That means you're hanging around the wrong men.Dear Lord I hope I never need any serious help in the future because men would just sit there and look and make petty excuses.
fukk Synthetic G and her feelings. Talking that shyt and had a baby by the same class of "dusty" she complains about. Can't make this shyt up.This is sad....Cynthia G did a video on this and this isn't a good look for black men. I wish us BM would stop doing shyt like this because we give her plenty of content. This shyt is increasing the gender wars in our community. Her anti BM movement is gaining legs and she keep getting new subscribers and man the comments I read on her videos are crazy. Even non black people are talking crazy about BM and it'd sad.
And fuk him for that...and fuk the men who stood around and watch him do that and didn't do shyt. She didn't deserve that shyt. Shyt like this is why I have major reservations cold approaching women because a lot of them think men are entitled and crazy asf with no impulse control.
Even after the "evidence" came out, you still have women trying to defend this chick.
This gender war bullshyt is mainly online
Any broad who parrots those antagonistic talking points is a walking red flag
I'll say this again, black women need to start practicing the second amendment to protect their lives in danger. Whether it's a firearm, pepper spray, tazer. Not every man is gonna be present to save them from sickle cell looking type dudes. The same can be said to men, when shyt hits the fan, we need to stay geared up when knuckleheads try to test us.
so she has a history of this behavior? that video is all over the place with no direction.![]()
#BRICKGATE: EXPOSED! Brick to Face Woman (Rho Osman Bashe) feat @Nylahvibes
You Believe me NOW? Rachel, a friend Rho Osman Bashe known for 10 years shows video of Rho_Speaks pulling the same gofundme scam SMH Support Nylah video
Brehs, y’all called it. I think you gotta watch the whole thing.
Multiple GFMes, fighting women and blaming men, etc.
This is shameful
She's right. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand
A lot of these black women bought into that feminism garbage that white women and the power structure were selling them and are the first to scream how independent they are, how they don't need a man, how they ain't gonna do this or that for a man, but yet they expect random men to come and protect them.
Since you don't need a man, especially black men, why aren't you chastising the sisterhood for not coming to your aid? Don't they have guns and weapons they could have used?
I don't know why common sense is just so utterly foreign these days. I can't go out and expect some random woman who doesn't know who I am from a hole in the ground to 'nurture me' by fixing me a sandwich, but yet these women expect some random men to save them from dangerous situations they choose to put themselves into. YOUR man or a man in your family is supposed to protect you, not some random man who doesn't know.... and even then, they may decline if you keep intentionally keep putting yourself in dangerous situations.
its all gynocratic nonsense where the Black Man exists only to be a slave at the beck and call of his overlords lol
The adaptation women have developed to make up for their lack of strength is guile. I'm not mad at it, you gotta have something.
Hey... It's me.... Again
You ever just feel some shyt so deeply... like to your fukking core... That you don't give a shyt what anybody says, you know it's true.
I was talking to one of my comrades the other day and I said something so sexist, I couldn't even believe I was saying the shyt out loud. Lol
But it was the absolute truth... To me
I said I don't believe shyt a woman says out her fukking mouth.
For me to believe it. She would have to bring 2 other independent people to either cosign her statement or cosign her character.
And if one of those people is another woman. That woman would need 2 other individuals to testify to her character as a witness.
And if one of those people is a woman .... (Im sure you get the jist of it)
Women are not bad people. They can be beautiful inside and out.
But they are just built differently.
Lying or not telling whole truths, or twisting truths isn't something they give a fukk about doing.
Honor and your word being important is not something that is important to them.
Don't hate them for it ... But just know what you're dealing with.