I beat Ginchiro and the monkeys. So far, it still works.
Ginchiro had me hot though. I almost beat him the first time so I thought he was a layup. 10+ tries later had me yelling, calling myself an idiot for getting tight and mis-timing his thrust.
My daughter came in the room like

and said I wasn’t dumb and gave me a hug.

That’s when I knew I had to take a breather.
Man I came offa 4 year hiatus trying to beat that dude. I had to relearn the controls during that fight. Needless to say, I was very frustrated.
I ended up beating that boy ass by just going in aggressive and backing him to a corner multiple times. That way when he tried to back step and shoot that arrow, his sword is not drawn and he open for a lick. The quicker you can get his health down the faster his posture will build up.
When he jumps to shoot that arrow, you got time to get a quick lick in and dodge.
You mentioned the thrust counter.
I used the forward jumping slash (l1+r1) to close the gap a lot of time to try and get catch him off guard after he finished a spinning slash attack or something
Also deflect everything you can, not just block. And attack as often as you can, while watching your posture. Timing is everything. It all adds up.
Knowing his tells, combos, when he will use certain attacks, will have you feeling like ultra instinct goku lol.
Here’s my play against him. It wasn’t my best against him (took some stupid hits) but beat him pretty convincingly I feel.