Mister Terrific
It’s in the name
Lesson to be learned from all this.
"don't treat a polician like they oppose you simply because they are trying but not yet delivering"
Biden was attempting to negiatate cease fires and aid to palestine the whole time. And every trying to prevent israel from using the weapons against Gaza. While maintaining our alliance with Israel. Protestors called him a murderer as a result and got Trump elected.
Now Trump is trying to cease all aid to palestine, allow Israel to use the weapons however they want, and wants to relocated all the palestinians.
Do treat people like opposition simply because they are unable to solve your problem overnight. Support them if they are trying to work torwards the goal you want, not only if they are successful. Because clearly things can always be worse,
This is supposing these people want what’s best for Palestinians or America.
Tankie - Wikipedia
They hate the west and hate America. The Palestinian cause is just what they latch onto to further their accelerationism
Accelerationism - Wikipedia
They want the destruction of the west. As to why they use terms like “settler colony” and “systems” and “empire”
They believe the US and by extension the West is fundamentally illegitimate and should be destroyed. At the beginning of the Ukraine conflict they supported Russia. At the beginning of the Syrian conflict they supported Assad. They support China and basically any state opposed to America no matter how vile
African immigrants like Seoul Gleou annd Nkrumah was right are the sons of failed sons who fled to America. They rationalize this trauma, guilt and feelings of statelessness by playing twitter revolutionary. Is why the Trump administration made it a point of targeting foreign students at these protests as many of them are not US citizens.
They have no skin in America as to why they are comfortable with the sufferings of Black Americans as being apart of the empire they too are the enemy.