Yet it was MAGA Miriam’s call, cause she wants to strongarm Texas into gambling.
Living in Dallas and hearing the local sports's ALLLLLLLLL about Nico. Barely anyone mentions Adelson or Dumont. They act like Nico masterminded the whole thing.
Nico had his reasons....but Adelson is cheap and had no intention of dropping $345M for Luka unless she could guarantee a casino.
Now that they realize Good Ol Boy Club >>> Rich Joo from outside Texas.....she'll keep the team because the NBA prints money, but she's going to be as cheap as possible. She's also smart enough to know DFW white fans will never aim high with anger. Whites in general will blame Nico because it confirms all their beliefs about Blacks in front office roles. They won't say it because Dallas whites are too slick to just be openly racist...they'll hide behind their love of Luka.
Ask them to confront Adelson/Dumont and they lose all their hateful energy. They mad but they simply don't want to blame the whites for this. Nico is a dumbass for making this move....but Adelson is some kind of slicc businesswoman that wants to move the team to Vegas? If Nico is dumb, so is she. If her plan is "smart" (but evil) then so is Nico.