Nigerian billionaire's daughter on her plans to become the next Rihanna


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
This is probably one of the reasons why I think I'm just going to end up moving away from America. I just see how this capitalistic materialistic and shallow mindset pollutes women and it makes me cringe.

Why are there so many black women now that have come out of the woodwork that just don't f*ck wiith black men at all?

I don't care who anyone's just really disconcerting in itself because if a black man can't have a relationship with a woman of his own race, who can he have it with? I'm not really trying to go out of my way to approach white women and other non-black women cause they aren't really feeling us collectively like that. It seriously pisses me off to see brothas that have good heads together are successful and have ideas and drive just forced to be alone!

White guys don't even have to put in any work to meet women yet it seems like Black men in America gotta jump through all sorts of hoops just to have a woman say hi. F*ck that.
This society has made people of all races, including our own women, feel comfortable of disrespecting and degrading black men.

Black men has been made the villain and undesirable through the media and white supremacy. This is the reason why I call out many media weapons that are against black men. It's subtle shyt that a lot of people don't notice, hence the reason why I don't watch that many television. A lot of people are not seeing the big picture here.

I too have noticed that a black man has to be a certain stature for him to have a woman OF OUR OWN RACE to take notice. But any other man wouldn't have the same attritbutes to attract their own or even our women as well.


All Star
May 6, 2012
The point is that African leaders CHOOSE to let foreign interest in. The recent development of China's growth in the region is proof of this.

And maybe you were not blaming the White man and his media but you definitely quoted my response to someone who did make that argument.

You also realize I never said Africans and Black Americans are at odds? Just that we are different and that's true with or without White media playing any kind of part.
:snoop: Every country lets foreign interests in. No country participates in a globalized economy without doing so to an extent that is healthy. The point is that the most crucial and fundamental industries, the lifeblood and real money spinners on the continent were owned by Europeans BEFORE these African nations had even become nations. Companies like Shell, De Beers, Imperial Holdings, Sanlam, British American Tobacco and so many others had a decades long head start on the African free market: The game was rigged from the beginning, and then to compound it the IMF would only lend money on the condition that exports costs were reduced and protectionist policies which decimated domestic productivity necessitating even more.

China's growth in the region is not looked at in the same way by anybody paying attention because the deals that are happening now were executed on equal footing and without patronising interference.

Me addressing part of what you said isn't the same thing as me making the argument you were responding to :comeon:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
ok 1 i met was Nigerian(father's side) and Jamaican (mother)

she approached me- knew that I was a Black American
1st date, she ask me to meet her and her friends at a club
All Nigerians down for a wedding
they stated that they didnt want to go to a Black club because they are to tacky
went to some EXTRA White club on Elm st.

stayed awhile and went to a Carib club in Richardson that was basically like a black club but they just played African rap, dancehall etc.

the next day- she begged to see me again so she can take me to dinner-
I pick her up at her place, she gets in my truck and hears the R&B music i was playing and says "Turn off that ****** music" :what:
then turns my fukking radio to the Sirius Radio Pop station

-we go to a restaurant and she tells me that she normally dates only white guys or African men because Black American men are all thugs and broke and uneducated
- i go off on her ass and ask her why the fukk would you even approach me then?
- she states that she thought i was attractive and that she just broke up with her White ex and decided to give me a try
- she bragged about the lil condo she was buying and spoke about how the average Black American family dont own homes
- after i mentioned that i own a few properties she shut the fukk up
- bragged about her 3yr old volvo and spoke about how black men in dallas drive hoopties

after all that she thought i still wanted to see her

- said some suspect shyt- looked at my forearms and saw that i didnt have hair and asked why
told her i dont like body hair
she said "Well my father has alot of hair on his forearm and I like that so you need to let it grow out :what:
- told me that I cussed too much and that I cant talk like that when i meet her father :russ:
I laughed and told her she will never see me again let alone her father meeting me
she thought i was joking

- she actually seemed to be turned on everytime i cussed her out tho


Another broad(hit me up on Match)

Works as a Speech Pathologist (moved from NY)

stated that she only likes to be around the White people in Dallas because the black people here are closed minded
- spoke about how Black American men are uneducated because there were no Black men in her Master's program:upsetfavre:

- actually called herself a Hipster and spoke about how Black Americans are not up on things:stopitslime:

this was just from a phone convo
i declined to meet and she asked Why?:russ:

i been back in America and Dallas since June 2013 and the c00nery i witnessed is :ohhh:

i have more stories but tired of typing
White supremacy doesn't exist breh, it is all in black people's minds. :troll:


Jun 19, 2012
She already tarnished a hard-working black man's legacy by merely associating with cacs on a intimate level instead of her own.

Let this be the daughter of a powerful Chinese, Indian, or Jew businessman and see where it goes.

Only black people let this shyt happen and they still cant see why no body respects us :pacspit:

Shut the fukk up you crybaby. I can always count on catching your slow ass in these threads whining like a little girl. :mjlol:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Shut the fukk up you crybaby. I can always count on catching your slow ass in these threads whining like a little girl. :mjlol:
And the poster boy of the fatherless generation speaks :blessed:

Real nikkas understand where I am coming from, not bytchmade simps with daddy issues, :umad:?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Yep, most the African American women I met in college were ghetto and ratchet. I did have the opportunity to meet one who wasn't. She was into politics, arts, music, movies and the environment. I was astound to meet a black woman who was always indulging in turning up, clubbing and taking Instagram pictures 24/7. What turned me on was that she was really about helping our people in America. She had all the black pride on campus, you could have sworn she was a real black activist. Sadly she gave me a hard time. Months later I found out that she gave other African Americans a hard time. I want to blame it on her not having a father in her life, but the issues she portrayed against African American males was deeper than that. Later on I found out she had a thing for only White and Latinos. She would "submit" to them but would never be "submissive" to a black man. Sad she was on that :mjpls:

As far as the Africans go, both male and female that I seen and met on campus....the hate us. The dissed their African American brothers and sisters every chance they got. It was sad. Even though they tried to emulate us by the way we talk, dress and act they still have a deep disdain for us.
You right about those Africans who hate us AAs.

They would want to worship whites and try their best to be accepted by them yet distance themselves from all AAs even the non hood ones yet gladly use the rights gotten for them and kept in place by those same AAs they dispise.

Such a shame.


Jun 19, 2012
And the poster boy of the fatherless generation speaks :blessed:

Real nikkas understand where I am coming from, not bytchmade simps with daddy issues, :umad:?

I have daddy issues yet you're the one always in these threads crying like the fakkit you are. :heh:

My dad was in my life and loved me very much that's why I'm secure with my skin color and have no issues with who other people date. :obama:

Your mom was probably getting smutted out by white men so it sort of makes sense as to why you go so hard in these threads. :mjlol: