can you drop a sweetfx tutorial or a link to how to use it?
Basically you need to download Sweetfx(Latest version is 1.5).
I use this site to find presets for my game and then simply download the archive and extract it to the root of the game directory or where the games .exe is. It's easier and saves you the task of finding presets individually and replacing the sweetfx_settings file.
You have to register on the site(its free) to view the threads. It didn't require registration a while ago but it's fast and free.
Alternatively you can browse and look for presets for multiple games if available and look through user submitted presets. Only difference on this site is you only can download the preset file which will be in the form of a .txt file. First to use this download and extract sweetfx to the games directory where the exe file is.,2.html
Then after you do that, download a preset for the game and rename the file to "sweetfx_settings.txt"(if you have file extensions for certain types enabled then just ignore the .txt).
Thats it. If the game crashes on launch then you may have to redownload another version of sweetfx sometimes. Sometimes my games work and then out of nowhere refuse to launch but that's not often.
Sweetfx doesn't work right with Fraps and is disabled if fraps is running. If you're using another program such as d3doverrider or something you have to enable a setting that says enable modified d3d runtime or something like that.