The Sensational Prince
SD cards re-skinnedRepackaged ass SD cards

SD cards re-skinnedRepackaged ass SD cards
IMO Zelda looks better than anything on PS4 Pro and Xbone right now. I don't need photorealistic graphics. This game looks like the anime I grew up watching. Spud over here acting like Zelda and Mario ain't AAA class cause he don't wanna shell out $299. Broke niccas.Um, BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon and Xenoblade are certainly big blockbuster AAA titles. Might now look as good as some PS4 or XB1 games but who gives a fukk? They're top notch releases all in the first 9 months
i wonder if you can use a back up memory card of a game?
i have a feeling homebrew would be legit on this device. i also think it would be easy to make a emulator out of this for the PC. so piracy will be on both sides PC and the console it self. If Nintendo is going to do the retro thing and do account purchased games, i will actually buy wwf no mercy again but like a enhanced or remastered veresion. i don't mind a sequel as well. we need those aki wrestling games...............Hoping this will open the gate to homebrew.
official unboxing: