New whistleblower comes out with UFO program information to Congress. Program name is called "Immaculate Constellation"

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
UFOs might exist.
Lee Harvey Oswald probably did it.

I used to want to know.
Now it ain't that serious as they make it.
More relevant things can be proven.

Save it for Hollywood.

Dwight Howard

May 24, 2012
There are 195 nations on Earth, something like 50,000 military pilots in our military alone split up between five different branches, another 150,000 commercial pilots not to mention private pilots, and then you go down through every single country and every single military branch....not to mention you can go back 100 years and still don't have any proof or evidence of anything.

The idea that there could be any sort of "gatekeeper" for a global phenomenon that they don't even control that lasts through all of history is ridiculous. Let's say a UAP crashes in Zimbabwae, who is the "gatekeeper" who stops that from coming to light?

And yet there is no evidence that a single anomalous object has been recorded on any two systems at the same time, ever. Something funning on video can be simple parallax effect. Something funny on radar can be due to targeted jamming or a glitch. So far as we know, no one has EVER seen something definitively non-human based on video and radar at the same time. Absolutely bizarre, considering our capabilities.....unless there was nothng to see.

Most of those are almost certainly mistaken identity. Lay people treat pilots like gods when in reality a substantial minority are fukk-ups, and even the reliable ones can make a mistake X% of the time. We're at the point where literally thousands of pilots have mistaken Starlink launches for UFOs, even 5+ years after Starlink started and after so many other mistaken identities that it became a meme.

Do you find it odd that the sightings always seem to match the technology of the era? Before we had planes, no one reported flying saucers or tic tac UFOs in the sky to any serious degree. What few sightings there were usually looked like meteor showers or were described as slow airships....the exact thing that existed with man at the time. Even after planes started, UFO sightings were rare. But once we got jet capabilities, suddenly people started seeing UFOs that just happened to be the same color and size and skinnier sleetness of jets. Experimental jets started flying, and then the UFOs stared doing things like experimental jets. Now we have drones, and - big surprise! - we're seeing little drone UFOs everywhere.

Only constant is that everyone, in every period, has kept mistaking balloons for aliens.
Based off what exactly? I think pilots are much much more trained than any detractor when it comes to identifying anamolous shyt in the sky. There are funded programs trying to figure this out. They all arent mistaken identity. Like come on now.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
The first whistleblower that came out with enough information to cause hearings on Capitol Hill confirmed that the government is running a retrieval project for UFOs. So if life on another planet, galaxy, or universe doesn’t exist then this is the only explanation.

But you’re right… no other country on earth has the capability to create this type of technology. And if they don’t, why would we be running a secret retrieval program?

What if it's not a retrieval program? Hiding secret weapons/tech programs behind alien rumors could be a way to prevent an arms race. Especially if the tech is well beyond what China or Russia can imagine.

My problem with retrieval is that it requires too much secrecy to the point of disbelief. Bob Lazar, who is the big alien guy people cite all the time, claims that the vehicles he allegedly worked on were first discovered in some type of massive, ancient expedition site. There are people who claim a massive aircraft crashed somewhere in Brazil and the US government took over the entire site. How does this happen without anyone seeing anything, recording anything, etc. I'm all for thinking the American military ops are very efficient when it needs to be...but they would need to be omnipresent to fly around the globe hiding/securing this shyt without some random guy filming something. Worse yet if something crashed in a western country near a population area. You can't just use a Men In Black memory eraser to stop that.


May 24, 2022
And those were shown to not be jack shyt. :dead:

"GoFast" was only moving 30mph (by the Pentagon's estimation and from independent analysis), but it looked faster due to parallax effect. This is provable by the data on the screen, yet you had veteran pilots and UFO observers going gaga over something that was just floating at the prevailing wind speed.

"Gimbal" was literally just the lens flare rotating with the gimbal mechanism....something the military likely realized when they named the video "gimbal" in the first place, but yet again UFO enthusiasts and overexcited pilots went crazy over nothing.

