That's why you stayed silent and in the shadows til you thought I left the thread huh smh
Like I said I went to gatech for computer engineering and physics. I still live on campus
There's nothing you can teach me. But you have a whole lot to learn as a "scientifically inclined person", not a "scientifically trained person"
You should watch any of the videos I posted on the other page. It'll be for your benefit
It's funny how you're posting your support for a dude who contradicted himself all throughout this thread, just because you're too scared to face your indoctrination and break through it
I already answered the bold multiple times in this thread and the others
Maybe you blindly believe space agencies that have been exposed for multiple lies over multiple decades, but some of us know better
A space agency released this as some sort of official video of earth from the moon and you believe this trash
But I'm the dumb one smh
But I'll be here ready to teach you when you're ready
You can also respond to refute anything I've posted in here
Don't worry I'll wait