Well, look, we all know Nico isn't solely responsible for trading Luka, but here's the thing: owners can't be fired, but GMs, just like coaches, can be, so Nico, even if he was given the orders by the new owner, is expandable so the fans are taking the frustration of that fact they can't do anything to the owners.
They are stuck with them until otherwise, so the anger, threats, etc, being aimed at Nico, so he'd be fired or forced to resign under pressure, y'know, because from their point of view “
this can't go unanswered, somebody's gotta pay!!!”. If the fans could have it their way, they'd get rid of the new owners, bring back Cuban, and fire Nico, but unfortunately for them, it's not in their hands.
From their perspective, they can only hope Nico is fired by the owners to save face from all the backlash or be threatened enough to where he's forced to resign due to his family's safety, among things considered a risk to himself.
Obviously, there might be some racial undertones with a segment of the Mavs fanbase because, y'know, the GM, who's a Black man, traded away their generational Superstar who happens to be White European, so they probably think he “has a lot of nerve.”