Nikkas Out Here Hitting Chicks With Bricks Over Being Rejected?

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
All those think pieces black men had to endure for the past several years, just to witness many people crash out in real time within these past four years. Y'all gotta appreciate Twitter and TikTok more because it really opened a lot of people eyes, even if they didn't want to see it.
That's what me and my wife was saying earlier...

As terrible as these platforms have been for our community, it has hopefully opened peoples eyes to the bullshyt black men go through...

We're ALWAYS getting thrown under the bus...smh


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Thats besides the point,we played a hand in the bad optics. She started the bad optics of black men,but we added to the narratives.She came out yelling about how a bunch of black men stood around and watched while she was hit with a brick. Many black mens response was to say thats what your supposed to do,and black men shouldnt stick our neck out there to protect a black woman being hit by a brick.

This was said before videos even surfaced of her being problematic,or a scammer. Bad look for many black men as a collective at that moment.

Especially when tou take into account how tough and gung ho many of us ACT,in every other situation. Same cats threatning to pull up over internet name calling. Same cats talking about revolutions against the U.S military,all of a sudden talking about "the danger:picard:", when a black woman SUPPOSEDLY got cracked with a brick in front of black men.Oh,so now yall wanna preach passivity,turn the other cheek to black men?The hatred many of us have for our women was reveled:respect:?
In this day and age you a damn fool to jump into a domestic situation that doesnt involve you. Way too many time the woman turns on the man who tries to save her only for him to be seriously injured or die. This idea of protecting woman worked when woemen belonged to their family or husband. That's who protected them. Now they out here acting crazy with zero accountability. Only woman that's protected is my family and wife.


Member of Snitch Syndication
Jan 18, 2016
That's what me and my wife was saying earlier...

As terrible as these platforms have been for our community, it has hopefully opened peoples eyes to the bullshyt black men go through...

We're ALWAYS getting thrown under the bus...smh
I've always said this even if it's pretty damn dark, if people had the choice to be more honest and push for more improvements or kill themselves, most would choose the latter. Most won't admit it, the hate that's prevalent in the community is deeply embedded that you really start questioning if it's really a community, social media really got many black men really to question that and you see how people react here and on others platforms.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I've always said this even if it's pretty damn dark, if people had the choice to be more honest and push for more improvements or kill themselves, most would choose the latter. Most won't admit it, the hate that's prevalent in the community is deeply embedded that you really start questioning if it's really a community, social media really got many black men really to question that and you see how people react here and on others platforms.
it isnt a community
black men and women are too divided, not just online

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
That's what me and my wife was saying earlier...

As terrible as these platforms have been for our community, it has hopefully opened peoples eyes to the bullshyt black men go through...

We're ALWAYS getting thrown under the bus...smh

And the response should be for black men to step up and right the ship. Not crying,victimizing ourselves,seeking more coddling. Coddle time is over in 2024.

In this day and age you a damn fool to jump into a domestic situation that doesnt involve you. Way too many time the woman turns on the man who tries to save her only for him to be seriously injured or die. This idea of protecting woman worked when woemen belonged to their family or husband. That's who protected them. Now they out here acting crazy with zero accountability. Only woman that's protected is my family and wife.

Thats for every man to decide for himself. I dont care how crazy a woman is acting,hitting a woman with a brick is overkill unless shes armed with a gun. The problem comes when you tell black men to unilaterally take a passive position when it comes to protecting our women. Yet are consistently gung ho,ready to fight,vocally prepared for every other kind of smoke. Regardless of how nonsensical and small it may be. Nobody calls black men p*ssy more than other black men, for backing down from confrontations with other men.

But when it comes to stopping a black woman from being hit with a brick or abused,suddenly its time to get careful and choose our battles wisely.

Well hopefully we keep that same energy accross the board. And stop celebrating being with the shyts over nonsense,but not when it comes to the righteous causes. I wouldnt condemn a man for not intervening if it didnt feel right. But pushing the agenda that men shouldnt intervene to help a black woman in trouble is out of pocket.