The "tic tac" video (FLIR) is just the pilot switching between his two different cameras, one of which was 2x and tracking and the other which was 1x and lost track.

Again, this isn't just my opinion - these evaluations have been PROVEN by the data embedded in the videos themselves and confirmed by Pentagon sources.

Now there's been a rash of videos of small objects moving straight across military bases at prevailing wind speed....just like a balloon would.

So tell me, are they leaking all the shyttiest, most obviously meaningless videos while the good stuff stays hidden away? Or is it become more and more obvious that all of the "evidence" is just easily explainable stuff like this?

What kind of wierd Argument From Authority is this? We have numerous PROVEN examples of pilots mistaking mundane things for UFOs. Balloons are mistaken for something more interesting all the time, and Starlink launches are mistaken for something more interesting all the time. You had that incident in Chile a few years back where those pilots thought they saw a UFO and the entire Chilean Air Force couldn't explain it after years of examination....they put it on the internet as a UFO and metabunk solved it as another commercial airplane (even down to the exact flight) within two days.

Pilots make these dumb mistakes all the time. It's human nature. Sure, they're right 99.9% of the time, but when people like you keep making a big deal of the 0.1% of misses, you get exposed over and over.

Two of my closest friends I grew up with are pilots, dumbass. One did AFA and then 7 years in the Air Force as a Flight Engineer on F-22s followed by a stint with Boeing, the other did 20 years in the Army as a helicopter pilot and now flies as a private contractor. They're just regular-ass people like anyone else.

Lol so apparently be being involved within the aviation industry and TALKING with pilots who are able to verify an object that is 20k feet away and up to 5-10 miles away with relative accuracy is apparently "Argument from Authority"? Or... put your big brain on and think maybe this is an example of pilots talking to someone who is tracking an object ON RADAR and are able to report on a objects location and altitude with relative accuracy lol.

I deal with idiotic pilots on a daily basis who ask how turbulence reports are after I literally just gave it to them.. does that somehow now mean that all pilots are terrible with turbulence reports? No lol. I'd say a good 80-90% of major carrier pilots are very accurate in their assessment of distance and altitude.

Cool. I can guarantee you don't know the first thing about tracking something on radar or even what 1000 feet of separation looks like compared to 10k of feet.

I know your a Mick West superfan, but let me go ahead and put a highlight on your hero here that he's a video game designer.. that's his day job. He has limited knowledge on basically 80% of the stuff he talks about.

Gimbal IS A UFO

Go Fast IS A UFO


Do we need to go over what a UFO is? I can spell it out for you if you need me to


May 24, 2022
Based off what exactly? I think pilots are much much more trained than any detractor when it comes to identifying anamolous shyt in the sky. There are funded programs trying to figure this out. They all arent mistaken identity. Like come on now.
No you don't understand... There's a video game designer who has it all figured out!! He's able to discern these over actual pilots. We don't need him to have any other background besides VIDEO GAME DESIGNER right @Professor Emeritus
May 3, 2012
St louis
I'm gonna say this and gives no
fukks who believe me.

Back in the day the hood.
the people in the condos
i lived in used to sit out
at night,play music and
drink.......tight nitch.

one night around 1am
a giant triangle that was
big that you couldnt get it all
in view and the thing was so
dark that it looked like the sky
was cut out where he was.
Everybody was staring at it
as it drug itself across the sky.

I woke up the next morning
to find my neighbor posted up
and went ( so lastnight )
dude looked me in the face
and said (everybody saw it man)
and then said......
( i thought i was dreaming to my nikka )

Dead ass happened......
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May 18, 2012
The real issue is that there gatekeepers on this type of information that would shed light on this issue

We have some of the best camera and radar data/capabilities on the planet within our military and they refuse to answer questions posed by citizens, and other service members

Having intrusions within military airspace IS NOT NORMAL. I work ATC and have large blocks of airspace that is reserved for military excercises like MOA’s and ATCA’s and it’s not a normal thing to have random incursions within that space while fighters are excercising…. But routinely there are stories and actual confirmed government examples of that very thing happening with no explanation.

