Nicole vs. The World, Pt. II: 2020 TLR WOAT Thread

Who Will Be The 2020 TLR WOAT?

  • LaBellaNicole0416.NYC

    Votes: 181 59.7%

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • SirReginald

    Votes: 18 5.9%
  • G.O.A.T. Squad Spokesman

    Votes: 34 11.2%

    Votes: 21 6.9%
  • Stringer Cochran

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • number21

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • Rozay Oro

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • pazzy

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • thekingsmen

    Votes: 11 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Strive for rulership not equality, black man.
Apr 9, 2017
North Miami
Every Trump thread. No Smoke for Trump at all. Plenty for people who have nothing to do with the thread though.

Are you stupid? All the quotes you're pulling up has me disparaging Trump: me calling him a pedo and evil.

There's legit no post of me praising him on the coli.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Here @#1 pick is co-signing a banned poster, who referred to AAs as “gator bait”
What was I lying about though??

@Barnett114, when are you going to ban that bytch ass nikka? I seen good posters banned for less like Odum. @Brooklynzson

I am tired of these shyt posters bro. I stop posting on here and I still lurk and I still see this shyt posters beating their narrow ass chest, trolling and never adding positive value and the mods haven't banned not one of these fools. All they do is troll nikkas who got the opposite views of them. I am saying, if I am a mod. I can promise you, they would be banned. None of these posters are liked anyway. All of them are trash. You can't act like any of them are you, Houston, or Barnett and add value.

Be real bro, Stringer is garbage.
Bella is super trash. Her regression has been more steep than Steve Avery in the 90s for the Braves.
CHICAGO is the worst poster one two subs. That nikka don't just suck, he's no good. shyt poster who somebody thought could be a good mod. nikka for real, he's the WOAT. Sccit and Swag are twice the posters he is.
These are ass posters big dawg. Which one of them aren't trash, just be honest. They are just henchmens. Trash ass posters that need to be discarded for good.

Big bro, real talk, do you think any of the posters I listed are worth keeping on this site? What positive value does @CHICAGO add? @Stringer Cochran is rubbish. He really should be banned, he wasn't always awful but his regression has been more due to his personal life more than anything else. I am not going to address the obvious troll who no one likes and everyone knows should be banned.

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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
How can you expose someone being a traitorous c00n crossdresser, a Moderator at that, but only reward her with being WOAT in a "black" forum? :mjpls:

Thats like BMoreGorilla getting WOAT for making that CAC exposure thread.
Right. There’s a poster who actually made insinuations about him the other day.
- @Isaiah Bradley when he had a problem with @BmoreGorilla ’s “white trolls list”

...coli's fav buzz words are facist/dictator while
-supporting media censorship
-having active lists for suspected cac/opposing political views
-constantly petitioning/tagging the authorities to ban/bush
-dap fishing about who on ignore list

Hold up don’t shyt on the cac troll list. It ain’t about opposing political views. I could give af about that. We legit have got some white boys posting in black face out the paint. shyt started as jokes tho


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

A lot more posters on the potential WOAT lists. Some of them are "Hall of Shame" worthy
Until there’s the same energy for this bytch - I don’t want to hear not one fukkin word. I know she’ll be in to cackle with the crowd thinking she has the I’m white and I say so permissions; so let me just get this cac ho out the way with what she says-

You enter ever Asap thread just to hate..but I'm the "bytch n*gga"? :mjlol:

and Speaking of the defamation and shameless use of racism- what up @bangbreh - what’s good??
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Until there’s the same energy for this bytch - I don’t want to hear not one fukkin word. I know she’ll be in to cackle with the crowd thinking she has the I’m white and I say so permissions; so let me just get this cac ho out the way with what she says-

PAWG gang stay getting sonned by white pusay. Bedbucking is at an all time high.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
The treh @LaBellaNicole0416.NYC gonna take it home again...