Member of Snitch Syndication
Jan 18, 2016
it isnt a community
black men and women are too divided, not just online
I know, but you gotta tell that to others, especially the online part. I remember having a conversation with my sister a few years about people wild behavior online and offline and we both agreed that the internet is a grey area, as in it's real life, but it also isn't and people been exploiting that for a long time.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
And the response should be for black men to step up and right the ship. Not crying,victimizing ourselves,seeking more coddling. Coddle time is over in 2024.

Thats for every man to decide for himself. I dont care how crazy a woman is acting,hitting a woman with a brick is overkill unless shes armed with a gun. The problem comes when you tell black men to unilaterally take a passive position when it comes to protecting our women. Yet are consistently gung ho,ready to fight,vocally prepared for every other kind of smoke. Regardless of how nonsensical and small it may be. Nobody calls black men p*ssy more than other black men, for backing down from confrontations with other men.

But when it comes to stopping a black woman from being hit with a brick or abused,suddenly its time to get careful and choose our battles wisely.

Well hopefully we keep that same energy accross the board. And stop celebrating being with the shyts over nonsense,but not when it comes to the righteous causes. I wouldnt condemn a man for not intervening if it didnt feel right. But pushing the agenda that men shouldnt intervene to help a black woman in trouble is out of pocket.
Bruh, you made one critical error, they are not our women. They have made that plainly clear, they belong to themselves and that's it. Too many of these modern women want it both ways. They want to old standards of chivalry and being protected (kept women), but what to hoe it out and do whatever they want without consequence. It can't be both ways. Its really that simple. If you want to be a strong independent woman who is equal to a man, don't cry when you get treated equally.

Also, for me, there is very little that would cause me to get in a physcial fight with someone. I got way to much to lose and nothing to gain. But I also don't keep friends who are wild in the streets. All of us got too much to lose to be stupid. I won't ever fault a man for walking away. Who cares of some random people who you will most likely never see again think you are a punk for backing down. What do you have to gain by trying to impress them?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I know, but you gotta tell that to others, especially the online part. I remember having a conversation with my sister a few years about people wild behavior online and offline and we both agreed that the internet is a grey area, as in it's real life, but it also isn't and people been exploiting that for a long time.
Social media has done a lot of harm and damage. It has removed objectivity.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Bruh, you made one critical error, they are not our women. They have made that plainly clear, they belong to themselves and that's it. Too many of these modern women want it both ways. They want to old standards of chivalry and being protected (kept women), but what to hoe it out and do whatever they want without consequence. It can't be both ways. Its really that simple. If you want to be a strong independent woman who is equal to a man, don't cry when you get treated equally.

Also, for me, there is very little that would cause me to get in a physcial fight with someone. I got way to much to lose and nothing to gain. But I also don't keep friends who are wild in the streets. All of us got too much to lose to be stupid. I won't ever fault a man for walking away. Who cares of some random people who you will most likely never see again think you are a punk for backing down. What do you have to gain by trying to impress them?
This is a complicated situation. Women did fight for liberation, emancipation and this made them autonomous. They have done so because at the root in the first and perhaps second wave they were right.

It went to extremes, and the generations after suffer from the choices made by those who came before them. All this was orchestrated by a few with dramatic effects. We to understand that external factors have played part in this, as an agenda.

In my estimation it started in the early 60s after the GI Bill debacle.

The GI Bill and the Racial Wealth Gap​

“The original GI Bill ended in July 1956. By that time, nearly 8 million World War II veterans had receivededucation or training, and 4.3 million home loans worth $33 billion had been handed out. But most Black veterans had been left behind. As employment, college attendance and wealth surged for whites, disparities with their Black counterparts not only continued but widened. There was, writesKatznelson, “no greater instrument for widening an already huge racial gap in postwar America than the GI Bill.”

