Depends on who you ask, go check any "kendrick albums ranked from worst to best", you won't see a similar list, because he suffers from the same Kanye syndom, every album as an argument for #1 (although let's be honest, that title is forever gonna belong to To Pimp A Butterfly, mainly because of the flawless musical composition).Album-wise, Cole is still behind Kendrick. He has great projects (FHD, Off-Season), but he's just closing the gap now. The Fall Off will go a long way in closing that gap even more.
It's still weird to me that people genuinely think Kendrick has lost it, or he's not rapping at a high level anymore. The difference between him and Cole is raw talent. Kendrick had it from the beginning, it was innate. That's why his earlier albums had the wow factor. He never went through an awkward stage during his discography, trying to figure out where he should go musically. By the time Section 80 came out, he was already a demon and he just had to refine his skills.
Cole went through growing pains trying to get to the same level as Kendrick (skills) and Drake (popularity). Friday Night Lights (which, to me, is his best project overall) wasn't his debut like it should have been, and his actual debut didn't have the same quality as his mixtapes. He didn't become comfortable in his own skin until FHD, and then he had to work to get to where he is now. That's why he sounds so impressive in 2025, because he's finally reaching his peak as a lyricist and songwriter.
Kendrick already reached his peak years ago, so anything he puts out now, no matter how good it is, comes off like stuff we've all heard before. Someone who grew up with his music isn't going to feel "Man at the Garden" or "Reincarnated" like they felt "Sing About Me" or "The Blacker the Berry." Great songs, but the earlier work makes your toes curl.
All his albums reached a very different fanbase. I'm now seeing plenty of people having Mr Morale at #1.
There's also a lot of discussions about gkmc being his worst, so no, he didn't peak years ago, he just started with a traditional rap album that resonated with you, but the music community is very much divided and each album gets as much love