Nicole, I blocked your ass two years ago. Stop following me around, you dumb bytch


Dec 26, 2016
First off, who are you? you might as well say your screenname if you're gonna do that.

Second, if you gonna tell the story, tell it correctly and dont spread any misinformation especially to some in here folks knowing that they have nothing better to do with their lives. Doing that is disrespecting me so dont know why you're saying that "nothing against him" shyt.

Third, you're making it sound like I'm faking my sexual orientation or doing that shyt for show or for sex which that ain't even the case and never was. Once again, dont speak things you know nothing about. Ask first if you dont understand.

Fourth, sohh for the most part despite contrary belief because let's face, a lot of SOHH members were lame as hell trying to live through that site where they really were taking that shyt personally to the point where they believed everything and made up whatever they thought of whoever in their heads and claimed that shyt was the truth. Pazzy is a screenname. There were things that are true that I said, things that I made up here and there, details that I didnt reveal for obvious reasons, things that were over exaggerated and etc. Do not believe everything you read and see. If you met me in person, it would throw you off. I shouldnt have to put a disclaimer.

But yeah, believe that I am gay, always been gay and thats that. I dont think I have to explain the whole being in denial and closeted shyt which pretty much explains what you wrote. I really dont feel like explaining shyt else especially to some of these folks in here like wannabe akuma and his lame ass.

And yeah, I already know how folks take this shyt way too seriously. I know for a fact that folks really be going out their way to look and verify shyt on people too on some stalker shyt because that happened to me on SOHH maybe 10 years ago. Then yall have the audacity to be talking down on like yall not fans and shyt. So naw, yall need to stop that shyt.



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Lmao@ sohh legend. He got made fun of for not being able to get vagina and money. @Pazzy is @#PanAfricana future...

When I left sohh he was complaining about no one would give him vagina. Several years later I join this site to only find out he said fukk it I’m play for the other team. Nothing against him but this is hilarious as hell.
Oh shyt. And shyt gets deeper...


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
First off, who are you? you might as well say your screenname if you're gonna do that.

Second, if you gonna tell the story, tell it correctly and dont spread any misinformation especially to some in here folks knowing that they have nothing better to do with their lives. Doing that is disrespecting me so dont know why you're saying that "nothing against him" shyt.

Third, you're making it sound like I'm faking my sexual orientation or doing that shyt for show or for sex which that ain't even the case and never was. Once again, dont speak things you know nothing about. Ask first if you dont understand.

Fourth, sohh for the most part despite contrary belief because let's face, a lot of SOHH members were lame as hell trying to live through that site where they really were taking that shyt personally to the point where they believed everything and made up whatever they thought of whoever in their heads and claimed that shyt was the truth. Pazzy is a screenname. There were things that are true that I said, things that I made up here and there, details that I didnt reveal for obvious reasons, things that were over exaggerated and etc. Do not believe everything you read and see. If you met me in person, it would throw you off. I shouldnt have to put a disclaimer.

But yeah, believe that I am gay, always been gay and thats that. I dont think I have to explain the whole being in denial and closeted shyt which pretty much explains what you wrote. I really dont feel like explaining shyt else especially to some of these folks in here like wannabe akuma and his lame ass.

And yeah, I already know how folks take this shyt way too seriously. I know for a fact that folks really be going out their way to look and verify shyt on people too on some stalker shyt because that happened to me on SOHH maybe 10 years ago. Then yall have the audacity to be talking down on like yall not fans and shyt. So naw, yall need to stop that shyt. one is reading all that bullshyt. This wild flamingo is typing dikksertations


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Lmao@ sohh legend. He got made fun of for not being able to get vagina and money. @Pazzy is @#PanAfricana future...

When I left sohh he was complaining about no one would give him vagina. Several years later I join this site to only find out he said fukk it I’m play for the other team. Nothing against him but this is hilarious as hell.
Look what we have here...
In 2012, @Pazzy announced that he “got laid”. This dude is weird as fukkkkk. This is what they considered legend status..

it's how i feel and where my thought process lies. if i wanted to be with women, i certainly wouldn't have made this thread or doing what i've been doing for over a year now. sooner or later, i had to deal with it and now is the time.

it's a whole lot better than forcing myself to get with some women that i'm not interested in or telling myself that one day the woman of my dream is going to enter my life where i'll be happy, have a kid with her or any other bullsh!t fantasy. hell, even if i had a girlfriend, i would have straight up told her that i was feeling bicurious where i wanted to have sex with another guy or that i was bisexual. i was thinking about doing it but as time went by, i realized that my chances of getting with a woman were growing slim, i could never long continue to hide my true feelings and play this straight guy role that i was holding on so dearly.

