How is the race of the head of NASA relevant to anything at all that I've said in this thread?
You think just because black people have been indoctrinated that no indoctrination exists?
Again, the fact that you subscribe so heliocentrism also means that you subscribe to the "scientifically proven fact" that the african is genetically inferior to the european
Are you a genetically inferior subhuman?
This shyt doesn't even make sense. Are you telling me humans should be thinking the same as they did in ancient times and learning new theories and advancing in technology and knowledge means proving the men of the past were inferior?
You do realise we evolve as a species, we are not a stagnant being, every year we learn knew knowledge, and no, not just one race, the ENTIRE SPECIES. A mere 20 years ago I would have had to written this on a piece of paper and stamps to communicate with you.