Nicca nerds use cosplay to cozy up to White people

The Oracle

Apr 18, 2015
the world


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deacon 12

Jan 24, 2016
The most you could do is @Sassy my dear. If you're gonna talk shyt about the person, @ em. What's good?

"hell the only woman posting in this thread that's into this stuff is sassy and she prefers Asian men call me being a batch for bringing this up"

Yes, I'm into cosplay, anime, geek shyt, etc. that's not a secret. However, I'm not the only woman on this board whose into geek shyt (or know of it for that matter)

Second, When have I stated I only prefer Asian men? Are you still mad that i posted in the "Hot asian men" thread? Let me tell you something - I'm not picky about person's race when it comes to aesthetics - If you're a fine ass mother fukker, then best believe, I may want a piece of that ass. - in fact, I don't really have a specific type I go for. (Which I am positive I told you convenient of you to leave that detail out:jbhmm:) I don't recalled calling you a batch. Is that the new slang kids are using now?

Hunty, Show me the receipts.:martin:

"I base it of of her saying if she could fukk anyone in history it would be Bruce lee"

So out of my posting history (I'm sure you looked, you've admitted it before) You based my racial preference in a partner (Which again, I don't really have a racial preference ) because I said I would fukk Bruce Lee..(Hey, he was fine as fukk):manny::why:

Welp, I knew people was dense - But I didn't think people were this dense.

But the more you know:sas2:
The most you could do is @Sassy my dear. If you're gonna talk shyt about the person, @ em. What's good?

"hell the only woman posting in this thread that's into this stuff is sassy and she prefers Asian men call me being a batch for bringing this up"

Yes, I'm into cosplay, anime, geek shyt, etc. that's not a secret. However, I'm not the only woman on this board whose into geek shyt (or know of it for that matter)

Second, When have I stated I only prefer Asian men? Are you still mad that i posted in the "Hot asian men" thread? Let me tell you something - I'm not picky about person's race when it comes to aesthetics - If you're a fine ass mother fukker, then best believe, I may want a piece of that ass. - in fact, I don't really have a specific type I go for. (Which I am positive I told you convenient of you to leave that detail out:jbhmm:) I don't recalled calling you a batch. Is that the new slang kids are using now?

Hunty, Show me the receipts.:martin:

"I base it of of her saying if she could fukk anyone in history it would be Bruce lee"

So out of my posting history (I'm sure you looked, you've admitted it before) You based my racial preference in a partner (Which again, I don't really have a racial preference ) because I said I would fukk Bruce Lee..(Hey, he was fine as fukk):manny::why:

Welp, I knew people was dense - But I didn't think people were this dense.

But the more you know:sas2:
I'll address your points young woman never took the time to learn how to @ someone also at the time I posted this you were the only obvious woman posting I would have to look at every profile to know there sex if I wasn't familiar with their name the batch was I mistype meant bytch referring to any who thought I might be in my feelings like you suggest I am on the preference issue issue fits in this conversation perfectly I believe a lot of us men are pointing out black women that are heavy onto this prefer non blackmen I'm not button hurt about you preferring asian men but if you say out of every man that has ever lived you would fukk Bruce lee young one you prefer asian men embrace it how stupid would I sound as a black man saying if given a choice of any women dead or alive to fukk I choose Lucy lu but nah nikka i don't prefer asian women :camby:lastly I didn't say I read all of your posting history just the stuff on that particular thread a black woman preferring non blackmen only receives a :yeshrug:from me don't swell that head up baby girl:mjlol: I say all that to say this I believe you fit the description of the black women we are talking about and out of every man you could think of you find an Asian man most attractive proving some of us posters statements true :youngsabo:


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016