it was a full time job trying to be straight. the worst thing that i've ever had to deal with was to see a hot guy or be attracted to a guy, have feelings for him, fantasize about getting with him and etc then telling myself that i wasn't gay or that it was my imagination running wild. i really tried to find an excuse behind why i was thinking the way i was thinking too. tried to play it off as a mental illness in order to avoid accepting the facts.

hell, i felt that i couldn't keep it real or call myself an honest guy if i wasn't going to be honest with myself. it took some years for me to do it but i done it. the only thing i regret is not accepting that i was gay when i realized that i was when i was 12 and basically being someone that i wasn't. it was also hurtful and painful to hear people saying homophobic things about gay people even years ago because they were talking about me. :guilty: like i even felt guilty cracking on other gay guys because i was basically insulting myself.

the good thing is i feel free and like i no longer have to live hiding a secret. it feels so much better to let out how i really feel instead of hiding it and lying about it. i can come out to everybody else, hit up a gay bar, possibly get me a phone application, hook up with other guys, persue guys i'm interested in dating, date some guys or too and etc. hell, if i ever get bicurious where i feel like sleeping with a woman, then i'll do that too. the fact is i'm out of my own prison that i built myself. the closet walls are burning down. :yes:
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
2013- dafuqqqqq am I reading. @Pazzy been running with his stick schtick around here like this since m’fukkin 2013???!!
No one had an issue with him making gay porn masturbation threads but every new female that signs up, there’s a repeat element that seems to have the most beef with us (no pause, pun intended) .. you can’t susplain away this shyt
the question is why do you give a fukk in the first place. you can simply keep it moving instead of expressing your interest by voicing your disapproval. do you see me going around telling all you people in here that you can't talk about fukking women, jerking off to titties and ass and the whole shyt when you mention it? i show respect and keep it moving simply because i have no interest in what you guys are doing.

the only reason why you and some of these other folks go out your way to ignore everything else such as this being a masturbation appreciation thread and focusing on me being gay is because you and some of these folks happen to have issues with yourselves and are projecting it out onto me or you're just ignorant. sorry but the world doesn't revolve around you. i'm not going to curb my shyt because you're insecure with yourself. that's not the way it works.

another thing too since we're at it. homosexuality is NOT A LIFESTYLE. if you don't know about something, please shut the fukk up. you cannot turn gay or bisexual. some of us are and i happen to be one of them. it's a part of who i am. i don't understand why people who aren't gay or for that matter don't want to have anything to do with it are speaking about it from a first hand perspective. a lifestyle is something that you chose to live your life by. some of us are wired to be attracted to the same sex and that's what being gay is about. we didn't chose to be gay or bi. we were born that way. it's about what you're attracted to. that's it. now some guys are effeminate. some are masculine. there's plenty of straight guys that are effeminate and plenty of gay guys that are masculine. there is a gay culture outthere based off of being gay. it is what it is. what i'm tired of is hearing all you people on this site with your ignorant asses trying to talk about homosexuality and gay people as you know how it is to be us and worst off, you talk down and foul about us as if something is wrong with us. we're no different than you. some of you are gay yourselves BUT you're scared to come out as well so i forgive you since i was once in your shoes where i rejected myself and anybody who was like me. there are some things in life that you don't chose. i didn't chose my parents, my cultural background, to be born a male, to be born black, to have an uncut dikk, and etc. being gay was something that was a part of me that i knew from way back as a kid and when i realized it, i got scared and denied it as long as i could because i knew while growing up around the people and neighborhood i did that being gay was NOT seen as normal. trust me when i say this, i did damn near everything to be straight from praying to not masturbating anymore thinking that it would make me more attracted to women to forcing myself to have crushes on chicks i naturally didn't have any feelings for and it didn't work. the feelings did NOT go away. in fact, they intensified because i tried to repress them. to make a long story short, i found out that the only thing that i could do is accept it because it was here to stay with me until i'm dead. i could have chose to reject it, try to front like i liked women, do the whole "i need to sleep with a woman" or "virgin that needs p*ssy" act like i've done how many years on sohh and offline. you know, i tried to roll with this whole "i tell the truth" persona and "i'ma be me" but there were parts of me that i couldn't accept or stomach. being gay was one of them. i find the courage to accept it and now i'm coming out slowly to the people around me in all aspects of my life. you guys were some of the first. i'm slowly coming out and hopefully as the process goes on long and long, i won't feel the need to come out as it'll be comfortable with telling folks that i'm gay without feeling nervous or talking about it like how you straight folks talk about having a girlfriend or boyfriend.

now i'm done talking about it for now. that's for all you people that seem so interested in what being gay is about.

anyways, i plan on jerking off some more later. will be in this thread to let everybody know. everybody feel free to talk about the joys of masturbation and etc. this thread is needed especially since there's anti-masturbation threads all over the place.
Makes you wonder why some of these faggits seem to be so concerned with dissing women


Jun 11, 2012

How long it took you to find this shyt?

