That's cool and all, but everybody knows a bigger upgrade is coming when the real next gen consoles drop.
I doubt WiiU's graphics will be shytting on games like The Last of Us, God of War 3, Gears of War series, Uncharted series, Heavy Rain etc. If this was dropping last gen then it would be different. But I'm not hype over playing current gen ports with a cool hud/map screen tablet as a controller
I wouldn't say it would "sh1t" on them, I'm saying if it's at least on par with those games and the games are mostly all exclusive hot 1st party titles I'm good. If 3rd party ports are made from PS4/Nextbox down to the Wiiu and it can stand on it's own then that'll be cool. I just really care about 1st party titles.
Funny thing is I have all three consoles and I hardly play the Wii
Nintendo isn't giving anybody a reason to purchase the Wii U outside of the fans who were going to buy one anyway. I've seen many Nintendo fans saying the exact same thing. Let's be real, this is a current gen system. A catch up console for the most part. None of the games looked anymore impressive than the games we've gotten this gen. Even Mario and Pikmin didn't look amazing.
And the fact that they still haven't talked about the Nintendo Network is crazy. It's really ridiculous given the amount of time they've had. Not a damn word.
I don't know what Nintendo is doing. They're pretty much botching this head start they have. You would think they'd come out with some heavy hitter announcements to get the "hardcore" excited but we've gotten nothing of the sort. Announcing some ports isn't going to do a damn thing.
Isn't there some sort of other game conference later this year? Here's hoping they announce a few more titles.
I've heard that Retro studios(Makers of Metroid prime) are working on a Wii u title but it hasn't been unveiled yet. I think we all know that graphics and hardware isn't what the Wii u is striving for. 1080p and slightly souped up current gen hardware to at least be adequate enough is what Nintendo is going for. The thing is when the wii launched they knew most people wasn't rocking HDTV's back in 2006 but around 2008 ish is when more people started copping them.
Now with the Wii u they at least are covered on that front because I doubt there will be some new jump in TV standards anytime soon. Higher resolutions yea but most people are really just now copping a good LED/LCD television and now that wiiu can output to 1080P that's good enough in their eyes. Games on Wii u won't look
terrible they'll just not be as good as next gen. All I'm saying is if Wii u can display Uncharted 3/Killzone ish graphics with smooth performance at 1080p no one will be really complaining about visuals.