This is the era of everyone being offended by everything.
fukk it.
Watch your mouth, spic.

This is the era of everyone being offended by everything.
fukk it.
That was one of the facets of Whitening.
Nope, clearly they booked bucks and wenches for those wild and crazy Yorktown Sex Club orgies. Food and drink along with generous competitive wages for the twelve to fifty-two year olds. Free on-site daycare for the pickaninny.
You cant even resist whitening with resisting Ir marriages because it was a forced policy. So why does resisting ir marriages stop this imagined whitening? Has America been getting whiter over the last 50 years or less so?
Well we will cross that bridge when we get there but we are so far away from that point its futile to worry about it. America still lives behing the old lines of segregation.I already gave the qualifier of 40% or above so I am obviously not talking about now.
@Roddy Right @Poitier
Thanks for this... In the 50 years since the end of IR laws... The black population has DOUBLED lmao
debate is over
It proves that Ir mixing laws were not responsible for the growth of the black community, as stated by this dude. Now after all this mixing, blacks are at their highest percentage of the population since slavery.What does this prove? This is true of every race not Natives.
It proves that Ir mixing laws were not responsible for the growth of the black community, as stated by this dude. Now after all this mixing, blacks are at their highest percentage of the population since slavery.
Then those should be the values you translate to your children and family... This hysteria over interracial marriages or "bedwenches" etc is utter nonsenseI never argued this. Obviously racial attitudes towards IR and migration are important.
I admit I was wrong about the total mumbers in Brazil vis a vis the carribean, butt omce again you are factually incorrect. Simply because these countries started out as majority slave or with large numbers of slaves in relation to the white population, as did america, does not mean that the white population grew simply as a result of whitening. White immigration to these countries, and especially America was massive.
You are relating interracial marrage to a variety of different issues without showing any kind of causation. Just because the black population ROSE before racial mixing laws, does not directly link the population stall to racial mixing laws. That is not how evidence works. You are making the link between racial "purity" and high birth rates and countries like Finland etc prove otherwise. How could you possibly make that link and talk about the era pre contraception and abortion, skip over that, and pick one thing and say that was it? Its like if I blamed the stall on birthrates on the NBA ABA merger.
As far as black canadians... Being one, from Toronto, who had lived there for 20 years, in a mostly black neighborhood, thanks for your educational lecture.
[/quote][/quote]Finally, once again you are making this LA/NY et al is worse for blacks than the deep south, without ANY statistical evidence. The evidence showes that actually blacks are poorest in deep south with the lowest of all other indicators, despite likely being the most ethnically homogenous.
Then those should be the values you translate to your children and family... This hysteria over interracial marriages or "bedwenches" etc is utter nonsense
@Roddy Right @Poitier
Thanks for this... In the 50 years since the end of IR laws... The black population has DOUBLED lmao
debate is over
White immigration and IR is how these countries whitened, but is not the only vehicle. Brazil's population today is MIXED, which de facto means that blacks were a vehicle to whitening via IR. That is, the mixed population's existence implies the black population was REDUCED through IR (otherwise the black population would be higher as the group wouldn't mix). Moreover the black population in Argentina was also REDUCED through IR with no other explanation for their disappearance.
This paragraph doesn't even make sense. When IR demographics and policies are correlated everywhere with low and reduced black people's numbers while anti-IR demographics and policies are correlated with high and increased black people's numbers, common sense must prevail.
In the USA we have an example of what whitening policies and IR! did to the Natives. In Canada we have an example of what whitening policies and IR! did to the Natives. In Australia we have an example of what whitening policies and IR! did to the Natives. How many more examples do you need to show that IR is part of whitening? What, do you want a controlled experiment? You're either idiotic or dishonest.