My Joycons are fukked. I forgot about that. I don't play with Joycons. I use pro controller or when playing monopoly whether solo or with others I just play using the screen only.
The black rubber cover for the analog stick came off and I lost it
. I just jammed the entire switch with Joycons attached into my pocket, the friction must have loosened it until it came off. Then I took the other one off to see how easy it would be to put back on or replace. It never really went back on the right way, I've ordered multiple replacement joycon analog covers and they are all trash imo. I'm buying them one at a time so I never pay more than $2. But they are garbage. I'm going to end up buying replacements for low. It's just the single part that I need and I've been watching damaged Joycons go for $20 on ebay.