Posters have lost loved ones from covid-19...calling it a hoax should have gotten IT banned permanently
I hope IT gets the Hall of Shame banner too

Other shytty posters to consider
@KyokushinKarateMan for what he said about @charmander and George Floyd
@Kinshasa2pasadena this clown has at least 10 threads in the bushes


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I’m wondering where the animosity is from @#1 pick is and why he’s always absent in giving actual racist white people the dycktionary of diatribes In this thread, with the same energy that he has for black American posters’s-chat.802889/page-14#post-38955836’m-a-white-boy.778297/

he says I was lying though - factuals say different. where’s your name at and what am I lying about b??
@#1 pick where have you been when white posters raced in with the racism- but you said ADOS-FBA are the divisives though?? I never see your bytch ass asking for cacs to be banned in the past 2 yrs.

Definitely not 10 paragraphs worth

@NerdBird since you are a whiteino who likes to use the n- word and create threads to degrade Black people. How do you feel about this - Afro latinas are not siding with your Wannabe cac acting bytch ass.

This white boy @CACarot is trying to use “just jokes” as his excuse for using the n-word, like it’s “just jokes” with his username and just jokes to use the term “black storefront” and express his anger about a white boy hanging nooses. Clockwork.

Dude calling himself @#1 pick but #1 draft dodger when it comes to the actual nonblack posters . Who the fuk are you calling a liar, you miserable motherfukker

I wana see black people piloting that plane, otherwise it's just another Africac venture :stopitslime:
If she can use the n word, should black men should be able to whip white bytches?

and a new cac contestant enters the ring----
Makes sense why @FluffyCorleone gives this poster a pass, since he refers to black people as "apes"...

Overweight ape pretending to be a guy on a hip hop site. Did your gang banging husband leave your 400 lbs ass with your 8 little dirty brats? Don't lash out at the world because Tyrone moved onto Amy Cheung -- the hot, teenage Asian neighbor.

You guys treat black women like shyt. What makes you think Asians want you? You'll just get them pregnant and promptly abandon them.

No surprise that a black man likes the whale. :comeon:

He’s not black - if you check other past threads, Remember that Asian cop poster, @unit321 who was banned for being an Asian using the n-word. They interacted, him and @TRFG - coincidence? I think not.

:russ: This is why a lot of races don’t respect y’all
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I’m a troll because I don’t fukk with Tone and Yvette? You want to bring up 12 year old tweets of people I “let” call me the n word on twitter but are perfectly ok with Yvette sitting on a immigration board with well know white supremacists and eugenists who have been successful at using black people to push their agenda? Looks like the hypocrisy has rubbed off on you too.

Gotta love how the c00ns stay telling AAs what to expect - i see why this poster ^^^and The worst no pick men have a lot in common

These nikkas really are Django slaves

Blacks slaves b. We slaves.

You can be defeated warriors(Africans) or Bougie slaves(Blacks). We not getting nothing from Obama or any dem

But he calls AAs maga supporters but his own references say this:

Kamala's Black side owned slaves in Jamaica and her Indian side hates Blacks. She really hates Blacks and is likely a negro bedwench that LSA loves.

We still slaves, ain't nothing changed yet but through year and the President

There were Black Jamaican slaveholders breh. Kamala's family for example.

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May 1, 2012
Nicole easily the worst poster on this forum. She took the @Woman of god angle and ran it into the ground. She gonna be half of the messages in a thread just quoting herself .

:obama: Just negged her too. Prolly gonna mute her on the server once she quotes me
She/he already in here and finna have 100 posts by tomorrow. :russ: nikka is 7:30



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

We have an issue. This issue revolves around Halfricans like me and full blooded Africans born in America. That issue is, involving ourselves in Black benefits claiming being Black while other Blacks who badly struggle by no real fault of their own do not benefit from this as the affects of slavery have destroyed their physic, mindset and vision to build and grow a community and thus for the future.

While some of us are allies like myself or have family within this unit. Those who do not can be allies or in some cases v. Blacks altogether. For example those v. Blacks, Issa Rae, Luvvie, Barack Obama and others with the opportunity presents itself. Issa said, she's tired of speaking on Black issues but she panders to the Black community for ratings and dollars. Luvvie calls Blacks Akatas which in Yoruba means "wild animal". Somalis talk mad shyt about Blacks. Barack Obama fought v. reparations and numerous things which could have benefited descendants of Slaves (DoS).