Yeah this is exactly why I believe something is going on. Either,

1. Aliens/Extraterrestrial/Non Human vehicles/drones, etc. :damn:

2. Highly advanced man made tech/vehicles engineered under secret highly classified Black budget programs/projects :jbhmm:

3. Them chinese nikkas :dead:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Lol so apparently be being involved within the aviation industry and TALKING with pilots who are able to verify an object that is 20k feet away and up to 5-10 miles away with relative accuracy is apparently "Argument from Authority"? Or... put your big brain on and think maybe this is an example of pilots talking to someone who is tracking an object ON RADAR and are able to report on a objects location and altitude with relative accuracy lol.

No, claiming that "because one pilot did one thing, these other pilots who were doing something completely different must have been correct" was the argument from authority. Your statement had NOTHING to do with the validity of the UFO sightings being discussed.

I deal with idiotic pilots on a daily basis who ask how turbulence reports are after I literally just gave it to them.. does that somehow now mean that all pilots are terrible with turbulence reports? No lol. I'd say a good 80-90% of major carrier pilots are very accurate in their assessment of distance and altitude.

But the question isn't what the "majority" of pilots do. The question is about that tiny fraction of the time that a pilot makes up something goofy.

Cool. I can guarantee you don't know the first thing about tracking something on radar or even what 1000 feet of separation looks like compared to 10k of feet.

Yet again you're trying to make an argument from authority rather than talking about a single specific case.

And in clear skies, especially at night, it's literally impossible to know whether there is 1000 feet of separation or 10,000 feet unless you know the size of the object or have specific reference points that the object is passing. It's a fundamental limitation of the human visual system. Unless you're still talking radar....which has no relevance to 90% of the claimed sightings.

I know your a Mick West superfan, but let me go ahead and put a highlight on your hero here that he's a video game designer.. that's his day job. He has limited knowledge on basically 80% of the stuff he talks about.

Notice you're making an argument from authority AGAIN. You can't argue the actual facts, so you just try to make one argument from authority after another.

No matter how much you rip on Mick, he and his team (he doesn't do anything alone, there are pilots and engineers and multiple PhD's working with him on every investigation) correctly ID's the Chilean Air Force UFO when the resources of the Air Force failed to do it. He correctly showed the mundane nation of the Navy videos when the UFO world and many pilots were going gaga over him. He got it right, and people like you keep getting it wrong.

Gimbal IS A UFO

Go Fast IS A UFO


Do we need to go over what a UFO is? I can spell it out for you if you need me to

They are technically UFOs because the videos are so limited and blurry that it is impossible to identify the objects in them. But they are completely mundane videos where absolutely nothing unusual is happening, so WTF makes them worth discussing? I can go out today and take an out-of-focus video of a plane that therefore will become a UFO. What is the point?


Aug 19, 2012
People who don't believe that there's intelligent life elsewhere are weirdos who live in a closed bubble and think the universe revolves around what they see everyday

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
People who don't believe that there's intelligent life elsewhere are weirdos who live in a closed bubble and think the universe revolves around what they see everyday

I 100% believe there's intelligent life elsewhere.

Once you realize how FAR away from us that intelligent life is, you start to see the reasons to doubt that it's ever visited us. There almost certainly is no intelligent life within 100 light years of us, and there could easily be no intelligent life within 1000 years of us. Meaning not only that it would take forever and ever for them to reach us (more likely their civilization would collapse before that happened), but also that they would like have far far more planets and other bodies much closer to themselves to explore in their own part of the galaxy. Why would they even aim for here?

