listening to his music and reading countless articles, tweets, and posts on message boards, I see the world lost an incredible human being and a great artist. I'm so inspired by everything I've read about him to become a better person and give back to my community.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
I must say, its weird seeing these vigils for nipsey across the country in places like new York & atlanta.

is this a result of today's media/social media? cuz it felt like just a few years ago, I couldn't even get people to check out a nipsey cd in the east or the south. now theyre suddenly holding vigils for dude. and its not like his music got much popular since then.

maybe im missing something here.


last king killing ****
May 2, 2012
:mjcry: this hurts and nip wasnt even family. Nip was really something special man. I appreciate the motivation and inspiration that he provided. you could tell It was genuine especially with all of the fucc shytt in rap now. Im just glad I got to witness it from the beginning and see that he reached some level of success.

but this shiit still hurts


The Truth
Mar 27, 2014
I have south node in scorpio.......what makes it harder for me is that I'm also a scorpio rising (which is the mask I wear to the world) along with Pluto conjunct my ascendant. I have heavy scorpio influences despite having a taurus north node and it's definitely been a struggle to have a stable life.

I'm also a scorpio rising breh. That shyt makes it EXTRA hard. People don't know how hard that shyt is. One good thing is I have my Moon in Taurus...but my Lilith is in Taurus too and so was Nip's. I tell people all the time it's a hard placement to have. But one with great power and responsibility.