I’m waiting for it to hit 30$Very, very close to double dipping on Doom.
I hate the fact that it's $60. It's a port of a game that I bought sealed for $20 last year. It should realistically be $40 max.
However, it's probably my favorite FPS campaign ever made and I want more big AAA titles like this on Switch.
I powered it off and on, didn't help. Undocked it, didn't help. Finally I undocked it and sat literally 3 feet from my router....now it works.
Anything for views. Tossing it from the couch into the dock. Slamming it in thinking it's going to click on securely. Jamming it in as if the male dock connector needs to be firmly inside the switch. Etc etc....I honestly see no way that the switch can get scratched goin in or out of the dock. It fits in the dock perfectly with room to spare. What are people doing?
I have a screen protector. Do y’all dock y’all switch naked?I honestly see no way that the switch can get scratched goin in or out of the dock. It fits in the dock perfectly with room to spare. What are people doing?
I honestly see no way that the switch can get scratched goin in or out of the dock. It fits in the dock perfectly with room to spare. What are people doing?
I’m waiting for it to hit 30$
Wat time does the eshop update?
I can't remember any other company having such a strong year like this. All of the new games we've gotten from Nintendo is crazy. Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Arms, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2. Jesus christ. And most gamers still won't take Nintendo seriously.