All evidence suggests that there are zero NHI-originated electromagnetic wave sources coming from any part of the galaxy that we can see. So it's not likely at all that any intelligent life is very close.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Based off what exactly? I think pilots are much much more trained than any detractor when it comes to identifying anamolous shyt in the sky. There are funded programs trying to figure this out. They all arent mistaken identity. Like come on now.

A UFO reported by the Chilean military, thought to be some crazy UFO not only by the pilots involved but by the combined investigative forces of the Chilean Navy and Air Force, was definitively confirmed as Flight IB6830 in just 2 days of investigation by Metabunk. The Chilean Navy reviewed their evidence and agreed they were right.

The Navy videos, misidentified as super-fast or strangely moving objects by numerous pilots, were determined by Metabunk to be just normal objects moving in normal ways at normal speeds. Pentagon sources have confirmed they are correct.

One of the videos, referred to as GoFast, appears to show an object moving at immense speed. But an analysis by the military says that is an illusion created by the angle of observation against water. According to Pentagon calculations, the object is moving only about 30 miles per hour.

Another video, known as Gimbal, shows an object that appears to be turning or spinning. Military officials now believe that is the optics of the classified image sensor, designed to help target weapons, make the object appear like it is moving in a strange way.

Literally 100s of pilots have reported what they thought were NHI-flown crafts that just turned out to be Starlink launches. This happens over and over again even after being told it's just Starlink.

Certain disingenuous posters say, "But Mick West is just a programmer, he doesn't know anything!" They ignore the three obvious reality points.

1) Mick West has developed the best computer programs for analyzing UFO sightings that anyone has made, to the point that even the UFO community uses his programs despite the fact that a lot of them talk trash about him. One skill that programmers who make reality-based video games are very good at is learning to translate back-and-forth between three-dimensional physics and a two-dimensional image. The primary technical expertise that Mick West contributes is writing programs that align the two-dimensional images in videos with the three-dimensional mapping of known sun and moon position, stars, satillites, flight paths, and geography of the area at the time.

2) The Metabunk community is an ENTIRE COMMUNITY, it's not just Mick West. If you read the threads, there's PhD-level scientists and engineers involved, there's people who contract in the defense industry involved, there's experts from every walk of life. It's not Mick West coming up with theories by himself, it's an entire community of experts who work together to solve sightings. All Mick West does is write the analyzing programs, provide a place to organize, and does the public outreach.

3) The Metabunk community has publicly, verifiably, solved numerous sightings. Something all these pilots, with all their expertise, have proven unable to do most of the time. You can't argue with the results.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
No you don't understand... There's a video game designer who has it all figured out!! He's able to discern these over actual pilots. We don't need him to have any other background besides VIDEO GAME DESIGNER right @Professor Emeritus

Notice that you ignore the evidence over and over to make an Argument from Authority. "I don't need no evidence cause a PILOT told me, and PILOTS are always right!!!"

At this point you're basically throwing a tantrum.

Why not deal with the actual evidence I posted? I already linked numerous cases where pilots thought they saw something physically impossible, and the Metabunk community analyzed the video and proved it was just a mundane event, often even able to track down the EXACT plane or satellite flight number shown in the video. If pilots are always more reliable than Metabunk, how do you explain all those incidents?


May 24, 2022
Notice that you ignore the evidence over and over to make an Argument from Authority. "I don't need no evidence cause a PILOT told me, and PILOTS are always right!!!"

At this point you're basically throwing a tantrum.

Why not deal with the actual evidence I posted? I already linked numerous cases where pilots thought they saw something physically impossible, and the Metabunk community analyzed the video and proved it was just a mundane event, often even able to track down the EXACT plane or satellite flight number shown in the video. If pilots are always more reliable than Metabunk, how do you explain all those incidents?
Never once did I state that, if you’re gonna make an argument make it correctly.. I’m not gonna argue back and forth with you for the 5th time in a thread on this. You’ve made it clear you don’t believe anything else is going on yet post on these threads EVERY DAMN TIME endlessly.

You’ve made your position known at this point.