Mods please close this thread. It literally becomes insufferable seeing the back and forth ridiculous arguments.
Mods please close this thread. It literally becomes insufferable seeing the back and forth ridiculous arguments.
"Definitively debunked" is the dumbest phrase, because I can walk outside right now and take a video that can't be "definitively debunked". All I have to do is make sure the video is blurry and out-of-focus, and boom! "Can't be definitively debunked!"
They even have a word for that in the UFO community, it's called the "Low Information Zone". Anything sufficiently within the Low Information Zone can never be "definitively debunked" because there's nothing meaningful enough there to even do that.
That's where your "jellyfish" UFO will likely sit forever. It's literally just a static object that floats in a straight line from one end to the other, almost certainly at the prevailing wind speed. It can't be "definitively debunked" because we can't go back in time and prove that it is a bundle of balloons and not just a floating alien who looks exactly like a bundle of balloons.
I put out one possibility out of several, and when more footage emerged I retracted that possibility. That's what people who actually analyze a situation objectively do.
You, on the other hand, falsely claimed the object was changing temperatures solely because the camera settings were changing. And even when I used numerous photos with screenshots and timestamps to PROVE that the camera settings were changing and the entire scene was changing colors, not just the object, you refused to acknowledge it no matter how much evidence was provided.
Which suggests you're borderline useless when evaluating these things.
The most basic reading comprehension would have shown to you that I wasn't trying to refer to "every ufo description in history."
I noticed you didn't bother continuing the conversation regarding my response to your "Claiming that they are different from other humans and can't make simple mistakes is treating them like gods. ALL humans are prone to making mistakes." bit
But again; you spoke as if hearsay were the only things brought to the table ; and you ignored that there were classified videos brought to those hearings. So they clearly aren't going off of hearsay.
First of all we were simply debating the images you used to try and prove the temperature wasn't changing,
but how many pages did we spend with you being clearly unable to accept that it was an actual object,
posting links and images in true spectrum fashion, for pages upon pages acting as if you knew it was a spider
You even participate in a forum of known skeptics that have a vested interest in debunking. I don't do that. you do.
Yelling for the thread to be closed just because some awful positions got exposed is next-level denialism.
Back 3 years ago you were 100% confident that this was all real and the government had non-human crafts in their possession. Three years have gone by and we're still hearing the exact same bullshyt we're always heard with zero new information other than the explanations for the "weird" videos become clearer and clearer.
Please continue to follow your fairy tale version of god based on the white man king James Bible.
My opinion has not changed. Fact of the matter is is that I am a scientist. I follow science and I follow data and the data tells me that there’s more to investigate with this topic.
Aliens been warning us about nuclear. Like babies playing with matches.
Congress is telling you we have evidence of non human craft and we are setting up funding and departments to study it. 100% fact.
Well your government believes UFO’s are real
Lue Elizondo coming out guns swinging saying the US is in possession of recovered craft and if they keep fukking around he’ll run for Congress. And that’s the last thing the DOD wants.
This is definitely not the forum for this breh. Way too many close minded idiots.
But for those in the know you have literally had an endless stream of senators, a senate majority leader, directors of national intelligence, pentagon officials, navy officials and pilots confirm this phenomenon. Literally every week on the news there’s a story about it. Department of defense LITERALLY released confirmed footage and acknowledged they have no idea what it is. Craft instantly accelerating, breaking the sound barrier with no sonic boom and making right angle turns in mid air. Technology that would change life on this earth if we could use it now commercially. Like in the past 3 years they have admitted all this shyt in public and people here like![]()
It’s no longer a question of if they received or saw something. Congress is completely divided yet this is the sole issue that has bipartisan support. They are literally mandating the DOD and intelligence community determine the origin of the non human made craft.
Whatever it is it has been a well documented worldwide phenomenon that has a congruency towards nuclear facilities.
This should be one of the top stories on every major network. This is not fiction or conspiracy anymore. This is all 100% verifiable fact.
And to be clear the language they drafted in the national defense authorization act (NDAA) clearly defines uap not as drones, but not human in origin.
Im willing to accept any outcome. As far as it comes with you, you are a blind skeptic and nonbeliever, and use conclusions to fit your opinion, so despite any evidence you will reject it.
So that @Rhakim clown is a Metabunk forum member AND a religion nut![]()
You have made numerous far more unscientific claims about the subject, don't pretend to be some objective "follows the data" guy now.
You've also Gish Galloped incidents like the Navy videos and the Puerto Rico videos that were already clearly explained and don't provide any evidence for NHIs or aliens at all.
Back in 2021-2022 you told us that the answers were coming in short order. Now, three years later, we actually have even LESS evidence for NHIs than we did then. More and more videos get explained by normal, rational processes, while no meaningful new evidence has emerged.
If I'm a "blind sceptic", then why am I the only one in this conversation who is actually expending the energy to break down videos and sightings scientifically?
You can feign objectivity all you want, but neither you nor any of the other UFO believers on this board EVER write your own analysis discrediting a sighting, and you only rarely agree with others when they show them. You default to believing everything you're told to believe. The UFO community didn't used to be like this, UFO investigators who debunked sightings used to be an important part of the community. But the internet age has rotted your brains so now you shyt on everyone who doesn't blindly accept everything like you do.
And lol on your "I'm a scientist, but you're a blind skeptic" bullshyt. I'd bet anything that I've done more intensive academic study of extraterrestrial life than anyone on this board. I'd bet I read more books about UFOs before I turned 18 than most believers have read in their entire lives. And there's a decent chance that I've logged more hours of collaboration with NASA and SETI than all of you combined. I would LOVE for there to be extraterrestrial life visiting Earth, it's been my dream since childhood.
But I was taught to follow logic and data, not my dreams. And at this point y'all are treating it like a cult where only those who don't rock the boat are invited.
Aren't ALL the whistleblowers "White"?
I also stand by every single statement that I’ve made that you quoted.
Not concerned with whatever books you read as a toddler or anything else. Doesn’t discount the fact that there will be public hearings in in another month. Doesn’t discount the fact that there will be more release of records in another month. Doesn’t discount the fact that more high-level witnesses will continue to release information. Doesn’t discount the fact that more documented sightings are now being officially recorded, because there is now a proper mechanism for pilots to report these things. These things are all in motion and will continue to keep going, regardless of whether you wanna argue against that. But please keep typing because you like to make long-winded posts.
For the rational people out there, I will tell you this, take a look at what has been occurring. You have now seen over the last several years directors of national intelligence tell you something is occurring. You’ve had past presidents tell you something is occurring. You have had members of Congress and the Senate tell you something is occurring. You have had people within every military service, from the CIA, to the Air Force to the Navy to the navy you something is occurring. You have had researchers from Stanford and Harvard do research and tell you that something is occurring. You have had officially released videos the government showing you things that are completely unidentified, and they still have not been resolved. You have had witnesses testify under oath that something is happening. Top gun, pilots, and officials that were cleared to provide the president with daily briefing tell you that something is occurring. These are stories that have been reported in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, 60 minutes and every major publication. This is all happened since 2017 and it has not let up in any capacity. This thread is based on a story that just occurred this week that was reported.
Third choice is random internet post @Professor Emeritus has it all figured out. Up to you to decide.
So you are faced with one or two choices: either you have a bunch of high-level officials who have top level classifications and access to our nuclear weapons and secrets that are completely bat shyt crazy, or suffering from from some unknown form of mass hysteria, or something is actually occurring and should be properly investigated.