"Lesbian mothers helped create a foundation of single parent families which challenged the gendered stereotypes of motherhood and hood. They helped single mothers liberate themselves from the constrictions of the traditional nuclear family with its built-in heteronormativity. […] In Separate Roads to Feminism: Black, Chicana and White Feminist Movements in America’s Second Wave, Benita Roth explains how the history of racism in the U.S. played an important part in creating this divide. Instead of arguing about a woman’s right NOT to bear a child, these minority women focused on how to combine motherhood with feminism and equality. They wanted to change the assumption that single motherhood was a pathology and/or a punishment. Single mothers of all ethnicities could relate to this conversation. […]."

(Elizabeth Ryan, "Transforming Motherhood: Single Parents' Liberation,Transforming Motherhood: Single Parents' Liberation In The 1970s, (2015). Wayne State University Dissertations.1409).

“Second. The time may have come when the is sue of race could benefit from a period of " benign neglect. 11 The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We may need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades. The administration can help bring this about by paying close attention to such progress - - as we are doing - - while seeking to avoid situations in which extremists of either race are given opportunities for martyrdom, heroics, histrionics or whatever. Greater attention to Indians, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans would be useful. A tendency to ignore provocations from groups such as the Black Panthers might also be useful.”
(Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon, January 16, 1970)

“At the height of the civil rights movement in 1965, when a quarter of black families with children were headed by women, Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote in a report to President Johnson that this growing matriarchy was an important cause of poverty among black Americans. Mr. Moynihan, then a White House aide, created a furor, accused by many of blaming the victims for their distress.
Today, 18 years later, virtually half of black families are headed by single women, and 55 percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers.”
(The Atlantic, The Moynihan Report Daniel Geary, September 15, 2015)

"Federally Mandated Destruction of the Black Family: The Adoption and Safe Families, by Christina White, 2006"

“The Racist Roots of Welfare Reform American welfare policy historically targeted poor black families”
(The New Republic, 2016)

· Page 20 nov. 1983 — Some people believe that the man-in-the-house rule has contributed to family breakup by forcing fathers to leave the home. Others disagree.

"For many years, the nation's primary welfare program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, denied benefits to families if an adult male was in the house. That bar was stricken in 1968, and states were permitted, but not required, to cover two-parent families in which the would-be breadwinner was unemployed or underemployed. Some people believe that the man-in-the-house rule has contributed to family breakup by forcing fathers to leave the home. Others disagree."
(Nov. 20, 1983 The New York Times Archives)

"Public rhetoric often decries a societal retreat from marriage – that it is an increasingly obsolete institution…”
“The 1950s have been described as the “golden age” of marriage in the United States and marriage has declined since the 1960s (c00ntz 2000/1992; Cherlin 2009/2004). In this paper, we take a longer view of the history of marriage by sex and race, describing trends among those never married at age 35 and age 45 and older, and historical median ages at first marriage using Decennial Census data. We find that the 1950s and 1960s were an anomaly for men and women given the high proportions married at young ages. Race differences are particularly interesting, as black women were more often married than white women prior to World War II, yet since the 1980s, have been increasingly less likely to be married."
(Cencus Gov).
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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Bruh, you made one critical error, they are not our women. They have made that plainly clear, they belong to themselves and that's it. Too many of these modern women want it both ways. They want to old standards of chivalry and being protected (kept women), but what to hoe it out and do whatever they want without consequence. It can't be both ways. Its really that simple. If you want to be a strong independent woman who is equal to a man, don't cry when you get treated equally.

Also, for me, there is very little that would cause me to get in a physcial fight with someone. I got way to much to lose and nothing to gain. But I also don't keep friends who are wild in the streets. All of us got too much to lose to be stupid. I won't ever fault a man for walking away. Who cares of some random people who you will most likely never see again think you are a punk for backing down. What do you have to gain by trying to impress them?
I agree with the bolded. Don't allow those with nothing to lose cause you to crash out and lose all you worked so hard to acquire. Defend your family, friends, and yourself; don't run around seeking unnecessary conflicts. If conflict does come and threatens your life and/or the lives of your family, seek to end it as quickly as possible. If that means using lethal force, then so be it.