What is more frighting? 41% of Blacks who tends to make up 12% at Ivy League schools are Africans. But unspoken is how a vast majority of the Blacks outside of that are African 1st gen or 2nd gen American born students. This means that a vast majority of DoS have no shot at getting into these schools and worse is the fact that the Black elite are already a large percent of these entries. Basically, this makes getting into an Ivy League school impossible for a Black person who doesn't play sports at an high level. Now, some schools with except a few but it's not many.

While I am a firm believer that in order for Blacks and African Blacks to get out of white supremacy, they have to work together, but just like they must address the c00ns, DoS's are going to start having to hold Africans citizens of America and American born Africans and Islanders as well to the fire(asking questions and demanding real answers, please do not literally hold them to the fire). These guys can leave tomorrow if shyt pops off, but you, nope! It's time for their to be a trade off of sorts. I say this as a halfrican who is both DoS/African but I will say. I am not the type of DoS that you would imagine due to this. I don't feel the ills of 500 years in me from this trauma. I feel the broken spirit, inhumane, injustice and the wrongs of America. I do not feel what my full DoS cousins feel. To where smoking and drinking, isn't for fun, but it's to cope. Where I overly have to rely on religion because everything, even my mind is fugged up due to centuries of white supremacy. To the point, I don't even want to really talk about it. I'll rather talk about hoes and sports or relationships and RHOA. This is so real for many DoS. This is what I don't think Halfricans, mulattoes as well as other mixed races do not understand or get which I do get. I don't even think Blacks understand how fukked up they are due to white supremacy of over 500 years.

Seriously, we all might go through white supremacy but who else had their babies cut from their stomachs? Who else had to be killed because they were caught reading? Babies fed to Gators? Killed for any protest for any reason? Killed for walking at night? Killed for going to eat at a colored food station? Who else had to be raped because they exist? Who else was hung because they started a successful business? Who else was bombed because they had a successful city that rivaled cacs? Who else was taken from their community on purposed and then blamed for the whole damn thing? Who else was denied access to higher education till the 60's, only to be harmed and damaged while their are forced out of their communities because no one can start a business in a poor non-community? Who else? And there is so much more...

DoS deserve A LOT! It's time for us to recognize that. For Non-DoS, it time to look in the mirror. Your story is nothing like there's. We need to them differently then we have so far and really start sacrificing for them.

a few moments later

bytch ass nikka. You are the prime example of a tribalist. You literally attacked Igbos in the other thread. I shytted on your stupid ass severely for it:

Now you are running to the root because you are too bytchmade to reply back to us where there are numbers. Yorubas are known for how the souled out during the Biafra war like some bytches.

Once again, as I said to you before, If you are so happy with Nigeria. Stay, but why do you care if Igbos want out of that shythole country. Everyone there who's not rich or loaded absolutely hates it. Even the rich/wealthy know it could be much better. They don't have an issue with Nigerians, they have an issue with NIGERIA.


:duck: and c00nery. Negged. Most Black Igbos are pro Black you fakkit. You must have forgotten who were the pan Africans in West Africa. The Biafrans and the Ghanaians. Yorubas are good at being natural c00ns, sellouts, and traitors. No one will forget that many Yorubas were for Biafra in hopes of their own country but your leaders took a sweetheart deal with the British which someone like you benefitting from today. That's a fact. That's nothing against you as a person, that's just the fact that you get to benefit from. When your types come to America, you guys have the Luuvies of the world more than others. Not saying those types don't exist in all because they do but they are more common from Yorubaland. That's not a knock to Yorubas people, shyt we all in this white supremacist shyt together and both of us were stolen from the motherland into the Americas for slavery/human chattel, just saying, you got benefits in this shyt. Don't misconstrue that.

If you are so happy with Nigeria. Stay, but why do you care if Igbos want out of that shythole country. Everyone there who's not rich or loaded absolutely hates it. Even the rich/wealthy know it could be much better. They don't have an issue with Nigerians, they have an issue with NIGERIA.

You forgot to mention, you are Yoruba who has had access to America. It's funny how you speak highly of Nigeria and don't realize the people who don't, don't collectively get any benefits in Nigeria due to tribal reasons. It's like you are a white man with your refusal to see your privilege.


But if ADOS - FBA said this, what is the term or label that he likes to use??
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