The funny thing is by now, folks should know that I'm not the one to fukk with. Theres a reason why I'm still posting 19 years later despite whatever folks have thrown at me. Cant find anybody or anything to stop me except death or if I chose to quit. Like what lloyd banks said, folks underestimate the strong and pity the weak. Who's weak? Cant say me.

And besides I'm what some people would identify as a "hater" though I prefer the words "honest man" so it's only fitting that I get what I give. :yeshrug: come at me harder. If you really wanna scare, show me love if you dare too. Hate is something that I've dealt with all my life so :ucku:. Bring it.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
yeah, paz is topaz/trojanman/coffeethesnowman.

i was always gay just in deep denial where i was trying to make myself straight. you can pretty much say that me and the whole "p*ssy, girlfriend pursuit" that i was doing on sohh was me being in denial and trying to live the life of a heterosexual despite me feeling otherwise. :sad: i started my mission to become a heterosexual and get rid of my homosexual feelings when i was 12 but i've always had them. i used to masturbate to guys and ladies as a kid but my romantic feelings were mostly towards guys as i had guy crushes as a child. when i realized that i might have been gay at 12, i got scared and tried to make myself 100% straight. the funny thing was that i would rant about how i couldn't get p*ssy, how i couldn't get a girlfriend and etc BUT there were more than enough times where i could have got laid or had a girlfriend if i wanted to. i'm talking about high school. i just wasn't interested nor was i attracted to them. i've tried many things to be attracted to women which one of them was "not masturbating" which i used to talk about on the forums thinking that it would reverse my brain chemistry into being attracted to females. sure, if i'll admit if a woman looks good and etc BUT i'm NOT interested in doing anything with them romantically and sexually.

eventually after 12 years of internal fighting and losing the battle, i lost the war and decided to man up. yeah, i'm gay. it hurt a lot to even acknowledge that i was gay BUT it felt like a weight was lifted off of me where i could basically embrace myself instead of fighting and even going as far as to lie about my past and my childhood because i was ashamed of it. just because i came out to the closet to myself doesn't mean that i've completely changed my tune altogether where i've been listening to lady gaga, wearing tight clothes, acting effeminate and etc. i'm still the same dude before i came out. i've actually been a bit terrified to actually start to get my feet wet in terms of meeting other gay men such as dating. i have some internalized homophobia where i just get terrified whenever i step into a gay bar or am around other gay guys. i'm a bit scared because i've been made to believe that being gay is abnormal despite me being a gay guy myself. that's just my insecurities working. i do hope to one day be able to fully embrace myself where i can go about my life, date, have sex and live a normal productive life instead of being terrified about what others think of me or other gay people.

i remember when god tua said on sohh a post about how he grew up masturbating to guys and girls and how he went through the same thing. that really stuck a nerve to me because i realized that there were other people that experienced the same thing and were brave enough to speak up. so yeah, it is what it is.

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
y'all ever wonder why @Nicole0416's got a violent obsession with gays?

like, every other insult, every threat, every time "she" posts its on some wild homo shyt...

also, what is it with "her" and having very young children as "her" avatars? y'all don't find that creepy, too?


Jun 11, 2012
y'all ever wonder why @Nicole0416's got a violent obsession with gays?

like, every other insult, every threat, every time "she" posts its on some wild homo shyt...

also, what is it with "her" and having very young children as "her" avatars? y'all don't find that creepy, too?

Nicole is an alias. She claimed Brooklyn, then DC, now shes claiming somewhere else. She probably doesn't even remember her age or how old she says she is. :lolbron: I just wanna know who's the person that made that shyt. My guess is that shes the person who has claim to have seen her before.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Nicole is an alias. She claimed Brooklyn, then DC, now shes claiming somewhere else. She probably doesn't even remember her age or how old she says she is. :lolbron: I just wanna know who's the person that made that shyt.
:dahell::mjtf: The fuk are you rambling about bytch??

every time one of these “sohh ogs” - ends up self exposed or exposed off their own shyt; they try to lie or deflect. Your words are right there. Posted and proved.

Why isn’t this faggit posting any quotes of me??? I’ve never said I was from Brooklyn fukboi. I’m from Queens. Funny how no one ever post quotes of me getting caught up on lies or non-factual information in here?? No proof... nothing. Ever.
it’s been 2 years, Where the fuk is the evidence ??
Just bc I know about Brooklyn doesn’t mean I can’t speak on it. You can’t keep up with your own lies, don’t apply that shyt to me. Let me help your bytch capping ass out.